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• Refers to mathematical calculation of the number of ways a particular
set can be arranged.
• The order of the objects/elements matters
• The way of selecting objects or numbers from a group of objects or
collections, in such a way that the order of the objects does not
Sample problem #1
• To understand clearly the difference between the two, use this
sample problem.
• Determine the number of Permutation and Combination in the givet
set of letters bellow.
Sample problem #2
• In how many different ways can we arrange 2 of the 4 letters A, B, C,
and D. Also, in how many ways can we combine 2 of the 4 letters.

• Note: when the number of ways is asked, solve for the permutation.
When the number of combination is asked, solve for the combination.
Sample problem #2
• In how many different ways can we arrange 2 of the 4 letters A, B, C, and D. Also,
in how many ways can we combine 2 of the 4 letters.
Solution using the formula:
Sample problem #3
• In how many different ways can you arrange 3 blocks on a shelf from a
group of 7?
Sample problem #4
• In how many ways can we arrange 5 books on a shelf?
Sample problem #5
• A college of engineering has 7 departments. Each department has
one representative for the college's student council. From these 7
representatives, one is to be chosen chair, another is to be selected as
vice chair, and the third will be secretary. How many ways are there to
select the three officers?
Sample problem #6
• How many different ways we can arrange the letters in the word
Sample problem #7
• How many different ways we can arrange the letters in the word

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