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Paragraphs using the

Different Patterns
• compare and contrast the patterns of development across disciplines
• determine the appropriate pattern of paragraph development
• write paragraphs using patterns learned
• Patterns of development in writing refer to the particular
strategies writers use to develop ideas.
• These patterns help sort out information and shape
• They serve as aids in writing as they provide certain
direction on where the writer wants his or her work to go.
• Furthermore, they set the structure of the written work
depending on what type of mood statement or purpose that
is intended for the readers to convey. They deliver
emphasis of the points with greater weight of the texts base
on the various intentions of each patterns.
• Paragraph writing is the foundation of all essay writing,
whether the form is descriptive, narrative, persuasive, etc.
1. Problem-Solution Paragraph
Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to
Problem vanish. These majestic beasts are
disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr.
Miller thinks that we should write to
our congress people. If we let them
Solution know that we demand the
preservation of this species, maybe
we can make a difference. Dr. Miller
also thinks that we should donate to
Solution Save the Tigers. Our donations will
help to support and empower those
who are fighting the hardest to
preserve the tigers. We owe it to our
grandchildren to do something.
1. Problem-Solution Paragraph
Dr. Miller doesn’t want the tigers to vanish.
These majestic beasts are disappearing at an
alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write
to our congress people. If we let them know that we
demand the preservation of this species, maybe we
can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that
we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our
donations will help to support and empower those
who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers.
We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.
Many people are confused about why our
2. Narrative Paragraph economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was
actually the result of a combination of many complex
factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people
who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow,
and even people who had no income were eligible
for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these
toxic loans and sell them as packages on the
financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed
these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk
loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the
Add narrative En
ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the
u ce detail /central wi d th housing market, people were buying two or three
ro d point or co th a e sto
In t r s en t conflict ref nclu ry houses, intending to sell them for more than they
yo ry/pr e l
ev ects ions
en on that
paid. All of these factors created bubbles of
s t o j o r rs t.
ma racte
t he speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole
ch a market into a downward spiral, causing employers to
lose capital and lay off employees.
Consumer spending then plummeted, and most
businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat,
and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong
direction, it’s hard to turn it around.
2. Narrative Paragraph
Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles
in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex
factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or
unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were
eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and
sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms
backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe
investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid
growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses,
intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created
bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into
a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees.
Consumer spending then plummeted, and most businesses suffered. The
economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong
direction, it’s hard to turn it around.
Much to her surprise, lottery winner
Sylvia Lee found that sudden wealth was a
3. Cause and Effect Paragraphmixed blessing – the results were both good
and bad. After her win was announced, she was
constantly hounded by people who wanted to
sell her something. She got an unlisted phone
number, but the more aggressive salesperson
just camped out on her doorstep. Another
Thesis statement negative result was that people started treating
her differently. “I was shocked,” said Lee.
“Everyone from the checkout clerk at the
Cause/s Effect/s supermarket where I’ve shopped for years to
my next-door neighbor acted as though I had
changed. I’m still the same; I’ve just got money
now.” Lee admits, though, that most of the
changes have been positive. It’s really a relief
not worrying about money all the time. I actually
went on my first shopping spree ever, and it was
great. “Lee expects that other new and
unexpected results of her sudden wealth are yet
to come, but she’s not discouraged: so far, at
least, the pluses far outweigh the minuses.
Laughter is one of the greatest healing devices
4. Persuasive Paragraph known to man. Laughter is powerful and can help
people in many different ways. It has the power to cure
something as little like a bad day or to heal the wounds
of a terminally ill person. Laughing has helped create
the smile which is the universal sign of well-being.
Individuals who do not laugh live miserably and have
unhappy lives. Dr. Robert Holden found out that smiling
Overview of the argument / Thesis and laughing releases endorphins in the brain which
gives people an overall happy well-being. Using
comedy, many doctors, have stimulated the healing
process in manic depressants and fatally ill patients
Piece of Evidence giving them hope and ambition. In many clinics,
laughter is being used in replacing anti-depressants
and reduces the need for painkillers. Take comedians,
Supporting detail for example; they usually live long happy lives. Putting
a smile on faces and laugh in souls is what makes life
complete. Laughter helps heal people and brightens
spirits for a better and healthier life. Laughing is a sign
Opposing view of joy and hope and keeps people normal and the world
happy. Using the technique of laughter and happiness
is the best medicine known to man. Laughter is the
universal sign of well-being and happiness within
health. Laughing brightens the spirit and heals the mind
bad of people who allow it to overcome them. So, try a
smile and laugh for a longer and happier life with love
Test questions generally fall into
5. Classification Paragraph categories, depending on how they are
answered: objective and subjective. The first
kind, objective questions, have definite right and
wrong answers. Multiple choice, matching, and
fill-in-the blank questions are objective. Although
they can be tricky because of their wording, most
students prefer objective questions. The answers
are already there, and the student just has to
choose the right one. Subjective test items, such
as short-answer and essay questions, have no
single correct answer. There is a range of
possible responses. Students have to know the
Thesis Purpose of the information in order to answer each question,
Statement Classificaton and they have to present it in their own words.
You can make a lucky guess on an objective
question, but a subjective question doesn’t offer
much hope for a student relying on dumb luck.
6. Descriptive Paragraph The subway is an assault your
senses. You walk down the steep,
smelly steps on the subway platform.
On the far-right wall, a broken clock
show that the time is four-thirty. You
Details wonder how long it has been broken. A
mother and her crying child are standing
to your left. She is trying to clean dried
chocolate syrup off the young child’s
face. Farther to the left, two old mean
are arguing about the most recent tax
increase. You hear a little noise and see
some paper trash roll by like a soccer
ball. The most interesting thing you see
while you are waiting for your subway
train is a poster. It reads “ Come to
Jamaica.” Deep blue skies, alone palm
tree, and sapphire waters call you to this
exotic faraway place.
According to The American Heritage
Dictionary, gossip is a trivial rumor of a
7. Definition Essay personal nature, “but this definition makes
gossip sound harmless. At first, gossip
might not seem so bad. One person tells a
second person something about someone,
and that second person tells a third person,
and so on. The information passes from
person to person. However, gossip is much
more than just information and rumor. As the
rumor continues, it grows and changes.
Statement People do not know all the facts, so they
add information. As the gossip goes from
one person to another, the damage
continues, and the person who is the
Description Supporting
details subject of the gossip can’t do anything to
answer or protect himself or herself.
Because the potential damage may range
from hurt feelings to a lost career, gossip is
much worse than simply a “trivial rumor.”
My hometown and my college town
8. Comparison and have several things in common. First,
Contrast Paragraph both are small rural communities. For
example, my hometown, Gridlock, has
a population of only about 10,000
people. Similarly, my college town,
Subnormal, consists of about 11,000
local residents. This population swells
to 15,000 people when the college
students are attending classes. A

second way in which these two towns

Differences Differences are similar is that they are both
located in rural areas. Gridlock is
surrounded by many acres of
farmland which is devoted mainly to
growing corn and soybeans. In the
same way, Subnormal lies in the
center of farmland which is used to
raise hogs and cattle…
"Each of Jamaica's four great gardens,
although established along similar
9. Exemplification Paragraph principles, has acquired its own
distinctive aura. Hope Gardens, in the
heart of Kingston, evokes postcard
pictures from the 1950s of public parks,
gracious and vaguely suburban and
filled with familiar favorites--lantana and
Overview of Supporting marigolds--as well as exotics. Bath has
the Paragraph arguments retained its Old World character; it is
the easiest to conjure as it must have
looked in Bligh's time. Cinchona of the
clouds is otherworldly. And Castleton,
the garden established to replace Bath,
Final fleetingly evokes that golden age of
Impression Jamaican tourism, when visitors arrived
in their own yachts--the era of Ian
Fleming and Noel Coward, before
commercial air travel unloaded ordinary
mortals all over the island."
Can you now identify the organization of paragraph which can be used on
the topics or subjects below? Write the topic/subject opposite each pattern
of development.
Patterns of Development Topic/s or Subject
• Fantasy vacation
• Internet influence on kids Cause and Effect Internet influence on kids
• Social media activity Classification
Social media activity
• Love
Comparison and Contrast
• How can we improve Which is better: Face to face
learning or online learning?
• Should school uniform be Love
required? Descriptive
Fantasy vacation
• Which is better: Face to
face learning or online Persuasion How can we improve literacy?
learning? Should school uniform be required?
Let’s get it on!
Directions: Arrange the jumbled
sentences to form an organized
paragraph then identify what
pattern of paragraph development
is used.
• 1. If the oven is too hot the crust will burn, bocome hard, and
taste bad.
• 2. A pizza stone will fix the problem because it will get very hot
when preheated and will allow your crust to fully cook without
burning it.
• 3. Cooking the perfect pizza at home can be quite a challenge.
• 4. One solution is to get yourself a pizza stone.
• 5. You may find that it’s difficult to get your oven to the right
• 6. You will have the perfect crust!
• 7. If your oven isn’t too hot enough, the crust may get soggy.
Pattern of Paragraph Development: _____________________________
• 1. Apple skins are thinner and do not peel
• 2. Apples and oranges are both fruits, which
means that they have seeds inside of them.
• 3. Oranges also contain more acid than apples,
but both fruits are delicious.
• 4. Each has a skin, but orange skins are thicker
and easy to peel.
Pattern of Paragraph Development: _____________________________
C.• Dogs are domesticated animals that have been living with humans
for generations.
• 2. They can also be classified by their role in the lives of their
masters and the work they do.
• 3. For example, they can be classified by breed.
• 4. In many cases, dogs are defined both by their breed and role.
• 5. Examples of different breeds include beagles, basset hounds,
poodles, and countless others as defined by the American Kennel
Club (AKC).
• 6. Dogs can be classified in a number of different ways.
• 7. For example, a dog might be a family pet, a working dog, a show
dog, or a haunting dog.
• 8. For example, a dog could be a beagle that is a family pet.
Pattern of Paragraph Development: _____________________________
D.• 1.littleWhen I finally reached Morocco and got off the buss, there were four
girls standing shoeless in the hot sun.
• 2. the one day I spent in Morocco, Africa was an experience of a lifetime.
• 3. Though this experience was upsetting, and huge culture shock, it will
stay with me forever.
• 4. They stood there gleaming at me, for they were pleased.
• 5. I felt completely in disbelief that this tiny gesture could mean so much.
• 6. After I swallowed my tears, I could not even try to picture this in
America as it is not something you often see in the U.S.
• 7. Meanwhile my tourist guide instructed me not to give them money as
it encouraged the children to beg; however, I was wearing four silver
• 8. As I walked over to the girls, their eyes watched my every move.
• 9. Then I kneeled down to their level while I gave to each girl a bracelet.
Pattern of Paragraph Development: _____________________________
E. • 1. The IAU has so far recognized five drawf planets differentiated
from planets by a parameteer of “planetary discriminant” which
allows estimating the capacity to dominate orbits.
• 2. Simultaneously, they always circulate the sun and not other
celestial objects (they are not satellites).
• 3. According to Nation Master Encyclopedia, drawf planets follow
orbits which are not free from other minor celestial bodies.
• 4. Several drawf planets have already been scrutinized effectively.
• 5. Since current data may not be entirely accurate, further
examinations are undertaken by astronomers and physicists world-
• 6. Their physical properties have been calculaed through routine
Earth-based observations as well as advanced image-searching
Pattern of Paragraph Development: _____________________________

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