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Learning Outcomes;


Analyze the context, content, Identify its historical Examine the author’s
and perspective of different viewpoint of text; and main argument and point
kinds of primary sources; of view.
Primary sources are foundational to the
study of history because they provide
firsthand accounts or evidence of past
events, people, and cultures. These sources
offer direct insight into the thoughts,
experiences, and perspectives of
of Primary individuals who lived during a particular
Sources in historical period. Here are some key
Philippine reasons why primary sources are
History important in studying history:
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Authenticity: Primary sources
are original documents or
artifacts created at the time of the
events being studied. They offer
an authentic glimpse into the Multiple Contextual
past, providing unfiltered Understanding:
information that has not been Perspectives:
interpreted or altered by later

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Critical Filling Gaps Engaging with

Analysis: in the History:

• Authenticity: Primary sources are original documents or artifacts created at the
time of the events being studied. They offer an authentic glimpse into the past,
providing unfiltered information that has not been interpreted or altered by later
• Multiple Perspectives: Primary sources come from a variety of sources,
including letters, diaries, speeches, official documents, photographs, artifacts,
and more. By examining different primary sources, historians can gain multiple
perspectives on historical events, allowing for a more comprehensive
understanding of the past.
• Contextual Understanding: Primary sources provide valuable context for
historical events. By analyzing the content and context of primary sources,
historians can uncover the social, political, economic, and cultural factors that
influenced people's actions and decisions in the past.
• Critical Analysis: Studying primary sources requires critical thinking
skills. Historians must evaluate the reliability, credibility, and bias of the
sources they encounter. This process of critical analysis helps historians
separate fact from interpretation and construct more accurate historical
• Filling Gaps in the Historical Record: Primary sources often fill gaps in
the historical record left by secondary sources or official histories. They
can shed light on overlooked or marginalized perspectives, voices, and
experiences that have been omitted from traditional narratives.
• Engaging with History: Primary sources bring history to life by
connecting students and researchers directly with the people and
events of the past. By engaging with primary sources, individuals can
develop a deeper appreciation for history and cultivate empathy for
those who came before them.
Understanding the content and context of primary sources in
Philippine history is essential for several reasons:

• Authentic Representation: Primary sources provide authentic representations of historical events

and experiences. They offer firsthand accounts of significant moments in Philippine history, such as
the arrival of Spanish colonizers, the Philippine Revolution against Spanish rule, the struggle for
independence against American colonialism, and the challenges of nation-building in the post-
colonial era.
• Uncovering Marginalized Voices: Primary sources allow us to uncover the voices and perspectives
of marginalized groups in Philippine society, including indigenous communities, women, peasants,
laborers, and ethnic minorities. By examining primary sources, we can gain insights into the diverse
lived experiences of people who have often been overlooked or silenced in traditional historical
• Interpreting Colonial Encounters: Primary sources shed light on the complex dynamics of colonial
encounters in Philippine history. They enable us to explore the interactions between indigenous
peoples and colonial powers, as well as the strategies of resistance and adaptation employed by
Filipinos in response to colonial domination.
Understanding the content and context of primary sources in
Philippine history is essential for several reasons:

• Understanding Socioeconomic Transformations: Primary sources provide

valuable insights into the socioeconomic transformations that have shaped
Philippine society over time. They document changes in land tenure systems,
economic patterns, labor relations, trade networks, and urban development,
illuminating the material conditions of life for different segments of the
• Examining Cultural Expressions: Primary sources encompass a wide range of
cultural expressions, including literature, art, music, folklore, religious practices,
and linguistic traditions. They offer glimpses into the cultural diversity of the
Philippines and the ways in which cultural identities have been negotiated,
contested, and reaffirmed throughout history.
Analyzing a primary source like a
painting involves asking questions
that delve into its content, context,
and significance. Here are some
questions to guide the analysis of a
painting in the context of
Philippine history:
The presentation should answer the following questions…
• Content Analysis:
What is the subject matter of the painting?
Who or what are the central figures or elements depicted?
What symbols or motifs are present, and what do they represent?
What emotions or messages does the painting convey?
• Interpretation:
What do you think the artist's intentions were in creating this painting?
How might different viewers interpret the painting differently?
What broader themes or issues does the painting address in the context of
Philippine history?
How does the painting contribute to our understanding of Philippine society,
culture, or identity?
• Juan Luna's painting "The Parisian Life" is a masterful depiction of late 19th-
century Filipino expatriates living in Paris. The painting captures a scene set in a
stylish Parisian cafe, where three elegantly dressed figures are engaged in
conversation. Here's a summary interpretation of the elements present in the
1. Subject Matter: The painting portrays three central figures, two men and a woman,
seated at a table in a fashionable Parisian cafe. The figures are identified as Juan Luna
himself, his brother-in-law Félix Pardo de Tavera, and the famous Filipina soprano
Adelina Patti.
2. Composition and Arrangement: Luna employs a balanced composition, with the
figures placed prominently in the foreground against a backdrop of other cafe patrons
and architectural details. The arrangement creates a sense of depth and perspective,
drawing the viewer's attention to the main characters.
3. Costumes and Fashion: The figures are depicted wearing stylish European attire, reflecting the
cosmopolitan lifestyle of Filipino expatriates in Paris during the late 19th century. Their fashionable
clothing underscores their social status and cultural assimilation into Western society.

4. Facial Expressions and Gestures: The facial expressions and gestures of the figures convey a sense
of intimacy and camaraderie. Luna, Pardo de Tavera, and Patti appear engaged in animated
conversation, suggesting a relaxed and convivial atmosphere in the cafe.

5. Setting and Context: The Parisian cafe setting symbolizes the cosmopolitan nature of Paris as a
cultural center during the Belle Époque period. The presence of Luna, Pardo de Tavera, and Patti in this
setting highlights the international connections and cultural exchange between the Philippines and
Europe at the time.

6. Symbolism and Identity: "The Parisian Life" serves as a visual representation of the aspirations and
achievements of Filipino intellectuals and artists who sought recognition and validation in European
society. The inclusion of Luna, a celebrated Filipino painter, alongside Pardo de Tavera, a prominent
physician and intellectual, and Patti, a world-renowned opera singer, reflects the diverse talents and
contributions of Filipinos on the global stage.
• Primary sources can be analyzed and
evaluated by different criteria. These
criteria are:
– Content analysis
– Contextual analysis
– The author’s main argument or point of

• Is a research method for studying primary sources

such as documents and communication artifacts,
which can be texts of various formats, pictures, audio,
or video.
• One of the key advantages of using content analysis to
analyze social phenomena is its non-invasive nature,
in contrast to simulating social experiences or
collecting survey answers.
• Six questions must be
addressed in every content
– Which data are analyzed?
– How are the data defined?
– From what population are the data
– What is the most relevant context? Photo retrieved from , March 10, 2024

– What are the boundaries of the analysis?

– What is to be measured?
– How detailed is the item’s bibliographic record?
– Do your students need a primary source with a more
• The second way of analyzing primary descriptive bibliographic record so they can find more
leads for their research project?
sources is the contextual analysis or simply • CREATOR NAME AND CREATION/PUBLICATION DATE
called textual analysis. Understanding the – Are the creator’s name and creation date available on the
historical context of a primary source is primary source or in the bibliographic record?
critical for understanding the attitudes and – Are you studying point of view and therefore need to
identify the creator of a particular primary source?
influences that shaped the creation of the • TIME AND TOPIC UNDER STUDY IN YOUR CLASSROOM
primary source. – What is the time and topic under study in your classroom?
– Is the source considered primary source or a secondary
WHEN SELECTING PRIMARY SOURCES – Are these clues within the primary source that will help
students place the primary source into context?
THAT THE STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE – Will students identify clothing, shelter or technology from
TO PLACE IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT: a certain time period?
• Will library of congress cataloger’s notes or other
markings distract your students and interfere with
their ability to place the primary source into historical

Most often, people know what they are doing. They

plan their actions to achieve their purpose. If
someone selects the purpose of being rich, he will
design and carry out a set of actions, legal or illegal,
to gain the desired wealth. In the same manner,
writers or authors have soecific purpose to achieve
by any piece of work. They are in control of what
they write.
Here are some guide questions in critically analyzing or examining the author’s main
argument and point of view.

1. What is the author’s main objective in writing the article, book, etc.?
2. Does the author seek to persuade, convince, to identify problem, or to
provide a solution?
3. What are the forms of evidence used by the author? Are they effective
and for whom?
4. Are important facts or perspectives omitted? What is left out?
5. Is the author credible- to whom?
6. Does the author consider alternative position and perspective?
7. Does the author acknowledge prejudices or personal interest? Is there
an ax to grind?
8. Are opponents mentioned either by name or by school or by tradition?

2.Critical analysis
3.Contextual analysis
4.Content analysis
5.Single text


1.In analyzing a single text, why is it easier to analyze the text

written by a single author than by a multiple author?

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