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ALC BOOK 은 미국방대학원의 American Language Course (ALC) 에 쓰이는 교재로

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먼저 단어를 숙지한 뒤 연습문제로 숙지한 단어를 문법과 함께 연습합니다 .

1 get up 기상하다 16 build ≠ destroy 세우다

2 leave-left 떠나다 17 opposite 반대의
3 eat-ate 먹다 18 weather 날씨
4 expect to ~ 을 기대하다 19 wood 나무 , 땔감
5 complete 완수하다 20 forest 숲
6 promote 승진시키다 21 feel sick 아프다
7 last = continue 지속하다 22 probably 아마도
8 as good as ~ 만큼 좋다 23 land= take on ≠ take off 착륙하다
9 healthy 건강한 24 crops 농작물
10 assigned to ~ 에 배치된 25 look for ~ 를 찾아보다
11 chance=opportunity 기회 26 look forward to ~ing ~ 을 고대하다
12 advanced 고급의 27 write down 받아적다
13 neighbor 이웃 28 be frightened of ~ing ~ 하는 것을 두려워 ~
14 take care of~ ~ 를 돌보다 29 drop in = visit 방문하다 , 들르다

31 softly ≠ not loudly 부드럽게 46 Be worried about ~ 를 염려하다

32 Proud 자랑스러운 47 Certificate 수료증
33 Broke = out of money 돈이 없다 48 Turn up = volumn up 높히다
34 Lose 잃어버리다 49 Do you mind if ~ ~ 해도 될까
35 Instead of ~ 대신에 50 Be afraid of ~ 를 두려워하다
36 Relax 휴식을 취하다 51 Sleep – slept – slept 자다
37 Be excited about 신이난 , 들뜬 52 Comfortable 편안한
38 Be nervous about 긴장한 53 Wrap 포장하다
39 Low 낮은 54 Can afford to ~ 할 여유가 있다
40 Grade 점수 55 Lend 빌려주다
41 Enjoy ~ing ~ 를 즐기다 56 A couple of 두 세개
42 Taste 맛이 나다 57 Match 맞추다
43 Get ticket ( 교통 ) 딱지를 떼다 58 Complete 완료하다
44 Carelessly 부주의하게 59 By chance = accidentally 우연히
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 1
Exercise A Fill in the blanks with soon or just
1 Fred's going to enlist . 1 soon
2 Mrs. Peters is not here. She left. 2 just Soon 은 ‘곧 ~ 할 것이다’
3 Give me five more minutes. I'll finish my homework . 3 soon 로 미래를 , just 는 ‘방금
4 Dan: Would you like something to eat? ~ 했다’로 과거나
4 just 현재완료를 의미합니다
Bill: No, thanks. I ate.
5 soon
5 I expect to complete the report .
6 Are you sure that you're going to be promoted ? 6 soon
7 The boss told us to start cleaning the vehicles. 7 just
8 They arrived after a trip that lasted for three days. 8 just

Exercise B Fill in the blank with correct word

1 Lemons are not than oranges. 1 sweeter
sweet / sweeter / sweetly as~as 는
2 Does your brother play soccer as as your sister does? 2 good 원급비교로 ~
만큼 ~ 하다의
good / well / better
3 Do you think that L.A is as as New York? 3 big
bigger / biggest / big
4 Vegetables are than cakes and pies. 4 healthier
healthier / health / healthy
5 I don't usually sleep as as my brother. 5 late
later / late / latest
6 Do adults speak as as children? 6 fast
fast / faster / fastest
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson1

Exercise C Use the future progressive (will be v+ing)of the verbs in the box.

1 will be leaving
sleep visit leave shine rain

1 Bill: When are Mr. and Mrs. Jones going to California? 2 will be raining
Pat: They in July.

2 Sam: Look at those dark clouds.

Tim: I think it in an hour.
3 will be visiting
3 Ben: Are you and your wife going to be home next week?
Tom: No. We my parents in Dallas.

4 Matt: Can I call you tomorrow?

Brad: Yes, but don't call me before 10 a.m. I late. 4 will be sleeping

5 When I get up tomorrow morning, I hope the sun . 5 will be shining

ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 1
Exercise D Choose the best word to complete the sentence
1 I was just this base last month.
a. traveled on
b. assigned to
c. departed from
d. frightened by 1 a.

2 Chance and have similar meanings. 2 c.

a. colonel
b. enlisted
3 d.
c. opportunity
d. promotion
4 a.
3 You should take math classes if you want to go to college.
a. basic
b. enlisted
c. retired
d. advanced

4 Lt Nicholas: Was Lieutenant Smith ?

Lt Carter: Yes, he was. He's a captain now.
a. promoted
b. enlisted
c. invited
d. lowered
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 2

Exercise A Match the clause to the sentence that completes

선행사에 따라 시간과
1. July 12, 2003 was the day a. where I keep my pens and pencils. 1 b 장소의 관계부사를
선택하면 됩니다
2. My desk is the place b. when I play soccer with my friends. 2 a
3. There's a store in the mall c. where students can study quietly. 3 e
4. The library is the place d. when my nephew was born. 4 c
5. Three o'clock is the time e. where everything costs a dollar. 5 d

Exercise B Circle the best answer

1 My neighbor my cat during my vacation. 1 c

a. throws away
b. runs out of
c. takes care of
d. tries on
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 2
2 The baby has a lot of hair. The hair is very . 2 b
a. tall
b. thick
c. thin
d. tired

3 Build is the opposite of . 3 d

a. decrease
b. raise
c. locate
d. destroy

4 Our train's going to be late bad weather. 4 c

a. around
b. instead of
c. because of
d. since

5 We need some wood. Let's go into the to get some. 5 d

a. lake
b. crop
c. farm
d. forest
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 2

6 I'm feeling sick. I'll need to see the doctor tomorrow. 6 b

a. rather
b. probably
c. quite
d. much

7 Thousands of bugs landed on our fields and all the crops. 7 c

a. blossomed
b. retired
c. destryoed
d. located

8 We walked in the park and looked for a nice place to have our . 8 a
a. picnic
b. bridge
c. valley
d. location
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3

Exercise A Select the best answer

1 We look forward to our old friends every summer. 1 d

a. seen
b. see
c. saw
d. seeing

2 this down please. 2 b

a. Writing
b. Write
c. Written
d. Wrote

3 My husband is frightened of . 3 a
a. flying
b. to fly
c. flew
d. flown

4 a class can help you learn a language. 4 c

a. Took
b. Take
c. Taking
d. To take
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3
Exercise B Match each item with its meaning
1. to continue a. a paper that shows something important 1 d
2. to dop in b. out of money 2 f
3. certificate c. having a feeling of great satisfaction 3 a Must 는 ~ 임에
4. besides d. to do something without stopping 4 g 틀림없다 , must not 은 ~
일리 없다를 의미합니다
5. softly e. not loudly 5 e
6. pretty soon f. to make a visit, often without asking first 6 h
7. proud g. also 7 c
8. broke h. in a very short time 8 b

Exercise C Make a guess. Fill in the blanks using must or must not
1 They never eat cakes or cookies. They like sweets. 1 must not
2 Everyone is arriving late to work. The traffic be bad. 2 must
3 Frank always asks to drive. He really like to drive. 3 must not
4 Robert is getting low grades in math. He understand math. 4 must not
5 Jane never wants to go to the mall. She enjoy shopping. 5 must not
6 Mark isn't sick, but he's off today. He have something to do. 6 must
7 Bobby never drinks milk. He like the taste. 7 must not
8 Sam got four tickets already. He drive very carelessly. 8 must
9 Your daughter's been sick for a week. You be worried. 9 must
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3

Exercise D Use the gerund form of verbs in the box to fill in the blanks
Gerund 는 동명사를
뜻합니다 . 동명사는
have live meet lose watch buy fly listen 전치사 뒤에서 , 주어가
될때 동명사의 형태를
취합니다 .
1 Would you like to have a roommate instead of alone? 1 living
2 I'm broke. Not any money is difficult. 2 having
3 to music at night helps me relax. 3 Listening
4 TV is not good for young children. 4 Watching
5 Are you unhappy about the game last night? 5 losing
6 my own house is something that I look forward to. 6 Buying
7 The students were excited about the general. 7 meeting
8 Mrs. Lind is going to London, but she's nervous about . 8 flying
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3
Exercise E Select the best answer
1 Mary has a lot of . She just won $10,000. 1 c
a. pain
b. candles
c. luck
d. songs

2 We got a which says that we completed the course. 2 a

a. certificate
b. turn
c. birthday
d. couple

3 Please the radio. I can't hear it. 3 c

a. come over
b. turn off
c. turn up
d. take turns

4 Do you mind if I tonight? 4 a

a. drop by
b. turn down
c. blow out
d. am born
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3
Exercise E Select the best answer
5 Mark: My son's afraid of big dogs. 5 c
Tom: Why is he them?
a. proud of
b. excited by
c. scared of
d. pleased with

6 My grandfather has a lot of money. He's . 6 b

a. poor
b. rich
c. sick
d. tall

7 Bill slept well last night. His bed was . 7 a

a. comfortable
b. unpleasant
c. underneath
d. certrain

8 She wrapped the book means she . 8 d

a. put it out
b. paid a lot for it
c. put it aside
d. put paper around it
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 3
Exercise E Select the best answer
9 We have enough money to get a new car. We can it. 9 a
a. afford
b. continue
c. drop in
d. believe in

10 Rick: Can you lend me a couple of pencils, please? 10 b

Jane: O.K. I have for you.
a. four
b. two
c. twelve
d. ten

11 Do you have a match? I need one for the on the cake. 11 a

a. candles
b. gifts
c. blossoms
d. sweets

12 The students answering the question. 12 a

a. took turns
b. turned
c. took off
d. turned on
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 4
Exercise A Select the correct modal for reported speech
1 Bob: I'll return later. 1 c
Bob said he later.
a. might return
b. returned
c. would return

2 Stella: We may drop by next week. 2 c

Stella said that hey by next week.
a. were dropping
b. would drop
c. might drop

3 Driving instructor: You must not park here. 3 b

The driving instructor said you park here.
a. have had to
b. must not
c. didn't have to

4 Ssgt Travis: You and your men must practice tonight. 4 a

Ssgt Travis said that we practice tonight.
a. had to
b. can
c. could
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 4
Exercise A Select the correct modal for reported speech

5 Mr. Clark: You don’t have to do all the homework. 5 b

Mr. Clark said we do all the homework.
a. must not
b. didn't have to
c. didn't

6 Lt Col Blue: We could have a school picnic in the spring. 6 a

The colonel said that we a school picnic in the spring.
a. could have
b. would have
c. have had

7 Ms. Oliver: You have to call three people back. 7 c

She said you three people back.
a. were calling
b. would call
c. had to call
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 4
Exercise B Circle the best answer
1 We met our friends at the movies by chance. We met them . 1 a
a. accidentally
b. smoothly
c. easily
d. proudly
2 a
2 Call me as soon as you arrive home.
a. when
b. before
c. after
d. by

3 I think Jane's making some coffee. Can you it, too? 3 d

a. read
b. connect
c. board
d. smell

4 Dana slipped on the icy road she got out of the car. 4 d
a. besides
b. underneath
c. abroad
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 4
Exercise B Circle the best answer
5 We had a difficult boat trip. The ocean was . 5 c
a. smooth
b. fast
c. rough
d. calm

6 They had to the picnic because of bad weather. 6 d

a. open
b. plan
c. promise
d. cancel

7 Good things always happen to her. She's so . 7 a

a. lucky
b. basic
c. upset
d. soft

8 The meeting continued for a long time. It went . 8 b

a. from now on
b. on and on
c. in a hurry
d. right away
ALC (American Language Course) Book#14 Exercise Lesson 4
Exercise B Circle the best answer
9 The soup is delicious. It has a wonderful . 9 d
a. touch
b. meal
c. sound
d. taste

10 I don't know how to fix a lamp, but I'll to do it well. 10 d

a. ought
b. used
c. serve
d. attempt

11 If I make you a to take you sightseeing, I'll certainly do it. 11 d

a. program
b. problem
c. promotion
d. promise

12 Many people take when they are in foreign cities. 12 d

a. turns
b. barns
c. fares
d. tours

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