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History Portchester Castle – the very basics! Why created in it’s location?
• built the fort in the 3rd Century History
• Emperor Carausius • Part of 9 forts built along the Saxon
Richard II’s Palace 1396-1400
• One of 9 along the coast History • Local – home for queen Isabella Shore by the Romans
• 20 Bastions Henry II 1154 • Inlet provided a natural protection
• Rectangular perimeter wall
and place for nobles to come and
• (National - war with France) do business with the King for Roman ships and soldiers
• Flint and tile • Embarkation point for soldiers • Close to the channel to intercept
• Land and water gate • National – bring an end to war with
headed towards the continent to pirate ships
• Defensive – stop barbaric pirates France – marry King's daughter and
protect the king’s French lands. • Defends the coast to ensure that
• National - Safe harbour for • Safe haven for shipping the treasury provide a lavish home to impress
ships/soldiers the King of France the Romans
Localcan secure their take
to France and as a prison for over of Britain
• Mixed community important captives. • Palace entrance; Porch, lamps, • Anglo Saxon – Thegn’s home
Saxons Kitchen/pantry/buttery • Normans – home of William
King John 1200-1215
• Burgh • Great Hall – tapestries, coats of Maudit and to watch over the
• (Local)
• Thegn Edward the Elder English
• Base for his hunting and so he would arms, carved arches, large windows
• Local -Residence
have better accommodation with heraldic beasts. Fireplace, • King John – second home for
• It gave protection but it was also a
place for people to live in peace.
• New chamber and latrine (public large staircase hunting
• Rebuilt Watergate toilet) was added to the base of the • King’s private chamber, Chapel and • Richard II’s Palace – home for
keep. Exchequer. Queen and a place to meet Nobles
• It was like a second home for John - • Napoleonic Wars 17th - 19th
• First to develop the site
latrine and King’s lodgings improved
• Augustinian priory centuries
• Inner bailey with Keep, moat and • National – wars with France
100 Years War 1337 – 1453 (National)
gatehouse • Prisoners = Caribbean, French,
• conflicts between England and France
• Home for William Maudit Spanish, and some Polish prisoners. National Importance
• Local: watch over English and crush to try and take sovereignty of France.
• Edward II - changes for comfort and • Inner bailey/keep was used to hold  Romans – defend coast from
rebellions Barbaric pirates along the coast
better living conditions. Halls, the prisoners.
• inner bailey walls would have created  Normans – Close links to
chambers, walls and gates were • In 1745, due to overcrowding, an
another obstacle for attackers and the
repaired to the cost of £1100 ‘airing yard’ was constructed in the Normandy
keep would be strong.
• KEEP: At ground level, was a prison
• Edward III- outer bailey. - Defend coast from
• In 1360, the castle was, again, • Outside the gatehouse of the inner invasion – eg Vikings
and a chapel. First floor had a suite of
garrisoned with 15,000 troops. This • Henry II – wars with France
rooms, place to eat, lodgings of bailey was the mess room and
happened again in 1369 when the shipping soldiers and treasure to
servants and the private chamber of guardhouse, and within the inner
French burned Portsmouth, making
the Lord and his family. There is still bailey were a well and pump. France
the threat of an invasion more
evidence today of the fireplace and • In the keep today - painted walls • 100 Years war with France –
latrine (in the corner) for the theatre and the hammock Edward II and Edward III –
• Keep was re-leaded, and the
• National – close links to Normandy significant defensive changes and
gatehouse was extended. Heightened hooks. Also, Graffiti from French
and to defend the coast against soldiers garrisoned inside the
the keep. a wall was built at the prisoners . Additional floors that
Watergate. Rebuilding of: the south- were put in for the hammocks, castle.
western hall as a two-storey building. beams still remain • Napoleonic War – housing
The gates and walls were repaired, prisoners
Watergate was extended and a new
portcullis made for it.
Portchester Castle – the very basics!
The challenges of studying the
Key Turning Point The typicality of the site based on a Daily Life: historic environment
Normans comparison with other similar sites Palace
• First significant changes inside – • Burgh, Pevensey– all same features in • Great Hall – tapestries, coats of • Due to vast changes it is hard to
Augustinian priory and Inner Roman, Anglo Saxons and Norman arms, carved arches, large windows fully understand the site when it
bailey with Keep, gatehouse and periods with heraldic beasts. Fireplace, was built by the Romans. 4
ditch • Pevensey – Kings apartments built – large staircase Bastions have disappeared and
• Later turning points similar to Richard’s palace • Hierarchy of guests at the top table the buildings no longer exist.
• Key additions during the 100years • Main differences- Portchester most most important, served first and Castle has had significant
war complete roman fort, miniature had food cut for them. Entertained changes under the Normans,
• Richard II’s Palace palace and housing prisoners in the by a minstrel and jester during the 100 years war and the
• Napoleonic Wars – prison Napoleonic wars. • Servants and nobles in different addition of a palace.
clothing according to status • To overcome this – use
Attitudes and values Evidence that remains today Prison archeological evidence, primary
Defence/protection/ wars • Extensive archaeological investigations  Poor treatment of prisoners, and secondary sources, physical
• Romans, Normans, Edward III, began in the 1960s in a series of crowded, dirty, cold. remains, artists drawings, maps
Napoleonic – prison excavations led by Barry Cunliffe. These  yellow uniform(easy to spot if and plans. Compare to other
provided much information about the escaped) of trousers, a shirt, sites – Burgh and Pevensey
Residence/ Home
Roman and Saxon periods in particular cardigan, jacket and clogs
• Anglo Saxons, Normans, King John,
and unearthed more than 70,000 items
Richard II  Officers were paid a shilling a day
dating from the late 3rd century AD to
Status and Wealth and could leave with a guard so had
the 19th century The benefits of studying the historic
• Edward the Elder, William Maudit Romans - 16 Bastions, Land and water more privileges
• King John, Edward II, Richard II Gate, Outer wall  A French prisoner married a local
Prison Normans - Inner bailey, keep (fireplace, women in 1760
treatment of Caribbean's, poor latrine), gatehouse, ditch  Complaints about overcrowding in To understand:
conditions in the keep, better Latrine outlets from Priory 1742 led to the building of an airing  the design/function/purpose of
treatment of officers. 100 years war - extended Gatehouse, yard. In 1747 there were 2,500 Roman forts
Heightened Keep, portcullis holes prisoners.  The diversity of life at
Early Tudors - Armoury store  Theatre/plays show a kinder
The diversity of activities and people Portchester.
Richard’s Palace -Porch with two lanterns,
associated with the site attitude trying to make it more  Development of a castle over
Fireplaces in Chamber and Great Hall, large
• Romans – mixed community. windows of the Great hall and Great
comfortable. A 12 –piece orchestra time – all the physical changes
• Anglo Saxon Burgh, King John’s Chamber, doorways eg to Chamber, Lines of accompanied one play. and why
base for hunting, Richards’s Palace- the roofs/floors, servant entrances, richly  Prisoners practiced crafts, such as  The importance of a site both
Great Hall, banquets, hierarchy of carved arches of the Great Hall lace making, religious objects, nationally and locally.
guests, status and wealth. Prison - Theatre paintings on walls, Graffiti combs and dominoes.  To understand the architectural
• Tudors – held court there. from prisoners, beams showing extra  Prisoners sold these on the main design of a castle – eg walls, flint
Napoleonic wars -Prison – to Made flooring for hammocks, hammock hooks road through the fort and tile, Bastions and gatehouses
crafts and lace, theatre and
orchestra. Built airing yard in outer
bailey. Officers treated better

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