Gned5 PPT Final

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Examining Relational

Technology and Construction

of Identities
Relational Technology
Relational technology in communication
refers to the use of various technological
tools and platforms that facilitate and
enhance interpersonal connections,
relationships, and interactions. It includes
technologies such as cell phones, social
media platforms, instant messaging
applications, video conferencing tools,
and more.
Relational Technology
The use of relational technologies develops unique
meanings for particular social groups. Some groups view
the cell phone less as a device to contact others and more
as a means of displaying social status and membership
(Katz, 1006 as mentioned in Duck & McMahan, 2010).
The social means accompanying technologies, along with
their significance, vary according to the social system in
which they are used.
Media and Technology
The progress of technology plays a major influence in
identifying the perceptions and experience of generations.
Media scholars Gary Gumpert and Robert Cathhart (1985)
have maintained that the traditional notion of separating
generations according to time can be replaced by
separating generations according to their media
experience. What separates generations is not just the
chronological era in which they were born but also the
media and technology that encompass their world. Media
generations are differentiated by unique media grammar
and media consciousness based on the technological
environment in which they are born.
Technology and
Social Networks
Your social network is an equally strong force in guiding
perceptions and use of technology (Duck &
McMahan, 2010). Friends, family, classmates, co-worker,
and others with whom you share a particular relationship
direct and shape your assumptions about the value of
technology and its use represents both relationally and
personally. Your use and incorporation of technology will
differ according to the person with who you are in contact
and what you want to achieve thorough interaction. You
belong to multiple social groups, each of which likely views
technology and its use differently.
Technological Products and
Service Providers

Scholars have long studied the diffusion of

innovations or how new ideas and
technologies are spread throughout communities
(Katz, Levin, & Hamilton, 1963). Some
individuals desire to own the latest relational
technology and related accessories as a means
of demonstrating savvy or social status.

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