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Dr. Muhammad Waqas (Ph.D)

What is Anemia? 2

An absolute decrease in the red blood

cells mass (RBC count), hemoglobin
concentration, and/or PCV characterized
by pallor of conjunctiva/mucosa,
exercise intolerance and increased
capillary refill time (CRT)
Classification 3

•Anemia is classified into two types

•Regenerative/Responsive Anemia
Regenerative/Responsive Anemia 4

• It can develop either from excessive blood loss or

increased destruction of RBCs
• In case of regenerative anemia, the bone marrow
responds appropriately to the decreased red cell
mass by increasing the RBCs production.
• Anemia caused by hemorrhage (Hemorrhagic
anemia) or hemolysis of RBCs (Hemolytic anemia)
is typically regenerative
Etiology (Hemorrhagic anemia) 5
• Laceration or traumatic rupture of any large blood vessel resulting in
escape of blood in or outside of the body
• Rupture of middle uterine artery during dystocia or uterine torsion
• Extensive hemorrhage during surgical procedures
• Broken horn
• Castration by open method
• Massive infestation of blood sucking parasites
• Coccidiosis
• Bleeding neoplasms
• Erosion of carotid artery by guttural pouch mycosis in horses
Etiology (Hemolytic Anemia) 6
• Protozoal diseases e.g. Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis
• Bacterial diseases e.g. Leptospirosis, Bacillary hemoglobinuria
• Viral diseases e.g. equine infectious anemia and feline infectious anemia
• Rickettsial diseases e.g. ehrlichiosis
• Immunological disorders e.g. autoimmune hemolytic anemia
• Mineral deficiency e.g. hypophosphatemia/post parturient hemoglobinuria
• Animal poisoning e.g. snake bite poisoning
• Plant poisoning e.g. rape, onions and other cruciferous plants
• Chemical poisoning e.g. phenothiazine in horses & copper in sheep
• Anemia caused by lack of production of RBCs either due to
decreased erythropoietin or an abnormality in the bone marrow
is non-regenerative
• In case of non-regenerative anemia, the bone marrow responds
inadequately to the increased need for RBCs
• Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by kidneys to stimulate
production and maintenance of red blood cells. First, it
stimulates the bone marrow cells to produce red blood cells.
Then, it works to protect the cells from destruction once they
are in the body
Etiology (Non-regenerative) 8
• Deficiency of copper & cobalt in ruminants
• Iron deficiency in young animals
• Deficiency of Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6) in calves
• Deficiencies of vitamins E, B-6, B-12 and folic acid in all animals
• Massive bone fractures
• Radiation injuries
• Neoplasia of bone marrow
• Stem cell disorder (Aplastic anemia-a condition that occurs
when the body stops producing enough new blood cells)

Stem cells are the body's raw materials

— cells from which all other cells with
specialized functions are generated.
Stem cells divide to form more cells
called daughter cells. These daughter
cells either become new stem cells
(self-renewal) or become specialized
cells (differentiation) with a more
specific function, such as blood cells,
brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone
cells. No other cell in the body has the
natural ability to generate new cell
Clinical Signs 10

• Shock and even death if more than a third of the blood volume
is lost rapidly and not replaced
• Lethargy, weakness, pale mucous membranes
• Weak peripheral pulses, tachycardia, anemic hypoxia
• In case of intravascular hemolysis, there is hemoglobinuria and
the animal may be icteric due to excessive bilirubin production
• Splenomegaly, abdominal distention, and/or systolic heart
murmur (due to reduced blood viscosity) may be present,
depending on the underlying cause of anemia.
Diagnosis 11
• A complete history
• Duration of clinical signs, history of exposure to toxins (e.g. rodenticides, heavy
metals, toxic plants), drug treatments, vaccinations, travel history, and any prior
• A blood smear should be evaluated for abnormalities in RBCs’ morphology
or size and for the presence of RBCs’ parasites.
• Serology or PCR for infectious agents such as feline leukemia
virus, Ehrlichia, equine infectious anemia virus, and Babesia may also help
define the cause of anemia.
• Bone marrow evaluation by aspiration and/or biopsy is indicated in animals
with an unexplained, non-regenerative anemia
Treatment 12

• Specific treatment according to the cause

• Antibacterials, antivirals, antiprotozoals, mineral supplements etc
• Supportive treatment
• Whole blood transfusion in acute hemorrhagic anemia
• Hematinic and vitamins in hemolytic and hemorrhagic anemia
• Symptomatic treatment
• Inj Vitamin K or Transemic acid (Inj Transamin) to control bleeding in
case of hemorrhage or laceration
• Autoimmune hemolytic anemia respond well to administration
of corticosteroids compounds e.g. prednisolone and
dexamethasone .

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