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Problem based learning

Course : Surveving-1 (CE-226)

• Group Members
• Abdul Qadeer (21BNCIV1168)
• Aizaz Khan (21BNCIV1158)
• Waqas zaheer (21BNCIV1152)
• Zulfiqar Alam (21BNCIV1160)
• Hamad Ahmed Kundi walad-e-Shafqat(21BNCIV1212)

 Submitted To : Waheed Ur Rehman

 Section : B
Table Of Content

1. Project Title
2. Instruments for Project
3. Report
A. Brief Summary
B. Solution
a)Site selection
b)Site Orientation
c)Plinth Level
Instruments for Project

 Ranging rods
 Engineering chain
 Drawing board
 Auto Level
 Leveling staff
 Measuring Tape
 Pegs
 TriPod
 Campass
A. Brief Summary:
In this undertaking we need to construct a
staff lodging at UET Bannu Grounds . The client expected
this venture to be appropriately arranged and furthermore
sited at significant spot. For this venture initially select
fundamental site which have effectively admittance to every
single spot of the college. After site choice we have play out
a test on bearing limit of the dirt. This land have great
bearing limit. Then we take reconnessaince of this chose
site. After this we meet to a metropolitan organizer for
appropriately direction .
 Then we take reconnessaince of this chose site. After this
we meet to a metropolitan organizer for appropriately
direction .
 Thus the structure pointing toward the south pole is
appropriately situated building and gives a great deal of
help in heat trading. At the point when this large number
of works completed we let our site in reference with the
high way which have the seat sign of 120 feet . Because
of this our necessary plinth level likewise find
 Overview:

 Multiple factors and criteria enter into the decision on

whether to build a project on a given sit.
 Once selected, the same factors also influence how the
project is laid out on a site.
 Three main factor provide influence to the
site selection and layout process.
 Natural Factor
 Man-made Factor
 Aesthetic Factor
 Natural factor:

 The actual trait of the land are consistently important.

 Large, level offices require huge, level train on which to work
to limit earthwork costs
 Shallow bedrock might be alluring for establishment safe
haven for enormous design
 Surface water runoff
 Floodways
 Ground water
 Temperature
 Man-made factors:
 Existing encompassing area utilize visual, hear-able and
 Similarity of adjoining utilizes
 Traffic and travel could client at any point get to from site
without causing clog
 Is public travel is accessible close by?
 Drafting guideline help to manage land use on destinations
for an oraganised advancement.
 Limitation on building sizes and types
 Aesthetic Factor:
 Regular elements client might wish to safeguard normal
highlights nearby as a piece of the new turn of events .
 Landforms
 Streams
 Lakes
 Woods
 Spatial examples client might want a vista, space or view
to be created as a section of the plan of the site.
 Site orientation:

 Direction is actualy the place of working in connection with the sun

ways during various seasons. So we ought to situate our structure so
that there is most extreme intensity trading occur in become warm in
winter and cool in summer. Direction additionally incorporates the
place of entryway and windows. So from the conversation our lodging
building ought to point toward the south pole which not entirely settled
by campass. We must be carefull in portion of windows and entryways.
Windows and entryways ought to be introduce in cross situation with
one another. So this cause greatest intensity trade and furthermore there
is no utilization of cool.
 Figure Of correct site orientation:
 Plinth Level:
 Where the base and superstructure meets is known as plinth
level. So need to bring up plinth level our structure . Generally
we top the chose site off to plinth level . So here first we alluded
our chose site with the expressway outside from the college in
light of the fact that the thruway is over our college ground . For
this reason we take an auto level, evening out staff and stakes.
To eliminate the mistake from auto level first we play out the "
two stake test " . To decide the decrease level of each station the
successive entomb destinations and Front locales by deducted
from Level of instrument.
 Traverse of selected site:
 Calculation on plinth level:
 Errors determination:

(summation of B.S – summation of F.S =(Last R.L –First R.L)

1.29= 1.29
 This show that our surveving is liberated from mistake.
Furthermore, on the off chance that it have some how mistake
so it is adequate blunder.
 This likewise gives us the distinction in height among street and
Decided plinth level:-
 From the above conversation we concluded the plinth
level as
 First we find the distinction in rise between the ground
level and street level so it is equivalent to 1.29'.
 After this we conclude our plinth level 2' from the street
rise so all of our plinth become 3.29'.
 Recomendations For Project:
 Ensure that every one of the instruments liberated from blunder
or it the mistake is long-lasting so we ought to change the
 Assuming there is blunder in estimating region in first time
measure it two or there times to diminish the mistake upto
greatest degree or zero mistake.
 Note every one of the readings right and clear.
 During taking readings via autolevel ensure that it is in level and
having no mistake.
 conclude the plinth level least 2' from the street or parkway.
 Discussion on project:

• after all these calculations and observations we then

discuss the project with each other like in measuring
the unit consistency and other factors for our project.
• Also we discuss the cost on our project and all those
factors which bring delay in oyur project.
• We also recomend good strength material for the plinth
 Conclusion :
 the motivation behind project is a private structure having all the
facilties and fundamental requirements of life.
 This staff lodging will give accomodation to around 20 staffs.
 From the above conversation we figure out crafted by each
instrument. Like we have chain which give us straight line.And
this is exceptionally essential for covering our area of interest.
 autolevel gives us the distinction in rise between our chose
region and street.
 Correspondingly campass will provide us the guidance of our
slected region.

• k/GeologicalBulletin/Vol-51(1)-2018/Vol-51(1)-2018-
• Paper4.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj9-

• q3x1ZbyAhUryoUKHSusBfMQFnoECAsQAg&usg=AOvVaw2k_

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