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Matakabhatta Jataka ~ 一个反思的故

A long time ago, a brahmin who was well versed in the three Vedas
decided to offer a live goat as a food offering
for those who had passed away.
The belief at the time was that a live animal sacrifice
would nourish the deceased.
The Brahmin ordered his two sons
to wash the sacrificial goat down at the river.


At the river, the two sons started to wash the goat, and
suddenly the goat burst into laughter.
Then, just as suddenly, the goat burst into tears.
Confused, the two sons asked the goat
about his outbursts. The goat said, “Ask me again
in front of the brahmin and I will tell you.”
到了河边,两个儿子开始给山羊洗澡,突然山羊哈哈大笑起来。 然
发脾气的原因。 山羊说:“你再当着婆罗门的面问我,我就告诉

Back at the sacrifice altar, the two sons told the brahmin
what happened. The brahmin then asked, “Goat, why did
you laugh? And then why did you cry?”
The goat replied, “A long time ago, I was also
a brahmin who believed in offering live sacrifices
in order to honor the dead.”
回到祭坛后,两个儿子将事情的经过告诉了婆罗门。 婆罗
门又问:“山羊,你为什么笑? 然后你为什么哭?”山羊

“Because of these sacrifices,” the goat explained,
“I had to be born 500 times as a sacrificial goat
to repay my karmic debt.”
“So far, I have been killed 499 times. This is my 500th life.
After this death, I will be done paying my karmic debt!
When I realized this, I couldn’t contain my joy.
“ 因为这些牺牲,”山羊解释道,“我必须作为牺牲山羊出生
500 次,才能偿还我的业债。”“到目前为止,我已经被杀了
499 次。 这是我的第 500 次生命。 这次死后,我的业债就还完
了! 当我意识到这一点时,我无法抑制内心的喜悦。

But then I realized something else.
You are about to walk the same path as me.
I thought of the pain you would have to endure, and I cried.”
The brahmin was shaken to his core.
“Sir goat,” he said, “you will not be sacrificed this life!
I will protect you!”

但后来我意识到了另一件事。 你即将和我走同样的路。我想到
生,”他说,“你这辈子不会成为牺牲品! 我会保护你!”

The goat said, “I appreciate your effort. However, the power of
my evil actions from the past is too strong. This is my 500th
goat life; nothing can prevent my death today.”
The brahmin ordered his sons to build a fence
around a grazing field to protect the goat.
Later that day, a lightning bolt struck a huge rock
on a nearby cliff, and it rolled down incredibly fast.
山羊说:“我很欣赏你的努力。 然而,我过去的恶业力量太强大了。 这是
我的第 500 次山羊生活; 没有什么能阻止我今天的死亡。”婆罗门命令

At the bottom of the hill, the goat craned his head
to reach the grass below. All of a sudden,
the rock came down on him just like an axe.
For the final time, the goat lost his head.
An ancient spirit who lived in a great old tree nearby
witnessed the whole thing.

到了山脚下,山羊把头伸到了下面的草地上。 突然,那块

Seeing the shock of the brahmin and his sons,
the spirit thought, “These people have just seen
the result of evil deeds, and they’re shaken.
This is the perfect time to show them the right way.”
The ancient spirit then told them, “If men knew the results of
their actions, they would not harm any beings. He who
harms others is destined for pain and suffering.”

了。 现在是向他们展示正确方法的最佳时机。”远古神灵接着告诉
生。 伤害他人的人注定会受到痛苦和痛苦。”

Sorrow springs from evil 反思法句经偈

恶行会导致痛苦 第 17 节
悲伤源于恶行 第 15 节

Evil deeds lead to

torment Verse 17
deeds Verse 15

Here someone suffers and in the Someone is burning here and in the
hereafter, someone suffers; in both ways hereafter, someone is burning; in both ways
the one who does evil suffers. One suffers the one who does evil burns. Repentant, one
and is tormented when he sees burns: "I have committed evil," and even
his own impure acts of will. Verse 15 more so one burns after going
to a miserable sphere. Verse 17
今世有人受苦,来世也有人受苦;在这两种情 这里有人在燃烧,来世有人在燃烧;作恶的人
况下,作恶的人都会受苦。 会以两种方式被烧死。悔悟后,人会被灼伤:
当一个人看到自己不纯洁的意志行为时, “我犯了罪”,更何况,当一个人进入悲惨的
他就会感到痛苦和折磨。第 15 节 境界后,会被灼伤。
第 17 节
leads to suffering Verse 117
Accumulation of evil deeds

No refuge from escaping


evil deeds Verse 127

第 127 节
第 117 节

If a man commits a sin, let him Do not do evil, whether openly or in secret.
not do it again; let him not delight Doing evil, one comes to suffering. One
in sin: pain is the outcome of evil. avoids evil and does what is good; one
purifies one's mind – this is the teaching of
Verse 117
the Buddhas. Verse 127
不要再这样做了,因为邪恶会带 不在虚空,不在海中,不在山洞。地球上没有
来痛苦。 第 127 节
第 117 节 11

With Metta,
Bro. Oh Teik Bin

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