Got Discipline PowerPoint

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Copyright Patrick Traynor 2005
Text available at: © Traynor/Gaitan 2005
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C) Traynor 2005
Got Discipline? PowerPoint
Coincides with Text
 "I found the descriptions of the teachers to be
excellent. Each teacher came to life and in
reading about the classroom interactions, it was
like a visit to the classroom. Excellent in the
range of observations and carefully drawn
–John McNeil, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, UCLA
Patrick Traynor, Ph.D.

 “The practical tried and true strategies will work

with all students with behavioral issues. A good
read with great advice.”
–Sue Watson, Counselor, Special Education Teacher

 “I wish this message could get through to every

teacher, administrator, and parent who is in
contact with a child who has ADD/ADHD.”
–Kathleen Penrice, Teacher
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C) Traynor 2005
“Classroom order is a precondition for
teaching and learning.

Steven Brint, 1998

Professor, Sociology,
University of California

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C) Traynor 2005
“Control is the major issue and always at the center
of student-teacher relations.
Orderly behavior can never be expected; it is always
problematic and always requires attention.”

Phillip A. Cusick, 1990

Professor, Educational Administration
Michigan State University

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C) Traynor 2005
“No matter how much money and programs, it won’t
work – unless they understand respect and discipline
in the classroom.”

Jaime Escalante
Inspirational Mathematics Teacher

Walker, Colvin & Ramsey (1995)

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C) Traynor 2005
“Discipline should be seen and used
as a form of instruction.”

Ruby K. Payne (2003)

A Framework for Understanding Poverty

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C) Traynor 2005
Children today are tyrants.
They contradict their parents,
gobble their food,
and tyrannize their teachers.

Socrates, 470-399 B.C.

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C) Traynor 2005
Three Approaches to Classroom
Management (Chapter 1)
Dreikers, Grunwald, & Pepper, 1982; Canter & Canter, 1992; Jones, 2000;
Albert, 1996; Coloroso, 1994; Steinberg, Dornbush, & Brown, 1992

 Lenient Rigid
– Low expectations –Low tolerance
– Allows disruptions –Coercive
– Friendship –Unfairness

–Holds students accountable
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C) Traynor 2005
Consequences of Three Approaches
• Lenient
– Comfort at expense of subject matter (Cusick, 1983)
– Contributes to an inability to learn (Grant, 1988; Walker, Colvin &
Ramsey, 1995)
• Rigid
– Decreases joy of learning (Moore, 1967)
– Defiant attitude (Brophy, 1983)
– Escalate misbehavior (Walker, Colvin & Ramsey, 1995)
• Moderate
– Students internalize self-discipline (Charles, 1999)
– Preserves student dignity (Gaddy & Kelley, 1984; Walker, Colvin,
& Ramsey, 1995)

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C) Traynor 2005
Continuum Model of Relationships of Approaches –
Five Categories of Practices (Chapter 2)

Lenient Rigid
Lenient Nurturing Indirect Direct Rigid



The Classroom Management Spectrum. E = Effective N = Not effective.

Arrows = Movement toward more effectiveness.
Adapted from Traynor (2004)

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C) Traynor 2005
Perception, Skill, Attitude © Traynor/Gaitan 2005

Low Perception

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C) Traynor 2005
Perception, Skill, Attitude
(Chapter 3)
• Enactment of practices depends on:
• Perception: Ability to perceive behavior that
requires attention
• Skill: Ability to select and implement an
appropriate practice
• Attitude: Interest or willingness toward
enacting a particular practice

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C) Traynor 2005
Perception, Skill, Attitude
 Consider the Venn diagram continuum model
of classroom management practices just
presented and on page 5 of the text. In pairs
discuss the following and be prepared to share:
– Which effective category of practices would a
lenient teacher have the most difficulty enacting?
– Which factors: perception, skill, or attitude do
you think would be the source of such difficulty?
– Answer the same questions for a rigid teacher.

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C) Traynor 2005
Perception, Skill, Attitude
Research Shows (Traynor, 2004)
Nurturing Indirect Direct

Teacher Type Perception/Skill/Attitude Perception/Skill/Attitude Perception/Skill/Attitude

3=High 3=High 3=High
2= Medium 2= Medium 2= Medium
1= Low 1= Low 1= Low
3/3/3 2/3/3 2/2/1
1/1/1.5 3/3/3 3/3/3
3/3/3 3/3/3 3/3/3
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C) Traynor 2005
Evaluating Perception, Skill, and
 To heighten perception, a teacher can
– Increase awareness of possible insidious
behaviors (Lenient Practices – Chapters 4-11)
or that kids are fearful or overly defiant of an
overbearing teacher (Rigid Practices – Chapters
– Increase awareness of effectiveness and
ineffectiveness of responses to student
behaviors (All of Part II – Chapters 4-24)

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C) Traynor 2005
Evaluating Perception, Skill, and
 To increase skill, a teacher can
– Increase knowledge base of effective practices
(Nurturing – Chapters 12-14; Indirect –
Chapters 15-18; Direct – Chapters 19-21)
– Reflect on effectiveness of own practices

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C) Traynor 2005
Evaluating Perception, Skill, and
 For a better attitude, a teacher can
– Put practices into an organized framework to
simplify enactment (Page 5 Venn Continuum
– Realize that enactment of even select strategies
greatly increases effectiveness of learning
environment. Decrease in stress, parent
complaints, and administrative intervention.

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
(Part II Category I)
 With a partner, read a brief case episode at
the beginning of one of the chapters, 4-11.
– Discuss how this teacher should have handled
the situation, or what practice should this teacher
have applied? Be prepared to share with group.
– Into which category would you place your
recommended practice: Nurturing, Indirect, or

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Restroom Passes (Chapter 4)
– Issues to consider
» Accident avoidance
» Should avoid being perceived as too rigid
» Allowance leads to persistent disruptions as the
» Allowance by several teachers leads to school

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Restroom Passes
– Possible fair and reasonable strategies
» Spend the amount of time from class after class
» Three restroom passes per quarter; unused passes
worth “points”
 For grading, activities, passes for other events, etc.
 Students who need more than three can see teacher for
– teacher can work out solution individually with
student and/or family
– Isolates over users and makes their behavior more

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Avoidance (Chapter 5)
– Ignoring misbehavior that will not go away
automatically contributes to an escalation
– Many behaviors need effective indirect or direct

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Use of Humor (Chapter 6)
– Often misinterpreted
» Friendly humor often confused for malicious intent
» Humor to communicate disapproval communicates
– Even though humor can make communicating
praise less awkward
– If humor is part of classroom culture, teacher
should be prepared for disciplinary intervention
more frequently

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices

No Assignment
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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 No Assignment (Chapter 7)
– Students in close quarters have a natural
propensity toward disorder
» If not engaged, will converse, tease, laugh, throw,
horseplay, rough house, etc.
– At every moment, the students should have a
productive activity
» The more available the teacher is, the more complex
the activity can be
» If teacher is occupied in roll call, the activity should
require very little teacher attention
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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Non-monitoring (Chapter 8)
– Allows students to manifest their natural
propensity toward disorder
– To determine if more monitoring is needed:
» the next few times maladaptive behavior occurs, a
teacher should reflectively ask
 “Was I monitoring or not monitoring?”
 If the answer is “not monitoring” more often than
“monitoring,” more monitoring is probably needed

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Providing General Directives (Chapter 9)
– Communicates that maladaptive behavior,
although not desired, will be tolerated and is
» “Keep it down” vs. “Stop talking”
» “Come on guys, let’s get busy” vs. “complete your
assignment right now”
» “We need it clean in hear before we leave” vs.
“Everyone pick up two pieces of trash, place them
in the trash can, and return to your seat”
– Students need clear unambiguous directives
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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Reinforcing Callouts (Chapter 10)
– Contributes to “free for all” dialogue with
– Establish and follow hand raising procedure
» Do not permit students to call out; refer to hand
raising procedure
» Acknowledge students with raised hand; but do not
allow to interrupt dialogue

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C) Traynor 2005
Lenient Practices
 Referring to End of Class (Chapter 11)
– Triggers dismissal behaviors from students
– Communicates that “packing up” is acceptable
– Avoid referring to the end of the period

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C) Traynor 2005
Nurturing Practices
(Category II)
 Nurturing Practices in combination with
Direct Interventions have synergistic effect
“Teachers maintain control by balancing personal
forcefulness with intimate teacher-pupil
relationships.” (DeMarrais and LeCompte,
 Nurturing Practices with Lenient Approach
will not be sufficient

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C) Traynor 2005
Nurturing Practices
 With a partner, read and discuss a brief case
episode at the beginning of one of the
chapters, 12 – 14.
– Look at the appendix on page 113, Standard Two
of the California Standards for the Teaching
Profession – Creating and Maintaining an
Effective Learning Environment.
– To which element, 2.1-2.6 would your chosen
episode apply and at what level of professional
accomplishment would the practice be evaluated?
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C) Traynor 2005
Nurturing Practices
 Greeting Students at Entrance (Chapter 12)
– Sets tone of courtesy and professionalism
– Prevents outdoor behaviors from being
expressed indoors

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C) Traynor 2005
Nurturing Practices
 Modeling Respect (Chapter 13)
– Demonstrating concern or good manners
models expected behavior
– Facilitates reciprocal behavior from students

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C) Traynor 2005
Nurturing Practices
 Appropriate Responses (Chapter 14)
– Demonstrate restraint, preservation of dignity
– Takes motive away from student to escalate
maladaptive behavior

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Read a brief case episode within Chapters 15-18
(i.e., one of the episodes in Chapters 15 or 16, one of the six in
Chapter 17, or one of the five in Chapter 18).
– With a partner, share your episode and speculate how
a more direct approach might have been less
– Discuss why the practice described in the episode
you read would not be placed in the Lenient category
of practices.

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
(Category III)
 High Accountability Assignments (Chapter
– Assignments that “count” for something
– Especially important for assignments with low
intrinsic motivation

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Monitoring (Chapter 16)
– Set up room for efficient walking among
– Strengthens teacher’s presence
– Allows for frequent, pertinent interaction

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions

Fueling the Fire

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Takes communication between teacher and
student away from spectacle of student’s peers
– Decreases need for students to defend

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Private Interactions
» Approach student rather than letting student call out
for all to hear
» Takes student from spectacle of entire class
» Avoids need for student to publicly respond
» Allows others to stay engaged

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Strategic Avoidance
» Allows maladaptive behavior to extinguish itself
» Avoids contribution to an escalation
» Delay confrontation for calmer time

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Waiting
» Conspicuously waiting implicitly communicates the
directive to pay attention
» This implicit directive is awkward to argue against
and makes talkers feel more and more conspicuous
and awkward to continue

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– The Look
» Implicitly communicates disapproval
» Awkward to argue against
» Leaves rest of class undisturbed

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Continuing with instruction
» Refocuses student attention on appropriate material
» Know subject matter and lesson well

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Implicit Interactions (Chapter 17)
– Gestures
» Implicit, silent directive that does not call attention
from an engaged class
» Awkward to argue against

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Preparation (Chapter 18)
– Inviting environment
» Facilitates pleasant experiences

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Preparation (Chapter 18)
– Materials
» To facilitate student access
» To preserve teacher time for meaningful student

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Preparation (Chapter 18)
– Visual Aides
» For reference during instruction or individual
» Provides additional focus on the learning objective
» Focused students require less interventions

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Preparation (Chapter 18)
– Physical Environment
» Physical structures serve particular functions for
students and influence behavior
» Strategically orienting the structures such as student
desks will influence student behavior in the intended

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C) Traynor 2005
Indirect Interventions
 Preparation (Chapter 18)
– Professional dress
» Promotes professional image
» Unprofessional dress reinforces negative
» Easy to implement

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Read a brief case episode at the beginning of one
of the chapters, 19-21 (i.e., one of the episodes in Chapters
19 or 20, or one of the five in Chapter 21)
– Share episode with a partner. Discuss whether you
would have acted as direct, more direct, or less direct
than the teacher in the episode.
– Discuss another practice the teacher could have
enacted with a possible outcome on the learning
environment (either positive or negative).
– Be prepared to share.
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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Explicitly and assertively guides behavior
 Fair and judicious consequences
 No harm to physical or emotional well-
being; preserve dignity

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Establishing and Implementing a
Behavioral System (Chapter 19)
– Takes arbitrary nature away from consequences
– Allows teacher a fair, readily available system,
that can be referred to when reacting to the
immediacy of the “crowd.”

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Explicit Directives (Chapter 20)
– Leave little room for misinterpretation
– Teachers should determine and communicate
consequence for continued defiance prior to
next incident
– Maintain professionalism
» Directives are not subject to negotiation
» Do not argue
» Repeat directives (broken record)

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Routines (Chapter 21)
– Common Behaviors Such As Pencil Sharpening
» Can disrupt engagement or instruction
» Routines that facilitate productive behavior rather
than interrupt instruction or engagement

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Routines (Chapter 21)
– Instructional Routines
» Frequent activities should be made routine to
decrease unnecessary instruction
» Instructional behaviors become part of culture of

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Routines (Chapter 21)
– Dismissal Routines
» Associated with engagement through the end of the
» Allows manifestation of desire to leave with
productive behaviors

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Routines (Chapter 21)
– Material Distribution/Collection
» Materials can become unwieldy and contribute to
» Setting explicit procedures or routines help guide

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C) Traynor 2005
Direct Interventions
 Routines (Chapter 21)
– Upon Entering
» Sets learning tone
» Excludes outdoor behavior
» Conditions for learning

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Practices
(Category V)
 Intimidation, expressions of anger, arbitrary
 Have negative effects
– No joy of learning (Moore, 1967)
– Facilitate self-fulfilling prophesy effect
(Brophy & Evertson, 1981)
– Defiance or escalation of maladaptive behavior
(Walker, Colvin & Ramsey, 1995)

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition

Unrealistic Expectations
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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition
 Read a brief case episode at the beginning
of one of the chapters, 22-24.
– Discuss how this teacher should have handled
the situation, or what practice should this
teacher have applied?
– Into which category would you place your
recommended practice: Nurturing, Indirect, or

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition
 Unrealistic Expectations (Chapter 22)
– Teachers should expect to teach behaviors
consistent with learning as part of their
– Realistic expectations better prepare teacher for
implementing pedagogically sound practices
(Traynor, 2003)

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition
 Read paragraphs 3 & 4 on page 77 (Chapter
22) regarding the Triune Brain Hypothesis
– Discuss with a partner how teacher stress might
be associated with the enactment of unsound
classroom order practices. Be prepared to

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition
 Low Empathy (Chapter 23)
– Demonstrating empathy facilitates interactions
that contribute to a respectful climate
– Realize most students are unable to reciprocate

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition

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C) Traynor 2005
Rigid Disposition
 Temper (Chapter 24)
– Expressing anger in negative ways has no place
in professional repertoire
– Kids lose respect
– Hinders principal’s ability to support teacher

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues

Dealing with Parents

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
(Part III)

 With a partner, describe an effective

teacher/parent interaction you have
– What characteristics contributed to the
effectiveness of the interaction?

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– If parent speaks well of a teacher to a student at
home, the student is more likely to demonstrate
teacher respect inside the classroom.

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Telephone
» Powerful intervention
» First contact with parent should be positive
 Identify challenging students first or second day
 Follow positive “script” (pp 87, 88-89)
 Facilitates earning parent respect at home; builds teacher
support system at home.

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Telephone (cont’d)
» If communicating maladaptive behavior
 Open positively
 Be specific
 State in terms of loss of student’s benefit (e.g., the
learning will suffer if poor behavior continues)
 State potential consequences
 End positively

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Telephone (cont’d)
» Difficulty in reaching parents
 Not home
– Leave message on machine
– Write brief note; send with child
– Record contact
 Not English Speaking
– Use translator

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Telephone (cont’d)
» Having students call in front of peers?
 Potential for not communicating accurately
 Defensive behaviors
 Potential for backfire, humiliation

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Telephone (cont’d)
» Return messages by end of next business day
» Be prepared with records
» Make concern objective and solvable
» Do not argue
» Follow up after resolution

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Parents (Chapter 25)
– Parent conferences
» Keep positive
» Negative behaviors, if any, should already have
been brought up.
» Frame concerns in progressive light, e.g., “And if
Johnny only worked a little harder on his spelling
words, his spelling scores would increase
» Make effort to let parent bring up issue of behavior

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 With a partner, describe why some students
might have more difficulty than most in
demonstrating the expected behaviors
within an orderly classroom.
– How might their “disposition” be a great
disadvantage at school if a teacher expects the
child to consistently demonstrate the behaviors
normally consistent with classroom learning.
Be prepared to share.
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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 ADHD (Chapter 26)
– Same interventions apply but with greater
– Verbal Reinforcement
» Sincere
» Specific
– Selectively Ignoring Inappropriate Behavior
– Teaching Self Management

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 ADHD (Chapter 26)
– Physical Environment
» Seating arrangement
» Timer
» Accommodating need for minimum classroom restraints –
return book to library, etc.
– Medication considerations; School is artificial
» Expecting ADHD student to conform naturally is unrealistic
– Realistic Expectations
» Triune Brain Theory; Goal is to operate rationally and avoid
– View students not as disabled, but as needing extra
attention; empathize

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Think of a stressful situation such as
spilling coffee in your car, arguing with a
family member, being late, etc.
– If the goal of someone was to bring you to a
higher level of mastery of a particular learning
objective at this moment, how might they
approach you, or should they? Discuss with a
partner and be prepared to share.
Antisocial Behavior

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 Antisocial Behavior (Chapter 27)
– Students on verge of demonstrating austere
– Goal is to avoid escalating minor maladaptive
behavior to a peak (Walker, Colvin, & Ramsey,
– Use nurturing, indirect interventions
– Remain professionally poised
– Consider long term plan involving staff
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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 The First Day (Chapter 28)
– If set nice tone, remainder of year is simply
» Behavior will be good the first few days regardless
of teacher skill
» Do not “break the ice;” capture this learning tone
and maintain/nurture it for remainder of year
– Give engaging assignment, simple; goal is
conditioning and establishing learning tone

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues

The Disciplinary Referral

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 If a disciplinary referral becomes necessary
for a student, what aspects of it put the
principal in a strong position to support the
– Discuss with a partner and be prepared to share.

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C) Traynor 2005
Related Issues
 The Disciplinary Referral (Chapter 29)
– After teacher has exhausted repertoire of interventions
» Similar to a doctor not being able to treat a patient
» Too many referrals decrease credibility of teacher and office
» However, any one student must not be permitted to remain in
class and disrupt learning.
– Parent should have been well aware of the student’s
pattern of maladaptive behavior and interventions
implemented well before referral
– List facts not opinions
» Make inarguable; less is more
» Students have a tendency to deny opinions and use against

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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
(Part IV)
 Practices in book are based on premise that
behavior must be managed
 Some put forth that if students understand
why rules are necessary they will naturally
follow them (Sarason, 1990)
 Others argue that simply enforcing preset
rules without student input into their creation
will preclude student understanding of why
rules are necessary (Kohn, 1996)
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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
 Read the first two paragraphs of Part IV
(page 109).
– Discuss with a partner whether you agree or
disagree. Be prepared to share.

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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
 Non-strategic approach to classroom
management does not fit current U.S.
– Diversity; U.S. middle class culture is not
universal throughout U.S.
» “It may take time – and explicit coaching – for
students to learn the set of behaviors appropriate for
a U.S. school context.” (Diaz-Rico & Weed, 2002)

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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
 Standards and Accountability
– No Child Left Behind, Adequate Yearly
Progress, High School Exit Exams,
student retention laws, with
accompanying federal and state sanctions
including state takeover

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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
 Natural propensity to demonstrate
behaviors consistent with learning in
confined quarters is unrealistic.
– Students will not naturally engage in content
standards and demonstrate behaviors consistent
with learning

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C) Traynor 2005
Justification for Managing Behavior
 Effective deliberate practices are humane,
leave dignity in tact, and fit with diverse
nature of the current classroom

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C) Traynor 2005
 Albert, L. (1996). Cooperative discipline.
discipline. Circle Pines, Minn: American Guidance Service.
 Brint, S. G. (1998). Schools and society.
society. Thousand Oaks: Pine Forge Press.
 Brooks, D. M. (1985). “The first day of school.” Educational Leadership.
Leadership. May 1985, 76-78.
 Brophy, J. (1983). “Research on the self-fulfilling prophecy and teacher expectations.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 631-661.
 Brophy, J., & Evertson, C. (1981). Student characteristics and teaching . New York: Longman.
 Canter, L., & Canter, M. (1992). Assertive discipline: Positive behaviors management for today’s classroom . 2d e. Santa Monica, Calif.: Canter & Associates.
 Charles, C. M. (1999). Building Classroom Discipline. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Company.
 Coleman, J. S. , Hoffer, T., & Kilgore, S. (1982). High School Achievement: Public, Catholic and Private Schools Compared . New York: Basic Books
 Collette, A. T., & Chiappetta, E. L. (1989). Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools. (2nd Ed.). Columbus: Merril.
 Coloroso, B. (1994). Kids are worth it! Giving your child the gift of inner discipline. New York: William Morrow.
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information on the book, Got Discipline?
Research-Based Practices for Managing
Student Behavior.
 Dr. Traynor would like to thank all the
participants who made this work possible.

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