Evaluation and Improvement

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Ayman Alsaaidah
Atef Alassaf
Majd Moayad

This study’s main objective is to evaluate and enhance the LOS at Al Huria four-legged
signalized intersection. In this study, the intersection is analyzed as an isolated intersection,
using Synchro 8 and HCM 2010 standards.

The geometric, traffic and signalized data were compiled, by the Greater Municipality of
Amman, on July 22, 2018 during the morning and afternoon periods. Results of evaluation
indicated that the vehicles using the intersection, in its’ current situation, are suffering a
control delay of 155.5 sec/veh, resulting in a level of service at its lowest, LOS-F.

Traffic engineering is the part of civil engineering that deals with planning, design of
roads, frontage development and parking facilities with traffic control in order to
provide economical, safe and convenient ( accessibility and mobility) movements of
vehicles and pedestrians.

Capacity is defined as the maximum number of vehicles, passengers, or the like, per
unit time, which can be accommodated under given conditions with a reasonable
expectation of occurrence

Level-of-Service(LOS) of a traffic facility is a concept introduced to relate the quality

of traffic service to a given flow rate.

Is the study of traffic behavior near a certain section where demand exceeds available
capacity? In transportation engineering, queuing can occur at red lights, stop signs,
bottlenecks, or any design-based or traffic-based flow constriction. When not dealt with
properly, queues can result in severe network congestion or "gridlock" conditions, therefore
making them something important to be studied and understood by engineers.
Case study

Al Huria intersection, as shown in Figure, located in Amman, provides service for both
residents of south Amman and commuters. Users of Al Huria intersection use different
modes of traffic including personal vehicles and transit.
Current situation

Total intersection control delay was found to be 155.5 s, resulting in a level of service
at its lowest, F

In the context of enhancing Al Haria intersection, this study generally notes four types of
operational geometric enhancements:
1. Signal Optimization
2. Constructing an overpass bridge on the Al Qudus st. to serve through traffic.
3. change the phases (protected turn left)
4. Prohibit left turning at all approaches.
5. construction a tunnel on Al Qudus st. and an overpass bridge for al huria st.
Signal Optimization

The optimization is conducted for the existing traffic cycle length with the same phasing
and geometric condition. Results from Synchro 8 show a reduction on the cycle length to
145 seconds. The total intersection delay is 162.9 sec with LOS-F. The analysis shows a
limited improvement, but the total intersection delay and LOS are not improved
Constructing an overpass bridge on the
Al Qudus st. to serve through traffic
Synchro 8 is used to Constructing an overpass bridge on the Al Qudus st, Number of phases
is reduced to three phases, Results show a significant reduction in cycle length to 90
seconds. The total intersection delay is significantly improved to be 53.5 sec with LOS-D.
The analysis shows a significant improvement in both measures.
change the phases (protected turn left)

Synchro 8 is used to change the phases, Number of phases is four phases, Results show a
significant reduction in cycle length to 110 seconds. The total intersection delay is
significantly improved to be 47.5 sec with LOS-D. The analysis shows a significant
improvement in both measures.
Prohibit left turning at all approaches

Synchro 8 is used to prohibit left turning at all approaches, Number of phases is reduced to
two phases, Results show a significant reduction in cycle length to 45 seconds. The total
intersection delay is significantly improved to be 16.3 sec with LOS-B. The analysis shows
a significant improvement in both measures.
construction a tunnel on Al Qudus st. and an overpass
bridge for al huria st.

■ we take a growth rate 7% in 10 years (growth factor = 1.97), Before solution we found
that the delay =567.1 s and LOS F .
construction a tunnel on Al Qudus st. and an overpass
bridge for al huria st.

Synchro 8 is used to construct a tunnel on Al Qudus st. and an overpass bridge for al huria
st., Number of phases is two phases, Results show a significant reduction in cycle length to
40 seconds. The total intersection delay is significantly improved to be 12.6 sec with LOS-
B. The analysis shows a significant improvement in both measures.
Alternatives Cycle Length (sec) No. of Phases Intersection Delay (sec) LOS Notes

Current (do nothing) 178 4 155.5 F LOS-F is not


Signal Optimization 145 4 162.9 F LOS-F is not

Signal optimization
is not enough to solve
.the problem
overpass bridge on the Al 90 3 53.5 D Cost But there is
.Qudus st decrease in delay

change the phases 110 4 47.4 D No cost

Reasonable solution

Prohibit left turning 45 2 16.3 B .LOS-B is acceptable

By using median u-
Over pass and tunnel 40 2 12.6 B Groth rate 7% in 10
High cost
But it will be the best

1)The study was evaluated and analyzed the alternatives based on a growth rate factor of
1.0, due to limited information. It is therefore recommended to re-analyze and evaluate
mentioned alternatives using a proper Amman growth factor for the 5-10 years.

2)the best solution for this intersection is Prohibit the left turning, that will increase LOS to B decreasing
the delay to 16.3 s

3)this study was analyzed as an isolated intersection at the middle of network signalized
intersections More study for nearby intersection should be consider.

1)University of Virginia (UVA), “Traffic and Highway Engineering”, Fourth Edition,

Nicholas J. Garber and Lester A. Hoel, Virginia, 2009.

2) Highway Capacity Manual HCM (2010).

3)Isra University) IU), “Evaluation and Improvement of Signalized Intersections in Amman

City in Jordan”, Mohammad Abojaradeh and Majed Msallam, 2014.

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