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1-Energy Efficiency:

-Upgrade lighting systems to LEDs. LEDs are

significantly more energy-efficient than traditional
incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, lasting much
longer and emitting less heat. -LED lighting in a building

-Install smart thermostats. Smart thermostats allow for

automatic temperature regulation based on occupancy and
-smart thermostat
preferences, reducing energy waste.

-Improve building envelope insulation. Proper insulation in

walls, ceilings, and attics prevents unwanted heat gain or
loss, reducing reliance on HVAC systems.

-building envelope insulation

-Explore renewable energy options like solar
panels. Solar panels generate clean electricity from
sunlight, offsetting reliance on the grid and
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

-solar panels on a building

2-Water Conservation:
-Install low-flow faucets and toilets. Low-flow fixtures use
significantly less water per use without compromising

-Repair leaks promptly. Even small leaks can waste a considerable amount -low flow faucet
of water over time. Prompt repair is essential for water conservation.

-Consider rainwater harvesting for irrigation. Rainwater harvesting

systems collect rainwater for later use in landscaping or other non-potable
applications, reducing reliance on municipal water supplies.

-rainwater harvesting system

3-Material Selection:
-Use recycled or sustainably sourced materials for construction
and maintenance. Recycled materials reduce demand for virgin
resources, while sustainably sourced materials come from
forests or other sources that are managed responsibly.

-Prioritize products with low environmental impact. Look for -recycled materials used in construction
products with certifications like Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC) for wood or recycled content for other materials.

-FSC certified
4-Indoor Environmental Quality:
-Improve ventilation systems. Proper ventilation ensures a
healthy supply of fresh air and reduces indoor air pollutants.

-Implement green cleaning practices. Green cleaning products

are less toxic and more environmentally friendly compared to
-ventilation system in a building
conventional cleaning solutions.

-Control indoor air pollutants. Address sources of indoor air

pollution like mold, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) off-
gasing from furnishings, and secondhand smoke to create a
healthier indoor environment.

5-Waste Reduction:
-Implement a recycling program for common waste streams.
Recycling reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and
conserves resources.
-Divert construction waste from landfills. Construction waste
can often be recycled or reused for other projects.
-Encourage composting. Composting food scraps and yard
waste reduces methane emissions from landfills and creates
nutrient-rich soil amendment.
-Encourage alternative commuting options like bike storage.
Providing secure bike storage facilities encourages employees
to cycle to work, reducing traffic congestion and emissions.

-Carpooling programs. Implement carpooling programs or

incentives to encourage employees to share rides.
Public transport accessibility. Improve accessibility to public
transportation options by providing shuttle services or
strategically locating building entrances near bus stops or train

-The difference in space utilization between wheels and cars

7-Analyse Your Retrofit or Upgrade To Your Building Using Ai:
-In December 2016, GBCI launched Arc Skoru, a digital platform that
allows any project, including individual buildings — commercial or
residential — and whole communities, to benchmark its performance
against its peers, including vetted green buildings. The tool is
available at

-Arc measures LEED impact

LEED projects deliver real world performance. The Arc Impact
dashboard provides daily updates based on thousands of
projects around the world.

Preparing spaces for safe re-entry with Arc Re-Entry

An expanded set of tools and analytics to help facility managers
communicate infection control plans and policies,
constructively engage occupants, and measure relevant aspects
of indoor air quality.
Any project, anywhere can measure and score real world
Anyone can create a project, add data, generate scores, and
communicate performance for spaces, buildings, or places.

Improve your project’s performance with custom modeling

Score modeling tools enable users to explore relationships
between performance metrics and the Arc Performance Score.
This provides insights to improve performance and increase

Share scores and key performance indicators

Arc reports reveal details about project performance. The
detailed reports summarize data coverage, Arc Performance
Scores, key performance indicators, and LEED readiness.

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