Recognizing and Overcoming Unhealthy Habits

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Recognizing and Overcoming Unhealthy

Habits: Strategies for Behavior Change

Course : Health & Wellness

Priyanka V Kathennavar 2GI21EC090

Raghavendra H Halagali 2GI21EC091
Rahul P Dadanatti 2GI21EC093
Guide: Vikrant Shende
• Recognizing Unhealthy Habits
• Understanding the Root Causes
• Setting Realistic Goals
• Developing a Plan of Action
• Overcoming Obstacles
• Celebrating Success

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Recognizing Unhealthy Habits

• Unhealthy habits can be easy to fall into, but

they can have serious negative effects on our
physical and mental health. For example,
smoking cigarettes can lead to lung cancer
and other respiratory diseases, while
overeating can cause obesity and increase the
risk of heart disease.
• It's important to recognize these habits and
take steps to change them before they become
ingrained in our daily routines. By making
small changes to our habits, we can improve
our overall well-being and quality of life.
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Understanding the Root Causes

• Unhealthy habits can be difficult to break, and it's

important to understand the underlying reasons
behind them. Often, these habits are formed as
coping mechanisms for stress or emotional pain.
• It's also worth noting that unhealthy habits can
be influenced by external factors, such as societal
pressures or cultural norms. For instance, a
person may feel pressure to drink excessively in
social situations, even if it goes against their
personal values. By reflecting on our own habits
and the influences around us, we can better
understand why we engage in certain behaviors
and take steps towards positive change.
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Setting Realistic Goals

• Setting realistic goals is an important step in

behavior change. One effective strategy is to
break down larger goals into smaller, more
manageable ones. For example, if your goal is
to exercise more frequently, start with a goal
of exercising for just 10 minutes a day and
gradually increase the duration over time.
• Another strategy is to make your goals
specific and measurable. Instead of setting a
vague goal like 'eat healthier,' set a specific
goal like 'eat at least 3 servings of vegetables
per day.' This makes it easier to track
progress and stay motivated.
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Developing a Plan of Action
• Developing a plan of action is crucial for
achieving behavior change. Without a clear
roadmap, it's easy to get sidetracked and lose
motivation. The first step in creating a plan
is to identify specific, measurable goals. This
could be something like exercising for 30
minutes a day or cutting out sugary drinks.
• Once you have your goals in mind, it's
important to break them down into smaller,
achievable steps. For example, if your goal is
to exercise for 30 minutes a day, you might
start by going for a 10-minute walk each
morning and gradually increasing the time
and intensity of your workouts.

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Overcoming Obstacles

Changing our habits can be challenging,

and there are many obstacles that can get
in the way. One common obstacle is the
fear of failure. We may worry that we
won't be able to stick to our new habits or
that we'll slip back into old patterns. To
overcome this, it's important to remember
that setbacks are a natural part of the
process. Instead of seeing them as failures,
we can view them as opportunities to learn
and grow.

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Celebrating Success

• As we come to the end of our presentation, it's

important to remember that behavior change is a
journey. It's not always easy, but celebrating
small successes along the way can help keep us
motivated and on track.
• Take a moment to reflect on your progress so far.
What small successes have you achieved? Maybe
you've cut back on sugary drinks or taken the
stairs instead of the elevator. Whatever it is,
celebrate it! Recognizing and celebrating these
small wins can help build momentum and keep us
moving forward.

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Thank you

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