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Robots in the

Advancement and applications in chemical analysis
1. Introduction to Robots in the laboratory
2. History of Robots
3. Design and Functionality of Robots
4. Components of Robots
5. Drive systems for Robot motion
6. Feedback Control system
7. Sensors
8. Programming Robots
9. Types of Robots
10.Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots
11.Applications of Robots in chemical analysis
Laboratory robots doing acid digestion Chemical analysis

Robots are device that can perform a series

of programmed physical manipulations.
They are typically used to carry out
unpleasant, risky, excessively repetitive,
and harmful activities.
History of Robots

. In 1961, Unimate created the first industrial

robotic arm.
. In 1982 robots were introduced in laboratory,
The Zymate laboratory robot was a significant
innovation in laboratory robotics at that time.
Design and functionality of
. Choice of a particular robotic design is dependent
upon the geometrical arrangement of the apparatus
and objects that must be accessed by the robot.

. It is possible to extend the accessible volume of

any robot by mounting the robot on a movable
platform which can be controlled by a computer.
Components of the Robot
.Drive systems or Actuators: These are the parts of robot that allow it to move and perform
physical actions.

. Sensors: Laboratory robots have sensors to perceive and interact with their environment such
as touch and sight sensors.

. Control system: The control system is the brain of robots. It ensures that the robot moves
and behaves as intended.

. End effector: it is the tool attached to the robot’s arm to enable the robot to interact with
objects in its environment.

. Power supply: robots require a power source to operate. They can be in the form of batteries,
electrical outlets, or other power systems.
Drive systems for Robot
The motion of a robot is usually achieved
through hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric
drive systems.

. Hydraulic drive systems use fluid pressure to

generate motion. They are used in industrial
applications where heavy objects must be

. Pneumatic drive systems use compressed air to

generate motion. They are used in when
speed of motion is primary requirment.

. Laboratory robots are generally driven by

electric systems
. Sensors provide feedback to the robot about its
. Robots can be equipped with touch or sight sensors.
.Touch sensors, such as micro-switches, detect physical
contact with objects.
. Sight sensors use beams of light that are reflected or
absorbed by objects to detect their presence.
Feedback control

. The motion of laboratory robots can be

controlled under open-loop or closed-loop
. Open-loop control requires highly reproducible
robot motions and precise positioning of objects.
. Closed-loop control uses feedback from sensors
to adjust the robot's motion.
Programming Robots
Robots are programmed using three methods: explicit
programming, lead-through programming, and walk-
through programming.

. Explicit programming involves specifying various

parameters for the robot's motion and functions.

. Lead-through programming allows the robot's

movements to be recorded as it performs a function for
the first time, which can be reproduced later.

. Walk-through programming requires robots to have

built-in sensors that provide feedback for the
programming process.
Types of Robots
.. Robots can be classified according to the
type of motion the robotic arm can
. The four most common types of robotic
arms are the Cartesian, cylindrical,
revolute, and spherical types.

The Cartesian-type arm is

the simplest and can move
independently along the x,
y, and z axes in three-
dimensional space. It is
versatile and commonly
used in laboratory

The cylindrical-type arm

can access any area within a
cylinder around the robot. It
can move up and down
along the cylinder's height
axis and rotate around the
cylinder at any height. This
type of arm is often found
in laboratory robots.

The revolute-type arm grasps

objects from above and can reach
over low-lying obstacles. It
approaches objects from the top
and its movement creates a
hemisphere above the arm's base.
This arm is commonly used in
laboratory robots.

The spherical-type arm is similar

to the cylindrical-type arm but
approaches objects horizontally.
It also creates a hemisphere
above the base of the arm. This
arm is capable of reaching
objects directly above its base
through vertical rotation.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots

Advantages Disadvantages
● The major advantages of laboratory robots are ● The initial cost of acquiring and maintaining the
their flexibility, robots
● ability to perform tedious tasks, ● The need for specialized training to operate and
program them effectively
● and work in hazardous and sterile environments.
● The potential for technical issues or
● They have been shown to produce comparable malfunctions
accuracy and precision to human technicians,
and their cost can be recovered within a year in ● Robots may not be suitable for all types of
saved labor costs in industrial laboratories experiments or tasks, as some experiments
require human intuition and adaptibility.
Applications of Robots in Chemical

. In Medical laboratories: Robots can be used for tasks such as

automated sample processing, Handling and Sorting of Specimens, and
precise dispensing of Reagents.

. In Chemical Laboratories: Robots can handle hazardous chemicals,

perform precise measurements and automate reactions . They can also
assist in chemical analysis, such as Chromatography and spectroscopy.

. In Biological Laboratories: Robots are commonly used for high-

throughput screening, Dna sequencing, cell culture, Drug Discovery.
They can also Automate repetitive tasks in genetic research, suc as
pipetting, Dna extraction, and PCR.
● Introduction to Instrumental Analysis by
Robert D. Braun.
● Laboratory robotics - Wikipedia
● Yo

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