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To be able to differentiate between one CRM system and another, it is necessary to first properly define the customer relation management systems and examine how a company makes use of them.

CRM system

Sales Marketing Customer service

provides the enterprise with a single view of the customer provides the customer with a whole view of the company regardless of the touch point that he uses Points out :the most loyal customers, the most profitable customers, what the customers like to buy

Front office operations Direct interaction with customers, e.g.

face to face meetings, phone calls, e-mail, online services etc.

Back office operations Operations that ultimately affect the

activities of the front office (e.g., billing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, manufacturing, etc.)
Business relationships Interaction with other companies and

partners, such as suppliers/vendors and retail outlets/distributors, industry networks (lobbying groups, trade associations). This external network supports front and back office activities
Analysis Key CRM data can be analyzed in order to plan

target-marketing campaigns, conceive business strategies, and judge the success of CRM activities (e.g., market share, number and types of customers, revenue, profitability).

Watch the demos

siebel salesforce

First impression

Siebel is more sophisticated but complicated to use is nicer, graphics are better ,easier to train employees but not as comprehensive

The big change! (maybe?)

From on premises To on-demand (hosted) = the cloud!

Offers a unique hybrid model to SMB clients. This model is a mix of hosted and on-site delivery models as well as purely hosted and on-site delivery mechanism. This gives Oracle customers a wider and better range to choose from.

Smb:small business

Oracle added Telephony@Work to its CRM offering. When Oracle scanned the CRM On-Demand space, it discovered that none of the venders had a complete offering that would satisfy specific needs of a call center. What was really happening was that the companies had to separately purchase the hardware and software to run a world-class contact center. This not only resulted in a high set-up and running cost but also brought along with it increased complexity of integrating disparate contact center and CRM data.

With the new acquisition under its belt, Oracle became the first CRM applications provider, whether hosted as a service or licensed on-premise, to unify contact center technology and CRM software.


More comprehensive Greater functionality Integrity Reliability

new chatter : social-networking channel : facebook for the enterprise


appexchange : exchange info between all enterprise systems and puts it on one data-base Priced on a per-month basis as opposed to an upfront payment Economically sound

sales force automation : Abbreviated SFA, a technique of using software to automate the business tasks of sales, including order processing, contact management, information sharing, inventory monitoring and control, order tracking, customer management, sales forecast analysis and employee performance evaluation.


Integrating Components , Flexible Usage , Data Collaboration : Sales force allows a company to handle all their business applications with a single data model, one sharing model, and one user interface. It offers a shared enterprise application that provides for collaboration, reporting, data sharing etc. CRM sales force solution provides for excellent CRM support that provides a comprehensive view of the business.

To get a professional comparison go to this site : http://www.technologyevaluation .com/ and pay the price

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