Orienteering Review

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Orienteering Review

Reason why we are doing this! (Subject Rubric)

In addition, on the basis of their own experiences and frames of reference, and different issues
concerning life and the surrounding world, pupils can…
- In addition, pupils can with good safety orient themselves in unfamiliar settings and use maps
and other aids.

Pupils plan…
- Pupils plan and carry out outdoor activities with good adaptation to different conditions, settings
and rules.
So what we are going to do today
We are going to review the symbols of the map, and discuss what the surrounding
will look like if you were “standing on the control” while looking at a map.

We will also discuss a bit about the compass and how its used and what they are

Lastly we will go over various different rules of Allemansrätten. And we will watch a
quick video (if we have time)
Theory Exam
It will be taken during regular P.E class. It will be in two parts, Orienteering Quiz,
and Allemansrätten Quiz. Please come a bit early, so that we can start on time. I
will give you a code to access a google classroom where you can go to the
classwork and you can access your two quizzes. You will have the entire lesson to
finish these two quizzes so please don’t stress out!!.

Any Questions? Remember to Quietly Raise your Hands.

More Detailed Legends
Do you think you can visualize what the
surrounding areas look like using detailed
Orienteering map because of these
Orienteering Map Quiz!

1. What are the blue arrows represent?

2. What do the 0-500 metres represent
on the bottom of the map?
3. What symbols are on the control 10?
4. What symbols are on the control 20?
5. What symbols are on the control 7?
6. What symbols are on the control 13?
7. What symbols are on the control 4?

Remember to Quietly Raise your hands.

Orienteers’ 2nd Best Friend, (Map is number 1)
There are two types of Orienteering Compasses
(Base Plate: On the right) (Thumb: On the left)

4 Cardinal Directions are: North, South East, West

The point in red needle inside of the compass will always point to (True North)
Swedish Right of Public Access
What is Swedish Right of Public Access?
Swedish Right of Public Access (Allemansrätten) is when you are in Sweden
you have the right to walk, cycle, ride, ski and camp on any land with the
exception of private gardens, near a dwelling house or land under cultivation. We
call it the Freedom to Roam.

The Right of Public Access is a unique right to roam freely in the countryside. But
with this right come responsibilities – to take care of nature and wildlife and to
show consideration for landowners and for other people enjoying the countryside.
‘Don’t disturb – Don’t destroy. ’ (Inte störa – inte förstöra)
What is Freedom to Roam?

The freedom to roam is the principle, protected by the law, that gives all
people the right to roam free in nature. Sleep on mountaintops, by the
lakes, in quiet forests or beautiful meadows. Take a kayak out for a spin
or experience the wildlife firsthand. Pick berries and mushrooms and
flowers from the ground – all completely free of charge. The only thing
you have to pay, is respect for nature and the animals living there
Rights and responsibilities that you have according to Allemansrätten

● You are allowed to access any land, except private residences, the immediate vicinity
(70 meters) of a dwelling house and cultivated land.
● You can put up a tent, and anything more than 3 tents you need permission from the
land owner.
● You are allowed to collect flowers, mushrooms and berries.
● Driving/ parking on nature is not allowed.
● Swimming in lakes is allowed.
● You can access any beach as long as you stay away from private residences.
● You are allowed to catch fish in the five big lakes and along the entire coastline.
● Between 1 March and 20 August dogs are not permitted to run free in the countryside.
A quick video to watch!

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