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Ask the students opinion about the issues.

1.Birthday parties should always have balloons, cakes, and
Your opinion about it: _______________________________
2. All Filipino families are known for strong family ties.
Your opinion about it: ___________________________
3. Global warming does not affect the activities of the people.
Your opinion about it:

Identify what part of the newspaper is it?

Use the given clue.

o+ P+
+ S
E+ +O+

Let’s talk about EDITORIAL
Have the students read silently the editorial:
A June 12 Thought: Respect Flag Rites
A flag ceremony, whether it be a flag raising or flag retreat is sacred.
Therefore, it should be observed with all the solemnity and sacredness a Filipino
citizen can muster.
The National Anthem (Pambansang Awit) like the national flag should be
treated with ceremonial respect.
On this, the anniversary of the declaration of independence in Kawit 1898, it
is perhaps timely to remind all and sundry to behave during flag ceremonies.
Sad to say, many students, during the Monday morning flag raising
ceremonies, instead of standing at attention while singing the National Anthem, and
while reciting the Patriotic Pledge (Panatang Makabayan), move around, play, and
make fun completely disregarding what’s going on.
It is for this reason that we are calling the attention of all teachers, especially
the social studies teachers to give more emphasis on teaching values, love of
country, respect for the flag, veneration of heroes and proper behavior during flag
1. What is the title of the editorial?
2. What is your opinion about the passage?
3. Which paragraph is the introduction? Body?
Conclusion? ________________
4. If flag ceremonies cannot be held properly,
what is the best way to do it?

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