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Identifying case information:

Jimmy Savile, aged 84 from Leeds England, not married and no kids
mentioned. Jimmy work as a DJ, Television Personality, radio
personality and philanthropist, a significant part of his career and
public life involved working with children and young people, including
visiting schools and hospital wards. In 2009 he was described as a
“prodigious philanthropist” and was honored for his charity work .
Presentation/ chief complaint:
In October 2012, after his death, an ITV documentary examined claims
of sexual abuse by Savile, which led to extensive media coverage and a
substantial and rapidly growing body of witness statements and sexual
abuse claims, including accusation against public bodies for covering
up or failure of duty.
Personal and Social History

 Social Life

 Savile is a British entertainer who was a flamboyant radio and television personality known as much for his
platinum-dyed hair, gaudy tracksuits, and enormous cigar as he was for his zany comedic style. After his
death in 2011, he was the center of a sexual abuse scandal.

 Before Savile died, there is numerous of complaint against him, claiming that Savile had molested them

 In 1955 The earliest incident of abuse recorded by the police. It took place in Manchester, where at the time
he managed a dance hall.

 In 1960 In one of a handful of example cases given by the police, a 10-year-old boy asked Savile for his
autograph outside a hotel. Savile took the boy inside and seriously sexually assaulted him.

According to the police report Savile had been a prolific abuser, sexually assaulting up to 500 people,
majority of whom were young girls. The crimes were primarily committed on BBC premises and at
more than 10 hospitals.

In 2012, a year after his death, the British television channel ITV aired a documentary which detailed
allegations that Savile had molested or raped numerous underage boys and girls. Various investigations
were launched as hundreds of possible victims came forward, and the results were damning.
Diagnostic Assessment

Psychological/psychiatric history: none

Medication: none


302.2 Pedophilic Disorder: Savile has numerous of rape cases involving

prepubescent child or children, and according to the victim they were force
to performed oral sex with Savile.
Treatment plan

Working hypothesis: Savile lived a normal life until he got famous and be known in their country, and
due to that overflowing power and money in his possession, Savile had a thinking that he got the
authority in control as well as he has the power to do anything without experiencing the consequences.
He has these arousing urges and desires every time he saw a child approaching him. He acted out these
sexual desires.
Therapeutic approach: Cognitive behavioral therapy helps identify and change
the destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on
their behavior and emotions.

Medications: Some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which

are often used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)., may
decrease sexual obsessions, improve disordered mood symptoms, and
perhaps decrease impulsivity.
Course treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on changing the automatic negative
thoughts that can contribute to and worsen our emotional difficulties, depression, and anxiety.
These spontaneous negative thoughts also have a detrimental influence on our mood.
Psychotherapy with family or group can make a huge improvement in the case of jimmy Savile

Treatment obstacle: the primary obstacle treating a person with pedophilic disorder is whether the
patient will be cooperative in treating their disorder or not, and if a patient denies sexual attraction to
children but circumstances suggest otherwise, certain diagnostic tools can help confirm such attraction.
Tools include penile plethysmography (men), vaginal photoplethysmography (women), and viewing
time of standardized erotic materials; however, possession of such material, even for diagnostic
purposes, may be illegal in certain jurisdictions.
Treatment decisions to be made:
1. How to practice controlling one self over unwanted sexual urges?

2. What are the best way to prevent an individual to commit such sexual

3. Does the individual have enough motivation and strong support system
to help them during the treatment process?

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