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Background Information
• Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of Psidium guajava extract is
suitable for healthy care.
• Medicinal plants is any plant which in one or more of its organ
contains substances that can be used for therapeutic purposes
(sofowara and Evans,2008).
• Medicinal plants play vital roles in disease prevention and their promotion and their use
fit into all exesting prevention strategies(Abayomi Sofowara,et al.,2013)
• Psidium guajava is mainly for antispasmodic and microbial properties in the treatment of
diarrhoea and dysentry.
• Photochemical screening of Psidium guajava extract contain tannins and flavonoids that
are responsible for antidiarrheal activity.(Enzo A Palombo,2006).
Problem statement

Herbal medicine are better cultural acceptability and compactability with human body
and minimal side effects. However , Psidium guajava in herbal medicine is rich in
phytochemicals which are natural compounds that have been found to exhibit numerous
bioactive properties including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities.
• Therefore, this study aims at phytochemical screening and antibacterial activity of
Psidium guajava

This project aims to conduct a comprehensive phytochemical analysis of Psidium guajava to indentify its

biooactive compounds and investigate its antibacterial activity.

.The justification for this proposal lies in the potential therapeutic benefits of Psidium guajava especially in

the context of combating antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections.

.Psidium guajava has a rich history of traditional use in various culture for its potential medicinal properties.

This proposal builds on this traditional knowledge and seeks to provide scientific evidence supporting its

therapeutic value.
Objectives of the study
General objectives

Specific objectives
(i)To determine the classes of phytochemicals present in Psidium

(ii)To determine the antibacterial activity of crude extract of

Psidium guajava.
Research Question
(i)What are phytochemicals present in Psidium guajava crude extract?

(ii)What are the antibacterial activities found in Psidium guajava crude

Materials and Methods
Research Design
• Experimental design

Sample collection and preparation

• The leaves of Psidium guajava will be gathered in Mukaa-Makueni county,
packaged to preserve their integrity and prevent contamination during
• The leaves will then be transported to Technical University of Mombasa
Chemistry laboratory for analysis.
• The leaves of Psidium guajava will be cleaned to remove all the dust particles,
chopped into small pieces, air dried under shade at a room temperature for two
• The dry leaves will be ground using a blender,weighed and packed into a clean

400g of the powdered Psidium guajava will be extracted through maceration and
soaked in ethanol.
• The solution will be filtered using filter paper and the filtrate concentrated by
evaporating the solvent using rotary vacuum evaporator to obtain crude extracts.
Phytochemical screening
• Crude extracts will be tested for presence of flavonoids, tannin, terpenoids, alkaloids, and
phenol .
•The crude extract of Psidium guajava leaves will be determined using Agar well Diffusion Method.
•Where A volume of the microbial inoculum will be spread on Mueller Hinton agar.
•After solidifying, a sterile cork borer aseptically punched the streaked plate to form holes with the diameter of 8 mm.
• 100 μL crude extract will be carefully dispensed into the respective wells.
•Cefuroxime axetil and distilled will be used as positive control and negative control respectively.
•The plates will be incubated at 35°C for 24 hrs.

•The zones of inhibition diameters in mm will be measured using a ruler, and the average values will be calculated.
•The zones of bacterial activity of the extract will be caluated by comparing it's inhibition diameter with standards.

Antibacterial activity
• The activity of psidium guajava will be tested against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus using well diffusion
• The postive control will be Straphylcoccus and negative control will be Escherichia coli. And distilled water will be
used as postive control and negative control respectively.
Data analysis

• Data values will be collected from triplicate experiment.

• Data values will be evaluated from central tendancy (mean,median, standard
deviation and variance)
• Data will be presented in graphs and charts.
• Errors will be included in graphs.
Work plan

Activity/month Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
2023 2023 2024 2024 2024 2024
Preparation of literature
Concept development

Proposal writing
Proposal presentation
Data collection
Data analysis
Report writing
Project presentation and


Raw material collection

Transfort 2000.00

Analysis 2500.00

Chemical and reagents 4500.00

Miscellaneous 1000.00

TOTAL 10,500.00
Thank you

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