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Women Empowerment

• Definition of empowerment and women empowerment
• Challenges in women empowerment
• Current status of women in Pakistan
• Women in Islam & Muslim society
• How to empower
• Need of the hour
What empowerment really means?
• Empowerment means people having
power and control over their own lives.
People get the support they need that is
right for them. Empowerment means that
people are equal citizens. They are
respected and confident in their
communities. You can't empower someone
else or make someone empowered.

• World Bank says, “Empowerment is the

process of increasing the authority and
responsibility of individuals or groups to
make choices and to transform these
choices into desired actions and outcomes.
Women Empowermnet

• Women Empowerment refers to the

activities undertaken to improve the
social, economic and political status
of women in the world.
• Women Empowerment surely has
advantage, it gives women good
status in society.
• Women Empowerment is basically
the creation of environment where
women can make their decisions.
5 Components of Women’s Empowerment

• Women’s sense of self-worth

• Their right to have and to determine choices
• Their right to have access to opportunities and resources
• Their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside
the home
• And their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just
social and economic order, nationally and internationally
Rights of Women in Islam
• Equality of reward for their deeds
• The right and duty to obtain education
• The right to obtain provisions from her father and brothers until she gets
• The right to have their own independent property
• The right to provisions from the husband for all her needs and more
• The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it
• The right to keep all her own money
• The right to express their opinion and be heard
• The right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice
• The right to obtain divorce from her husband
• The right to have custody of their children after divorce
Female Role Model In Islam

Hazrat Khadija (RA) :

She was the Business Women, she was married to Muhammad PBUH. Her marriage is a
lesson that if Men can marry a younger woman, then it’s okay for women to marry
someone younger as well. She was a businesswoman, who led her personal life by
continuing her business.

Hazrat Ayesha (RA):

Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was married to Muhammad PBUH, she never had children, but that
does not stop her from achieving her milestones, she is one of the top Hadith narrators.
Hazrat Zainab(RA):
Hazrat Zainab (RA) was the sister of Hazrat Hasan (RA) and Hazrat Hussain (RA) and the
daughter of Hazrat Ali (RA), she was present at the Battle of Karbala, she saw everything of
it. She gave an influential summon at the Yazid’s palace. Her life lesson shows that
everyone has to bear sadness in one’s life.

Hazrat Asma(RA):
Hazrat Asma (RA) was one of the companions of Muhammad PBUH. Asma RA’s son, Abdullah
(RA), and his cousin, Qasim ibn Muhammad, were both grandsons of Abu Bakr stood
against Yazid after the Martyrdom of Hussain (RA) and his companions in Karbala. Her life
shows that no matter what happens, you can still teach your children to stand up for what’s

Hazrat Nusaybah(RA):
Nusaybah bint Ka’ab (RA) also among the earliest converts to Islam and she was one of the
companions of Prophet (PBUH). She participated in the Battle of Uhud, she was a woman
who used to bring water to soldiers. We learn that women can do everything in this world,
even it’s fighting a battle.
The percentage of female population is 48.54% compare to 51.46% male

-Why is empowering girls and women so important?

Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of
families, communities and countries.

When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach
their full potential, contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise
happier and healthier children. They are also able to help fuel sustainable
economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.
Challenges of Women Empowerment
Pakistan ranked as 6th most dangerous country for women 2021.
Studies showed that 28% of women in Pakistan face domestic violence in
their lives before 50
According to 2021 annual report, 93% of women, both in public and private
sector, being harassed mentally & physically
40% of married women face spousal abuse in pakistan
Problems of Women

Conservative Society
Harrasment (93%)
Domestic Voilence (70%)
Disparity in education (59% girls
out of school)
Child marriages (18.3%)
Gender Discrimination (unequality)
Exclusion of women (incivility &
disrespect treatment)
No entrepreneurship (only 1%)
Honor Killing (9000 in 2021)
Gender based violence (only 1% girls can
decide their own marriage)
Unemployment (only 12m Women)
Legal Right
• Legally man and women are equal.
• Right to life
• Same Punishment: Punishment for man &
woman for the same crime is same
• Women even have a right to be witness
Islam Protects the woman

Social Right
• Right To Marry
• Right To Disjoint
• Freedom From Dowry: Mahr (Martial Gift is
• In our culture gives Dowry to would-be
Political Right
• Right to audit
• Right to vote

• Trade
• Adult woman is allowed to own or disown
• Woman is financially more secure.Financial
burden is put on the shoulder of man.

• Right to study

How to empower:
● Positive role of NGO’s-The NGOs are taking so many steps and programs to develop the poverty
situation, social empowerment, literacy, business knowledge, entrepreneurs, financial strength,
technical matters and other things through various programs, which is the base of women
● National NGOs-AASHA. All Pakistan Women's Association. Applied Social Research.Aurat
Publication and Information Service Foundation.Bedari.Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.
Kashf Foundation.

● The Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010 for prevention and
protection of women against harassment at the workplace.
● The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act, 2011 (Called Criminal Law (Second)
Amendment Act, 2011) for prevention of acid crimes and strict punishments.
● Prevention of Anti-Women Practices Act, 2011 (Criminal Law (Third Amendment) Act,
2011) for prevention of customary practices such as giving a female in marriage or otherwise in
badla-e sulh, wanni or swara, depriving women from inheriting property, forced marriages and
marriage of females with the Holy Quran.
● Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 makes rape a criminal offence
punishable with death or imprisonment for not less than ten years.
Ways to empower:
● Knowledge about their rights and courage to standup against any
● By providing education and skills
● Self-help groups and social interactions-(Self-help groups are informal groups
of people who come together to address their common problems. While self-
help might imply a focus on the individual, one important characteristic of self-
help groups is the idea of mutual support – people helping each other.)
● Financial stability and independence-encourage women to develop in their
fields and making good career-Economic Empowerment of women Poverty
Eradication by offering them a range of economic and social options, along with
necessary support measures to enhance their capabilities
● Changes in women labor patterns
● Men should be educated to support women in their family so that they can
achieve a balance between work and personal life
● Changes in women control over decision making
Ways to empower:
● Women and Agriculture Concentrated efforts should be made to ensure that benefits of
training, extension and various programmes will reach them in proportion to their
● Women and Industry comprehensive support in terms of labour legislation, social
security and other support services to participate in various industrial sectors
● Support Services child care facilities, including creches at work places and educational
institutions, homes for the aged and the disabled
● social empowerment of women Education for women equal access to education as
men and boys
● Healthcare for women Participation of women in development of science and
● Nutrition of women Drinking Water and Sanitation
● Housing and Shelter Environment
● political empowerment Recognizing that education and training To acknowledge and
accept the glaring gender based bias Empowering women by increasing awareness
regarding the rights of an employee. Work on the communication skills of women
Encouraging and supporting women entrepreneurs to develop marketable models of
● Planning educational and training modules for motivating women to take up self-
empowerment programmes. Educating and training women to gainfully engage in
markets and institutions. Publicizing the central role of women in the national economies
and celebrating the success stories of women entrepreneurship and women
professionalism in every field. Gender training and sensitization of the current structures
of the society represented by the government, non-governmental bodies and private
enterprises. Improving the flow and access of credit and finance for women through
financial institutions for female entrepreneurs at the governmental and non-governmental
levels. The access of credit to be financed through collateral for loans. Building and
strengthening networks where women come together from different nations and regions
for common goal economic empowerment of women.
● Cultural Empowerment of Women There should be a change in the mind set of society
on a fundamental level. Cultural empowerment as such can be achieved only when
women are treated as human beings first and foremost
Females Role Model in the History of Pakistan
1. Fatima Jinnah
Fatima Jinnah was an instrumental figure in the Pakistani movement. Decades after her death,
the Pakistani lady continued to be loved and revered by Pakistanis and remains a role model
for women in in the country.
2. Benazir Bhutto
While developed countries such as the United States are still struggling to elect their first female
president, Benazir Bhutto set the stage for Pakistan in 1989. She is not only the first female
Prime Minister of Pakistan but also the first female head of state in the Islamic world.
3. Bano Qudsia
Bano Qudsia is a famous Pakistani novelist and playwright. She was so popular among the
people of Pakistan that she was called Bano Aapa (the great sister). She is also known as
one of the most prominent Urdu writers in modern era.
4.Marium Mukhtar:
Although the 24-year-old Flying Officer was martyred when her training aircraft crashed near
Mianwali in November, Marium will always be remembered as the first lady pilot of the
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to attain the great honour.
5. Arfa Abdul Karim Randhawa
At the age of 9, Arfa made Pakistan proud by becoming the youngest Microsoft engineer in the
world. She represented Pakistan at major technology-related events, including the TechEd
Developers Conference. Arfa Karim is the youngest recipient of the Gold Medal of
Performance in Pakistan. This award is usually given to people who show excellence and
mastery in their field over a long period of time.
6. Nigar Johar
Nigar Johar marked an important part of history by reaching the highest position in the Pakistani
army and becoming the first female general in the army. Undoubtedly, this news is a
powerful message to the world that there is no impossible dream in life for girls and women
in Pakistan.
7. Bilquis Edhi
Belquis Bano Edhi is the wife of the late Abdul Sattar Edhi, a humanitarian, social worker and
one of Pakistan’s most active philanthropists. She is also honored to receive the prestigious
Hilal-i-Imtiaz Award. Most recently, she was shortlisted for the Top Personality Award for the
two decades from 2000 to 2020.
Need of Women Employment

● Deprived of their rights

● Role of women in society
● Inferior and voilence
● Present change

1.For social, political and economical development of a nation women empowerment is very

2. Pakistan is a developing nation and it can't become a developed state until and unless it solved
the problem faced by womens.

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