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Evidence Of Quark-Gluon-Plasma

Presented By - Swadhin Behera (23D1076)

Introduction:- QGP Jet Quenching And High PT Suppresion

1.In the early universe, just microseconds after the big bang , a deconfined state • Jets are formed due to hadronization of color particles. Colored quarks have
of nuclear matter is formed ,that contained quarks and gluons named as Quark- to travel through the colored QGP medium before detection.
Gluon-Plasma. • In QGP the particles have to interact with other partons in the medium and
2. Such a deconfined state of nuclear matter can be produces in the lab at very loose energy (analog to bremsstrahlung) by gluon exchange , and the
high temperature and very high energy density using heavy-ion collisions at process is called as Gluon Bremsstrahlung.
relativistic energies. E.g – RHIC at Brookhaven , CERN at Geneva. • The 2 jets can be think of coming out of any arbitrary point , as a back to
3.At the initial stage the temperature is very high , and partons are completely back to structure.
free to move around. As temperature , energy density and the chemical • If there is a QGP medium , then consider 2 jets formed at the edge of the
potential changes , a stage comes where a Phase Transition happens. QGP. One of the 2 travels in the QGP medium and another in the normal
4. During this phase transition system moves from a deconfined state of nuclear space medium.
matter to a confined state of hadrons. • The jet that moves in the QGP undergoes large number of collision and
looses energy.
• Since the detectors are very less sensitive to the low energy particle and also
needs some threshold energies to be detected.
• Jets in the QGP has low transverse momentum and the other one has high
momentum in transverse direction.
• So the jet quenching and high PT̅ suppression are clearly evidences of QGP.

Experimental Observable For QGP

In experiments the produced hot dense medium called QGP is very short lived,
and can not be detected directly. So there are some indirect indications for this.
They are as follows:-
• Strangeness/Charmness Enhancement.
• Jet Quenching, and high PT Suppresion.
• Quarkonia Suppresion. Electromagnetic Probe:-
• The photons , leptons and dilepton play a important role in probing earliest
Strangeness / Charm Enhancement:- and hottest phase of the QGP medium.
• The photons and leptons interact with system only via electromagnetic
• At high energies all quarks are free and interaction , so can easily escape the dense hot medium with very negligible
move freely. As they obey Pauli’s Exclusion interaction.
principle and form up down like structure. • Unlike hadrons they do not interact and loose energy , so , photons and
• As the energy increases , the formation is leptons carry all information about their origin.
excited states is less preferable than • Photons are produce in almost all phases , like Pre-equilibrium stage , QGP
formation of heavier quarks. phase , hadronic phase as well as the decay of hadrons produces in the last
• As strange quark is about 1/10 th of the stage after the kinetic freez-out.
charm quark so , production of s quark is • From the direct photon spectrum one can get the temperature of the QGP.
more as compared to c quark.
• In colliders pp̅ have zero strangeness and
the out put ss̅ also have zero strangeness.
• But QGP is a gluon rich medium , in that
medium gg → ss̅ is more prominent than
qq̅ → ss̅ ; so there is a overall strangeness

Quarkonia Suppresion:-
• In high energy collisions , the heavy quarks
( c,c̅̅,b,b̅) are produced in the early stages of
the parton parton scattering.
• The bound states of these particles are called
quarkonia . (cc̅ - charmoniom , bb̅ -
Some Other QGP Evidences:-
bottomonium). • Beside the above discussed significances , there are some more evidences of
• In normal matter cc̅ & bb̅ recombines at a QGP.
lower rate due to the presence of less number  Elliptical or Anisotropic Flow of J/Ψ Particle.
of c & b quarks.  Direct Photon.
• But in QGP this recombination rate is very high  Debye Screening.
as it has a large number of free quarks. This  Suppression Of Open Heavy Flavour Quarks.
results in the quarkonia suppression.

Contact References
Swadhin Behera 1. (Md. Samsul )


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