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The Marvel of

Lesson 1: Gender and H
Personality Check
Put a check (/) in the column after each item to show
how you describe yourself.
Gender and Human Sexuality
• Human sexuality is
the quality of being
male or female.

• The way in which we

experience and
express ourselves as
sexual beings.
(Department of
Education, 2013)
● It is the way in which we experience and express
ourselves as human beings.

● It is the entire expression of an individual’s self-concept.

● Sexuality involves the physical, mental, social, emotional

and ethical aspects of one’s personality.
● It’s the most important aspect in masculine or
feminine identification.

● It involves the name given at birth, the toys

played with, the garments worn, the buddies
played with, the roles and responsibilities at
Read the following statements. Analyze your
personal stand on each item.

1. Teaching is a job for women.

2. Men have no right to cry in public.
3. Both men and woman can be police officers.
4. It is the responsibility of both parents to take care of
their children.
5. Both the mother and father should share in meeting
the financial needs of the family.
● It is important to have a clear outlook of yourself.

● You will be able to focus on your good points and

develop your weaknesses.

● If you know yourself well, you will know what

you must do to stay healthy.
Healthy sexuality encompasses the following
Self-Love Your acceptance of yourself.

Self-Knowledge Your understanding of your

feelings and your character.

Self-Confidence Your awareness of the things that

you can do well.

Self-Respect Your regard for yourself as a

worthwhile person.

Self-Expression Your way of showing your

individuality in expressing yourself
as a man or woman.
Bear in mind that learning human sexuality is
important because of the following:

● It teaches you that giving and receiving love is a

human need.
● It helps you appreciate your sexual identity.
● It makes you respect your own and other person’s
● It makes you experience body changes and learn
how to properly manage these changes.
Gender and Human Sexuality
• Gender is a social
concept on how men
and women should
think, feel, and act.

• Feminity or
masculinity of a
person’s role and
behavior as defined
by society.
Gender Identity
● Refers to a person’s deeply felt, internal
and individual experience of gender, which
may or may not correspond to the person’s
physiology or designated sex at birth.
• Gender and Sexuality are two issues that
influence your life as a young person.

• These two concepts have some significant impact

on how you view yourself and deal with other
people, especially with the other sex.

• As a teen, you’ll experience a heightened desire

to explore your sexuality. This is completely
healthy and normal.
● Activity: Draw the male gender symbol (♂) if you think the
phrase refers to the usual role of men and the female gender
symbol (♀) if you think the phrase refers to the usual role of
women. Then answer the guide questions.
1. Giving birth
2. Making a living
3. Fixing the broken faucet
4. Doing household chores
5. Helping the children with their homework
Below is a diagram showing healthy attitudes that can influence
sexual behavior.
The following are the key terms related to
gender and sexuality:
● Sex is the biological basis of being a male or female.

● Gender is a social view on how men and ladies should think, feel, and act. It
refers to femininity or masculinity of an individual’s role and behavior.

● Gender Equality grants man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.

● Gender Role refers to certain roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a

person should feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.

● Sexuality is a basic part of what we do and who we are; it is the entire expression
of an individual’s self-concept.
Group Activity
● In a one whole sheet of paper, copy the Venn diagram and write in each
circle the roles played by male and female. In the space, where the two
circles meet, write the common roles played by both. Choose your answers
from the box. -Cook -Kiss mom -Kiss dad
-Back out of a -Play with doll -Ride a bike
fight -Sing in public -Play baseball
-Baby-sit -Have long -Wear an
-Dance hair earring
-Have tattoo -Wash dishes -Cry
MALE FEMALE -Wear jewelry -Take ballet - -Join a rock
-Clean the lessons band
house -Invite a
-Change person on a
diaper date
-Fix a broken

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