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Welcome to our presentation on "Embracing Corporate Social
Responsibility at DEBENHAMS." In today's global

commercial markets, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is
more than just a catchphrase; it's a fundamental aspect of
business survival and success. DEBENHAMS, a prominent
retailer in the UK, has long been recognized as a pioneer in
CSR, prioritizing quality, sustainability, and social
responsibility in its operations. As we delve deeper into this
topic, we will explore how DEBENHAMS strategically aligns
its CSR initiatives with its core values and vision, driving
positive impact within the company and the communities it
The primary objective of this project is to develop a new brand of clothing at DEBENHAMS
that embodies the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with a focus on
sustainability, ethical sourcing, and social impact. Specifically, the project aims to:
• Create a new clothing brand comprising recycled and organic materials.
• Ensure adherence to fair trade principles and support local development initiatives in
sourcing countries.
• Improve DEBENHAMS' operational efficiency through sustainable practices.
• Enhance the brand image and customer loyalty by promoting sustainability and social
• Minimize environmental impact across the supply chain while fostering positive social
change in communities where DEBENHAMS operates.
Evaluating tools for gathering
When evaluating tools for gathering research, it's crucial to consider factors such
as the type of data needed, the scope of the research project, available budget,
and the level of expertise required to effectively utilize the tool. Each tool offers
unique features and capabilities, ranging from surveys and questionnaires for
collecting quantitative data to interviews and focus groups for obtaining
qualitative insights. Additionally, considerations include ease of use,
customization options, data analysis features, and compatibility with other
platforms. By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting the most suitable
tools, researchers can streamline the research process and obtain valuable
insights to inform decision-making and drive meaningful outcomes.
• On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is a company's commitment to CSR when making purchasing decisions?
• Do you actively seek out products from companies known for their CSR initiatives?
• How likely are you to pay a premium for products that are ethically sourced and environmentally friendly?
• Do you believe that companies have a responsibility to address social and environmental issues through CSR?
• Would you switch to a competitor if you found out that a company you currently support does not prioritize CSR?
• How often do you research a company's CSR practices before making a purchase?
• Which CSR initiatives do you find most important? (Select all that apply: environmental sustainability, fair labor practices,
community engagement, etc.)
• Do you think companies should be transparent about their CSR efforts, even if it means admitting areas where they fall short?
• Have you ever recommended a company to others based on its CSR efforts?
• How likely are you to participate in a company's CSR events or initiatives?
Data analysis
This slide outlines the methods and techniques we used to analyze the data collected during our research.
•We'll discuss how we processed, interpreted, and synthesized the data to derive meaningful insights and conclusions for our project.

Data analysis
Price competitiveness 25
Series 1
Brand reputation 30 40
Positive social impact 27
Comfort and style 55
Ethical manufacturing practices 38 5

Eco-friendly materials 48

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Our research uncovered several key insights regarding the
implementation and impact of Corporate Social Responsibility

(CSR) initiatives at DEBENHAMS. Through a combination of
surveys, interviews, and data analysis, we identified trends and
patterns that shed light on the effectiveness of CSR practices
within the organization.
• Building Trust and Loyalty:
⚬ Meaningful engagement fosters trust and loyalty among
stakeholders, strengthening DEBENHAMS'
relationships with customers, employees, and other key
partners. This, in turn, enhances brand reputation and
long-term sustainability.
• Mitigating Risks and Resolving Conflicts:
⚬ Proactive engagement allows DEBENHAMS to
anticipate and address potential risks, as well as resolve
conflicts or concerns before they escalate. This helps to
mitigate reputational damage and maintain positive
relationships with stakeholders.
Stakeholder engagement plays a crucial role in the success of CSR
initiatives, as it fosters collaboration, builds trust, and ensures
alignment with stakeholder expectations. By actively involving
stakeholders such as customers, employees, suppliers, local
communities, and investors, DEBENHAMS can gain valuable
insights, garner support, and co-create solutions that drive meaningful
In conclusion, our research underscores the critical importance of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives at DEBENHAMS and their significant impact on the
company's operations, brand reputation, and stakeholder relationships. Through a
combination of surveys, interviews, and data analysis, we have gained valuable
insights into the effectiveness of DEBENHAMS' CSR practices and identified
opportunities for further improvement.
• Carroll, A. B. (1991). The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral
Management of Organizational Stakeholders. Business Horizons, 34(4), 39-48.
• Kotler, P., & Lee, N. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your
Company and Your Cause. John Wiley & Sons.
• Smith, J. D. (2020). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Loyalty. Journal of
Business Ethics, 45(3), 123-135.
• World Wildlife Fund. (2023). Sustainable Sourcing Practices. World Wildlife Fund. Available at:
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e et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi
(Accessed: March 14, 2024).
• United Nations Environment Programme. (2021). The State of Sustainable Fashion. United
Nations Environment Programme. Available at:
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e et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi
(Accessed: March 14, 2024).

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