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The concept of slavery

BY : Dr. Hussan ara .

Aristotle is called as a pure conservative.
Slavery is an archaic institution.
Slave is a living instrument .
The Greek society consists of 5 classes .
A- Intellectual class .
B-Soldier –guardian class .
C- Metics class .
D- Slave class .
E- aliens and foreigners .
Concept of slavery
Few are born to rule , and few are born to be ruled .
Master – slave relationship .
Symbiotic relationship between slave and master .
The institution of slavery is essential for the survival of
If the institution of slavery is abolished, then the
survival of slaves will be at stake .
Concept of slavery :
Natural slavery was Aristotle's belief, found in the
Politics, that some people are slaves by nature, while
others were slaves solely by law or convention.
Aristotle strongly believed and justified the institution
of slavery. He opined slaves as the possession of the
family or, in other words, was considered the property
of the master or the family. He stated that slavery is
natural and beneficial to both the masters as well as
the slaves.
Aristotle,s justification about slavery:
Slavery is a natural phenomenon. The superior would
rule over the inferior just as the soul rules over the
body and reason over appetite. In other words, people
with superior reasoning powers would rule over those
inferior in reasoning. The masters are stated to be
physically and mentally strong than the slaves. So, this
set-up naturally makes the former the master, and the
latter the slave.
Aristotle's justification:
 Necessary:
 Slaves are considered necessary because they provide leisure
that was most essential for the welfare of the state. Aristotle
stated that slavery benefited the slaves as well. Because by
being a slave, he would be able to share the virtues of the
master and elevate himself.
 Expediency:
 Aristotle was of the opinion that slaves have sustained the
Greek social and economic system, and they helped Greece
against social disorder and chaos. He stated that slavery is a
social necessity. It was complementary to the slaves as well
as the masters and that it aids in perfection.
 1. Classification of individuals on the basis of capacities is
wrong and Aristotle never provided any logical method to
be adopted to classify individuals.
 2. He rejected historical origin of slavery and justified it on
philosophical rationalization.
 3. His views on slavery reflect his conservatism and
primitive outlook towards life.
 4. His theory is highly prejudicial and contradictory to the
human dignity and niceties of life. It is prejudicial, in the
sense it presupposed that Greeks were fit to rule the world
and they could not be enslaved even if they were defeated
by the barbarians.
Conclusion :

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