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What now?
Reflective Essay 1 – use these questions to guide you on
writing the essay:

 Question 1: What? E.g. What type of negotiation is this, and why do you
say that? Who are the main actors involved? What is/are the issue(s) being
 Question 2: So what? E.g. What strategies did you use? What was the
outcome? What ethical issues arose? How did individual differences shape
the negotiation? How did your relationship with your counterpart shape the
negotiation? (more on this in future weeks).
 Question 3: What next? E.g. What went well or less well? What would
you do the same/differently next time?

Created by: Dr Scott Tindal, 2023

This is the first of three reflections that you will submit for the assessment of this module.

It should be around 900 words. You can write more than 900 words, 10% +- but definitely not less
than 900.

An example of a “good” reflection is on Moodle. You may refer to it but please don’t copy paste it as It
can be traced back by Turnitin percentage

Use correct negotiation terms and concepts. (Minimum 7 terms and concepts to be used in the essay)

You do not need to define the terms and concepts (there’s no space); just use them as if you were
speaking to another negotiator expert.

List of in-text citations and references must be at least 10 in-text citations and 10 references –
Harvard format) – for 1 reflective essayCreated by: Dr Scott Tindal, 2023
Marking Criteria % of grade
Analysis – 40%
The submission links terms, concepts, and ideas raised within the module with
the specific details of the simulation.

Reflection – 40%
The submissions demonstrate knowledge of the simulation and the ability to
learn from the experience, recognising what went well and less well.

Rigour – 20%
The submission is well-structured, has strong grammar and spelling, and draws
on suitable academic and practitioner sources.

Created by: Dr Scott Tindal, 2023

Any questions?

Created by: Dr Scott Tindal, 2023

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