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What is Development?
According to English-Filipino Dictionary

 Development is the process of developing or being

developed; growth; progress.
Short background
 Gro Harlem Brundtland- is a norwegian
politician, who served three terms as Prime
Minister of Norway and as Director-General of the
World Health Organization from 1998 to 2003.
 She is also known for having chaired the
Brundtland Commission which presented the
Brundtland Report on sustainable development.
 The term sustainable development began to gain
wide acceptance in the late 1980’s, after its
appearance in “Our Common Future”, also known
as the Brundtland Report.
What is sustainable development?

According to Brundtland
 "Sustainable development is development that
meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs."
Education for Sustainable Development

 With a world population of 7 billion people and

limited natural resources, we, as individuals and
societies need to learn to live together sustainably.
We need to take action responsibly based on the
understanding that what we do today can have
implications on the lives of people and the planet
in future. Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) empowers people to change the way they
think and work towards a sustainable future
What are the goals of SD?
 TheSustainable Development goals (SDG’s)
otherwise known as the Global Goals” are a
universal cell to action to end poverty, protect the
planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and
Philippine steps towards Sustainable
 The Philippines is taking further steps to identify
the country’s roadmap towards sustainable
development in the next 15 years.
SDG’s 17 goals
 TheSDG’s 17 goals has 169 Targets and 230
Indicators and this goal has a particular year to fully
manage and that’s why it was called the 2030 agenda.
 UNESCO aims to improve access to quality education
on sustainable development at all levels and in all social
contexts, to transform society by reorienting education
and help people develop knowledge, skills, values and
behaviors needed for sustainable development. It is
about including sustainable development issues, such as
climate change and biodiversity into teaching and
learning. Individuals are encouraged to be responsible
actors who resolve challenges, respect cultural diversity
and contribute to creating a more sustainable world.
The concept of sustainable development can be interpreted in
many different ways, but at its core is an approach to development
that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs against
an awareness of the environmental, social and economic
limitations we face as a society.
 All too often, development is driven by one particular need,
without fully considering the wider or future impacts. We are
already seeing the damage this kind of approach can cause,
from large-scale financial crises caused by irresponsible
banking, to changes in global climate resulting from our
dependence on fossil fuel-based energy sources. The longer
we pursue unsustainable development, the more frequent and
severe its consequences are likely to become, which is why
we need to take action now.
The 3 Pillars of Sustainable

Environmental Economic
Conserve Resources -
-Protect Nature Feasible -
-Preserve Long Term Management
Wildlife -Balance
Global Economy

-Promote Community
-Eradicate Poverty
-Ensure Equality
The 3 pillars are interconnected
 The economic , social and environmental aspects
of any action are interconnected. Considering only
one of these at a time leads errors in judgment and
“unsustainable” outcomes.
 Sustainable development has a goal that is really good to
imagined, as we think of ending poverty, protecting our natural
resources and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity
is really what people want nowadays.
 This goal maybe not that really easy to achieve perfectly , but as
we go on and make a step through achieving this goal, as we
people have the courage to help in achieving the goal and our
government as well ,who has the heart to make all their promises
into reality not by words but with action ,I believe that if we live
fair and not corrupt we could truly disseminate the success to
everyone and for me that is the means of “Sustainable
 It is impossible to know precisely what the
consequences of unchecked or badly managed
development will be, but we have enough
information to understand that they are potentially
negative , costly and irreversible . Sustainable
development gives us a new way of thinking
through and managing human impact on the world
– one that can generate long-lasting positive
results for the greater benefit of human societies.

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