Furniture Arrangement

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Current trend

in Furniture

The correct furniture can improve
your home aesthetic by many
levels. It adds to the overall decor
and feel of your home interiors.
And the best part is, you do not
have to limit yourself to a
particular kind of furniture in
every room. Each individual room
can have its own individual
flavour and look.
Introduction The objectives of furniture arrangement are comfort and efficiency in
use, combined with visual balance in the overall layout of the

Furniture can be arranged and grouped to look satisfying and

comfortable look before doing the actual furniture arrangement, first
consider the number of rooms available and remark each for a
particular activity example living room, main bedroom, children’s
room and so on.
Curved Sofas, Chairs, and Tables
This is a nod to both the re-emergence of
'60s and '70s influence and an uptick in
the organic shapes making their way into
our homes. From the resurgence of fully
curved sofas to more subtle details like
rounded or sloped chair arms, chair
backs, and tables, rounded shapes soften
a space and create flow.
Brown Tones
Along with mid-century-inspired curved
furniture, the brown tones of this period are
also making a comeback. This natural color—
particularly its darker varieties—creates a
sense of earthy stability. Classic Chesterfield
or modern modular sofas in rich mocha are
particularly hot right now.

These pieces anchor a space with depth and presence and have a very neutral, calming effect.
Glass Tables and Lamps
Glass details infuse a sense of timeless,
polished sophistication to a space. From
furniture made predominantly from glass—like
large dining tables—to smaller accents, such as
lamps and side tables, glass is a texture you'll
see everywhere this year. Glass furniture helps
give a space an upscale and sophisticated feel.
It's versatile and pairs well with a variety of
finishes, making it highly desirable.
While earthy brown color palettes are certainly
trending, they're not necessarily the vibe for
everyone. In that case, perhaps pastels are
more your speed. For instance, try scalloped
mirrors with fluting in a rainbow of pastels or
ceruse-treated sideboards with soft-hued
accessories on top. This trends results in
furniture that is serene, happy, and soft.
"Playfulness and youthfulness have been
emerging which has since evolved into a softer
Individual Room Planning
When the general plan is clear proceed towards plan for each
room individually. Subdivide the main function of the room-
e.g. the living room-into all its separate activities-resting,
reading, televiewing, writing, sewing, entertaining-and consider
carefully how and when these activities will take place in
relation to each other.
By deciding clearly for what purpose the room is to be used and
how it is to be used.
Living Room
provides space for the greatest number of activities, and therefore need the greatest care in
planning. Space saving in planning for storage should be the keynote, in order to leave as much
space as possible for moveable furniture- i.e. adaptable seating arrangements for different
occasions, and for varying numbers of people.

Choose pieces which are light and easy to move, and for the smaller room, as many dual
purpose pieces as possible- e.g. settee adaptable for occasional sleeping, occasional table
combined with workbox or magazine shelf suitable for occasional leisure seating.
Dining Room
Present day habits of living tend to become less formal for dining arrangements than in the
past, and in the small house the separate dining room is very popular.
A glass-fronted cabinet above the sideboard, or elsewhere in the room, can provide the main
decorative feature, especially if the useful china is displayed with one or two decorative pieces.
The floor covering should be durable and easily cleaned – a polished, tiled or lino - covered
floor is more practical than carpet.
-The uses of bedrooms need not be confined to sleeping and dressing only. The main bedroom can be
planned as a bedroom/study or pleasant workroom.

-The most important piece of furniture is, of course, the bed, and this should always be placed in the
warmest part of the room. The cold areas in a room are along the outside walls and windows where greatest
loss of heat occurs. Therefore the bed should be placed against an inside wall, the surface temperature of
which is higher.
-The window could then become the site for a desk and consider the advantages of having wardrobes built
in. These and other storage can be fitted in suitable recesses, or along outside walls where they will provide
additional insulation against heat loss.
-Waste space in bedrooms is usually in the angle of walls and ceiling, and above head level, can be
effectively used for built- in cupboards giving extra storage
Children's Rooms And Bed
-Where space permits the children’s rooms should be planned so that they are readily adaptable to the different
ages, from babyhood to the teens.
-At the crawling and toddling stage it is the floor, and the walls up to about four feet, which are the important
areas to the child. The selection of a hygienic and warm floor covering is an important consideration.
-As the child grows from the “play” to the “hobby” stage the room should be adjusted to its developing character
and interests.
-Girls generally show interest in the decorative aspects of their rooms at quite an early age and, on the whole, are
careful with furniture. On the other hand, the emphasis in the boy’s room will be on practical activities, and the
furniture will need to be of a sturdier kind.
Children's Rooms And Bed
Provide dressing section with a mirror on the wall above it, a desk section for writing and home-
work, the remainder being used as a work bench for various activities.

In short, the child’s and teenager’s room should be planned not as a bedroom in which they may
also have to work and play, but rather as a special work and playroom, which they use incidentally
for sleeping in.
The Adult Bed - Sitting Room
This is simply a logical development of the foregoing ideas, with the possible addition of simple
cooking and washing facilities. The main problem to be faced is that of providing extra storage for
the more numerous possessions of the independent occupant. This involves the imaginative use of
all available space to provide storage units which do not interfere with the living are and which are
not visually bulky. The addition of a bed base with drawers for storage is an obvious improvement.
Dual purpose furniture- e.g. fold away dressing tops- are also space saving and neat.
Modern The modern style is the design and decor of the modernism movement, which
began in the very late 1800s. Birthed by the German Bauhaus schools of design
and the Scandinavian design emphasis on simplicity and function, the modern
decor style is very old. In general terms, modern decor is linked to the beginning
through the middle of the 20th century—the 1900s through the 1950s.0
One of the key beliefs behind the modern design movement is the idea that
“form follows function.”1 In other words, the design of all furnishings and
decorative objects should reflect its intended purpose, and if a furnishing, decor,
or decorating detail does not have a practical purpose, then it can be eliminated.
 Contemporary design refers to what is popular in the "here and now."
Anything that is currently trending in the world of interior design can be
considered contemporary.
 t's constantly evolving to reflect the popular styles of present day design. It
borrows qualities from modernism, minimalism, Art Deco, and other global
styles, without hyper-focusing on any one in particular.
 Neutral palettes, stark minimalism, clean lines, and organic silhouettes are
some of the prominent characteristics of contemporary design.
Difference in
Modern and Contemporary

• Modern design features wooden and • Contemporary style concept is more

earth-friendly elements. fluid.
• Modern decorative pieces tend to have • Décor pieces are ornamental
a set function. • Color Palette tends toward contrast, with
• Color Palette tends toward natural, lots of blacks and whites
nuetrals • Often features curves
• Favors strong lines
Natural and organic materials such as wood, rattan, and varying
upholstery types are becoming increasingly popular in furniture
design. As people become more environmentally conscious, they are
seeking out furniture that is sustainable, eco-friendly, and made
from natural materials.
Materials Resins, plastics and polymers are all being widely used for
furniture right now. Their translucent qualities make them
perfect for spaces where a flow of light is important and the huge
spectrum of colours they are available in look even more
fantastic when lit up by both natural daylight as well as
thoughtfully-placed artificial lighting.
Biodegradable materials too are much-used at present — padding
for armchairs made from wool fibres discarded by carpet
manufacturers, for example, or cardboard. In fact cardboard is
becoming far more commonplace in furniture world and is
surprisingly sturdy and long-lasting used in the right way — as
well as sustainable.
Tables, chairs and coffee tables made from steel
wires and metal pipework add industrial-chic and
are made to last, whilst chipboard, sanded and
polished is very on-trend, not just as a modern
furniture material, but in interiors in general as a
material for flooring, walls and staircases too.
Modular Furniture
Designed to provide flexibility and adaptability to any living
space. With the ability to be easily rearranged and customized,
modular furniture can help create a comfortable and functional
environment that meets your changing needs. From
modular lamps that can be easily adjusted to provide the perfect
lighting for any occasion, to modular sofas that can be rearranged
to fit any room layout, modular furniture offers endless
Modular Furniture
This type of furniture is particularly useful in
smaller living spaces, as it allows you to maximize
your square footage without sacrificing comfort or
style. With modular furniture, you have the ability
to create a living space that is perfectly tailored to
your lifestyle.

We all know for a fact that furniture makes our lives whole by filling the voids in various aspects with their
functionalities and forms. They have grown to become an essential part of our daily routines; it brings us solace, comfort
and style to call our own.

What makes the house a home, a great part of it is due to the introduction of various furniture that serve different
functions which segregates one room from the other.

Each furnishing piece serves a specific function, and provides different functionalities to different rooms. By choosing
the right furniture, not only do you bring comfort but also warmth to the intended space, so much so that after a hard
day’s work, you return home to get recharged and re-energized immediately.
• How much space do I have?
This determines the scale and number of pieces to buy. What would you consider is absolutely essential in a small space?
Could something serve a dual purpose? Selection of large space might mean that your furniture has to be scaled accordingly.

• Who uses that space?

This is important question because you have more freedom in choosing a style or fabric only when you are going to use that
space. However, if others are sharing it, their needs and preferences have to be addressed as well. Example, a delicate color or
fabric would not work well in a room where small children play.

• What is the space used for?

Is it the room where the family watches TV together and gossip?Go for comfortable seating and the coffee table should have a
hardy finish. Maybe you need fabric protection if your family likes to have snack while watching TV. Your furniture should
always serve as the background for your life.
• Which colors do I find attractive?
You should always choose the color which gravitate you. As your favorite colors, they will make you feel comfortable and
happy. Avoid the color which you hate. Beside this also decide about the intensity of the color. Decide on colors that make you
feel good and evoke the kind of mood you want in that room.

• Is there other furniture or artwork in the room already?

Any furniture, rugs, or artwork that you already have can provide a good starting point as they can help you establish a
cohesive look and feel. It’s a good idea to take preexisting pieces into consideration or your room could end up looking
hodgepodge and uninviting even if all the pieces are wonderful individually.

• What if I’m starting from scratch?

While this can be scary, it can also be very exciting! Before you head off to a furniture store go through magazines, catalogs,
and websites and collect pictures that you like. It will soon help you determine your own personal style, if you don’t know it
already. This will also provide you with manufacturer’s names and also locations where you can purchase what you desire.

• How long do I plan to use it?

This determines how much you should spend on it, or whether you’d be satisfied making a compromise. If you like to change
your surroundings frequently, then it might not be a good idea to buy very expensive furniture.

• And finally, but most importantly, what kind of a budget do I have?

Is money no object or do you have a limited budget? Even if it is the latter, you can find a variety of furniture to fit any kind of
taste, budget or need. Look around before you buy, do some research on websites, and compare stores for prices. You should
end up with something that you absolutely love.
FACTORS The most important consideration while selecting a piece of furniture is
the comfort. The livability of a home depends largely on its comfortable
INFLUENCING furniture items and furnishings.

SELECTION OF The weight of furniture and its mobility are the other features that also
affect comfort of the seated person. Some very light chairs or stools that

FURNITURE can be moved easily are needed in living rooms.

The theme of the room limits the choice of furniture. The theme of the
room limits the choice of furniture. The kind of wood, the shape of
furniture/furnishing, the style and the colour, all are the elements that
help to create the mood or expressiveness desired.
FACTORS Style plays a very important role is selection of furniture. Some time one
piece of furniture is brought as it represents certain style.
SELECTION OF While selecting one furniture piece it is the beauty of the piece which
influences the final choice as every individual is born with some kind of

FURNITURE taste for beauty.

All furniture pieces are bought with the main intention of having some
use. Therefore, unless an article is useful, it should not be given a space
in the home, regardless of its beauty or sentimental association. Their
utility should be calculated and analyzed in terms of the space available
and function of the rooms.
FACTORS It is always unwise to buy furniture and accessories simply because they
are in fashion, without paying attention to the need and their size,
INFLUENCING proportions and relationship to each other and to the space in the room
allotted to them.
SELECTION OF The money that you are parting with should be within your budget. This
doesn’t mean that you go shopping for the cheapest furniture you come

FURNITURE across because they will get damaged without giving you much service.
In most cases, you will realize that the materials used to make the
furniture significantly influences their price.

You must consider the durability of the furniture you wish to purchase
because if you end up buying non-durable furniture, then you will have
wasted your notes. Shop from companies that are well known for
producing high-quality furniture to increase your chances of getting
sustainable furniture.
First, make a list of everything you would like to do to your home. This
includes furniture, accessories, painting the walls, and renovations like
changing the floors or cabinets. Put down absolutely everything you
would like to do as if money was no object.

Then, divide everything up into two lists: Wants and Needs. For
example, if your sofa is falling apart or if you don’t even have one yet,
then that would go on the Needs list. New floors, however, may only be
a Want if your current floors are in good condition but simply aren’t your
first choice.
The next step is to find out what everything on both lists really costs. You may be surprised once
you start pricing things out and writing the numbers down. Some things on your Need list may get
moved to the Want list (at least for now) once you’ve seen what the investment will be and realize
it’s not as important as you thought.


It’s important to define your priorities. Your budget may not allow for you to get everything at once,
so figure out what you most urgently need and go from there. Larger pieces should generally be
purchased first because it’s easier to decorate around them than to try to find things like a sofa or
bed frame that matches the rest of your décor.
There are always unexpected costs that pop up when you are working on a decorating project,
especially if any renovations are included. It’s also easy to go over budget on shopping if you see
something you just have to have or end up needing you hadn’t included in your original list. We
recommend building in 10%-15% cushion into your budget to make up for anything unexpected.

With all of this information, it’s time to put together a decorating plan. Use a physical planner,
notebook, or Excel sheet to keep track of your budget and what you actually spend, as well as a
timeline for all of your projects and purchases. This will help you stay organized and top of
everything, as well as make it easy to adjust accordingly if anything changes.

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