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Analyzing the Impact of Smog

towers which are operational in aim

to control Air pollution.
Rahul Kalra, 21103052, B2
Devansh Singh, 21103053, B2
Chirag Tyagi, 21103055, B2
Air Pollution in India
Smog Towers? What are they? How do they work?
Scientific Data on Smog Towers
Case Study: Delhi Smog Tower
Smog Tower Benefits
Smog Tower Limitations
Other Controls for Air pollution
Delhi Smog Tower Statistics
Future Outlook
In recent years, air pollution has become a major problem in India, with many cities experiencing high levels of particulate matter (PM)
and other pollutants in the air.

In response to this, smog towers have been developed as a potential solution for reducing air pollution in urban areas.

Smog towers are large structures that use a combination of filters, fans, and other technologies to capture and remove pollutants from the

These towers are designed to be installed in highly polluted areas, such as busy intersections or industrial zones.

The aim of this presentation is to analyze the effects of smog towers in India and explore their potential as a tool for controlling air
pollution. We will discuss the scientific facts and figures related to smog tower effectiveness, as well as case studies of smog tower
projects in different cities.
Air Pollution in India
India is ranked as one of the most polluted countries in the world, with many cities consistently ranking among the top 10 most
polluted cities globally.

According to the Global Air Quality Index, Delhi and Kolkata are among the top 10 most polluted cities in the world, with PM2.5
levels far exceeding the safe limit.

Air pollution in India has a significant impact on public health, with an estimated 1.2 million deaths per year attributed to air

Studies have linked air pollution exposure to a range of health effects, including respiratory and cardiovascular disease, cancer, and
premature death.

The economic impact of air pollution in India is also significant, with estimates suggesting that air pollution costs the country over
8% of its GDP each year.

The effects of air pollution on the economy include reduced labor productivity, increased healthcare costs, and decreased tourism
Some statistics that illustrate the impact of air pollution in India include:

9 out of 10 people in the world breathe air with high levels of pollutants

India accounts for more than half of the world's deaths due to air pollution

Air pollution in India led to a loss of $36.8 billion in 2019

1.67 million deaths were attributed to air pollution in India in 2019

80% of premature deaths in India due to air pollution are caused by heart disease and
Smog Towers? What are they? How do they work?
Smog towers work by using a combination of filters, fans, and other technologies to capture and remove pollutants from the air.

The towers are typically designed to be installed in highly polluted areas, such as busy intersections, industrial zones, or other
areas with high traffic or emissions.

As air is drawn into the tower, it passes through various filters designed to remove particulate matter, gases, and other

The clean air is then released back into the surrounding environment.

The cost of building and maintaining smog towers can vary depending on a range of factors, including the size and location of
the tower, the technology used, and ongoing maintenance costs.

Some estimates suggest that the cost of building a single smog tower can range from $0.5 million to $2 million or more, with
additional costs for ongoing maintenance and operation.

However, proponents of smog towers argue that the long-term benefits of reduced air pollution and improved public health and
economic outcomes outweigh the initial costs of installation and maintenance.
Scientific Data on Smog Towers
One study conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) showed that the smog tower installed in Delhi was able to
reduce PM2.5 levels by up to 50% in a 1,000 square meter area around the tower.

Another study by IIT-Delhi found that the smog tower was able to reduce PM2.5 levels by up to 60% in its immediate vicinity.

The Delhi government has reported that the smog tower has helped to improve air quality in the surrounding area, with a
reduction in PM2.5 levels of up to 20-25% during peak pollution periods.

A study by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) found that a smog tower installed in Gurugram was able to reduce
PM2.5 levels by up to 70% within a 500-meter radius of the tower.

The effectiveness of smog towers in reducing air pollution can depend on a range of factors, including the size and location of
the tower, the surrounding environment, and the specific technology used.

The effectiveness of smog towers also needs to be continually monitored and evaluated to ensure that they are achieving their
intended goals and delivering value for the investment.
Case Study: Delhi smog Tower
In 2019, a smog tower was installed in Delhi's Connaught Place, one of the city's busiest commercial areas.

The smog tower was designed to clean the air in an area of about 1 square kilometer and was the first of its kind in India.

According to data from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee, the smog tower was able to reduce PM2.5 levels by up to 50% in a 1,000 square
meter area around the tower.

However, the effectiveness of the smog tower was questioned by some experts, who pointed out that the tower was not designed to address the
root causes of air pollution in Delhi, such as vehicular emissions and industrial pollution.

Other challenges faced during the implementation of the smog tower included concerns over the tower's high cost, the need for ongoing
maintenance and operation, and the potential for the tower to create a false sense of security among the public.

Despite these challenges, the project helped to raise public awareness of the issue of air pollution in Delhi and spurred greater investment in air
quality monitoring and mitigation measures.

Lessons learned from the project included the need for greater collaboration between government agencies, private sector partners, and
community stakeholders in addressing air pollution, as well as the importance of regular monitoring and evaluation of air quality improvement
measures to ensure their effectiveness over time.
Smog Towers: Benefits
● Improved air quality: Smog towers can help to reduce levels of particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants in
the air, improving overall air quality and reducing the risk of negative health outcomes.
● Health benefits: By reducing air pollution, smog towers can help to improve respiratory health outcomes, including
reducing the incidence of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory illnesses.
● Increased public awareness: Smog towers can serve as a visible symbol of the issue of air pollution, raising public
awareness of the problem and prompting greater public engagement and education on the issue.
● Economic benefits: Improved air quality can have a range of economic benefits, including reducing healthcare costs
associated with air pollution-related illnesses and improving productivity and worker health outcomes for businesses and
● Reduced greenhouse gas emissions: By reducing levels of air pollution, smog towers can also help to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions and contribute to global efforts to address climate change.
● Innovative technology: Smog towers represent an innovative and emerging technology for addressing air pollution, with
potential applications in a range of settings and contexts.
Smog Tower: Limitations
● Limited impact: Smog towers are not a standalone solution for air pollution and may have limited impact on overall pollution
levels, particularly in areas with high levels of vehicular and industrial emissions.
● High costs: Smog towers can be expensive to construct and maintain, requiring ongoing investment and resources to ensure their
continued effectiveness.
● Technical challenges: There can be technical challenges associated with the implementation of smog towers, including issues
related to sitting, energy consumption, and ensuring effective maintenance and operation over time.
● Maintenance requirements: Smog towers require ongoing maintenance to ensure their effectiveness, including regular
replacement of filters and other components, which can be costly and time-consuming.
● Land use requirements: Smog towers may require significant land use and space requirements, which can be challenging in
densely populated urban areas.
● Lack of scalability: Smog towers may not be scalable to address air pollution on a larger scale, particularly in rapidly growing
cities and urban areas.
● Perceived lack of impact: Smog towers may not have a perceptible impact on air quality in some cases, leading to skepticism and
doubt among the public and other stakeholders.
Other Controls for Air pollution
Vehicle emissions controls:

● Advantages: Vehicle emissions controls, such as catalytic converters and fuel standards, can have a significant impact on
reducing air pollution, particularly in urban areas where vehicular emissions are a major source of pollution.
● Disadvantages: The implementation of vehicle emissions controls can be challenging, requiring significant investments in
infrastructure and regulatory enforcement. Additionally, these measures may not address pollution from other sources, such as
industrial emissions.

Renewable energy:

● Advantages: The promotion of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, can help to reduce reliance on fossil
fuels and reduce associated air pollution from the combustion of these fuels.
● Disadvantages: The implementation of renewable energy sources can be costly, requiring significant investments in
infrastructure and regulatory support. Additionally, renewable energy sources may not be suitable for all areas or may face
opposition from local stakeholders.
Compared to these measures, some advantages and disadvantages of smog towers include:


● Smog towers can be implemented relatively quickly and may have a visible impact on air quality, helping to raise public
awareness of the issue.
● Smog towers can be sited in areas where other measures may not be effective, such as highly polluted urban areas.
● Smog towers can help to complement other measures, such as vehicle emissions controls and renewable energy, by targeting
specific pollution hotspots.


● Smog towers may have limited impact on overall air pollution levels, particularly in areas with high levels of vehicular and
industrial emissions.
● Smog towers can be expensive to construct and maintain, requiring ongoing investment and resources to ensure their
continued effectiveness.
● Smog towers may face technical challenges associated with sitting, energy consumption, and ensuring effective
maintenance and operation over time.
Delhi Smog Tower Statistics!
The smog tower in Delhi's Connaught Place is 24 meters tall and has a diameter of 20 meters.

The tower was built at a cost of approximately Rs 20 crore (equivalent to US$ 2.6 million).

It has a capacity to clean 1,000 cubic meters of air per second and is able to purify 32 lakh cubic
meters of air in a day.

According to data from the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research
(SAFAR), the smog tower reduced the PM2.5 level in the surrounding area by 50% within the
first month of its operation in 2020.

However, there have been some reports questioning the effectiveness of the smog tower in the
long term and suggesting that its impact on overall air pollution levels in Delhi may be limited.
Future Outlook
● Advancements in technology and cost reduction measures may make smog towers more feasible for implementation on a
larger scale.
● Sharing best practices and lessons learned from existing smog tower projects can help to increase the effectiveness of future
projects and reduce costs.
● Public-private partnerships and government funding can help to support the implementation and maintenance of smog
tower projects.
● The feasibility of smog towers may depend on local conditions, such as the severity of air pollution, availability of funding,
and technical expertise.
● Scaling up smog towers may require collaboration with other air pollution control measures to address the root causes of
pollution and ensure sustained improvements in air quality.
● Air pollution is a significant problem in India, with a major impact on health, the environment, and the economy.
● Smog towers are a relatively new technology designed to mitigate air pollution by filtering out particulate matter and other
● Smog tower projects have been implemented in several cities in India, including Delhi, with varying degrees of success.
● While smog towers have shown some promise in improving air quality, they have limitations and should be seen as one tool in a
broader strategy to address air pollution.
● Other air pollution control measures, such as vehicle emissions controls, renewable energy, and forest conservation, can
complement or compete with smog towers depending on the local context.
● The potential for scaling up smog tower projects in other cities and countries may depend on advancements in technology, cost
reduction measures, and collaboration with other air pollution control measures.
● World Health Organization. (2018). Ambient air pollution: Health impacts.
● Global Air Quality Index. (2021). India Air Quality Index.
● The Economic Times. (2019). Delhi’s first smog tower at Connaught Place saves area’s AQI from turning severe.
● Down to Earth. (2021). Smog tower in Delhi: A false hope?
● The Hindu. (2021). Smog tower in Delhi’s Connaught Place reduces pollution, says SAFAR.
● The Wire Science. (2021). Delhi’s Smog Tower Project: Inadequate Technology, Poor Performance, High Costs.
● The Print. (2021). Explained: What are smog towers, how do they work and can they reduce pollution in India?

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