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Improper access control 01 04 Security Awareness

Inadequate Mobile Device

Weak Password policy 02 05 Security

Poor Network Security

03 06 Proppsed solution
Improper access
Improper access control
Access control is the process of managing who can access what, when, where, and how.
It protects sensitive information and systems from unauthorized access and misuse.

Weak access control can lead to:

• Data breaches: unauthorized access and potential exposure of sensitive data.
• Unauthorized access to resources: hackers gaining access to critical systems and
disrupting operations.
• Account takeover: unauthorized individuals gaining control of user accounts.
• Compliance violations: failure to adhere to data protection regulations.
Weak Password
Weak Password policy
Password security is crucial in the era of increased online activity and data storage.
Financial Loss: Weak passwords expose individuals and businesses to financial harm and theft.
Data Breaches: Cybercriminals exploit weak passwords to access systems, leading to data leaks and serious
Identity Theft: Insecure passwords contribute to identity theft, damaging credit scores, reputation, and financial health.
Reputational Damage: Businesses face reputational harm from data breaches, resulting in loss of trust, negative
publicity, and missed opportunities.
Productivity Loss: Password-related incidents disrupt business functions, impacting employee productivity and
causing work interruptions.
Legal Consequences: Inadequate password security may lead to legal liabilities, fines, and sanctions for non-
compliance with data protection regulations.
Emotional Distress: Cybercrime victims using weak passwords experience distrust, anxiety, and privacy violation,
leading to long-term emotional effects.
National Security Risks: In government agencies and critical infrastructure, weak password security poses a threat to
national security by compromising sensitive information and disrupting vital services.
Poor Network
Poor Network Security
Network security is essential for protecting data integrity, confidentiality, and availability during
Data Theft:
Security gaps, inadequate configurations, and unauthorized account sharing can lead to data theft, compromising
confidentiality and availability.

Trojan Horse Viruses:

Covert malicious programs provide hackers with unauthorized remote control, making detection and removal challenging and
posing a serious security threat.

Vulnerabilities in Network Systems:

Weaknesses or negligence in network systems create opportunities for hackers to exploit, leading to attacks such as
password detection and unauthorized access.

Mobile Threats:
Growing concerns about smartphone viruses and malware spreading through increased device connectivity, compromising
both corporate and personal networks.

Electromagnetic Interference:
Signals from high-voltage wires, radio wave antennas, and electronic equipment can disrupt data stored on magnetic media,
leading to data corruption and compromising network security.
Security Awareness
Security awareness is critical in the digital age, where individuals and corporations face various cyber risks.

Phishing Attacks:
Vulnerabilities increase the risk of phishing attacks, where cybercriminals exploit fake sites and emails to steal sensitive data,
leading to data breaches and financial losses.

Wireless Security Vulnerabilities:

Uninformed wireless security practices can result in personal data breaches, allowing unauthorized access, data interception,
and network infiltration, compromising confidentiality and integrity.

RFID Technology Risks:

Lack of understanding about RFID technology may lead to privacy violations, as users may not be fully aware of potential
spying or profiling risks, impacting personal privacy and safety.

Cybercrime Legislation:
Lack of awareness about cybercrime laws in certain localities makes residents vulnerable, as cybercriminals exploit this lack of
knowledge, increasing the likelihood of security incidents targeting individuals and organizations .

Educational Initiatives:
Educational institutions play a vital role in promoting security awareness. Incorporating cybersecurity topics into courses and
conducting awareness campaigns contribute to building a cyber-resilient community .
Mobile Device
Inadequate Mobile Device Security
Mobile devices have become integral in workplaces, enhancing flexibility but also introducing security
challenges. Neglecting mobile security can jeopardize personal data confidentiality, leading to adverse
Data Loss and Leakage:
Mobile devices are prone to theft or loss, leading to unauthorized access.
Neglecting safeguarding measures can escalate data leakage incidents and compromise organizational confidentiality efforts.
Malware and Vulnerabilities:
Untrusted app sources and unsecured networks expose devices to malware.
Malware infections can compromise device security, making private data an easy target for cybercriminals.
Unauthorized Access:
Weak authentication methods pose a significant risk.
Vulnerable passwords or lack of multi-factor authentication can lead to device tampering, data breaches, and privacy issues.
Jailbreaking and Rooting:
Transparent but risky practices that remove operating system restrictions.
Increase the vulnerability of the network to attacks and potential breaches.
Insecure Network Connections:
Linking to unsecured Wi-Fi or open hotspots exposes devices to middle-man attacks.
Perpetrators can alter or hijack data during transfer, posing dangers to confidentiality and integrity.
Insider Threats:
Internal forces, such as employee actions, amplify security complications.
Deliberate or unintended activities, like sharing insider information, create vulnerabilities affecting company security policies.

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics &
images by Freepik and illustrations by Stories

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