LESSON 1 Group 1

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LESSON 1: Introduction to

Media and Information

Is the plural of medium, broadly describes all
channels of communication, including
everything from printed paper to digital data.
It encompasses news, art, educational
content, and any form of information that can
reach or influence people
The evolution of media has been a fascinating
journey, transforming the way we communicate and
disseminate information to new media:

Pre-industrial Age:
Before the 1700s, people discovered fire and
developed paper. Communication was primarily
oral and handwritten, with limited reach and

• Cave paintings (35,000 BC)

• Clay tablets in Mesopotamia
(2400 BC)
•Printing press using wood blocks
(220 AD)
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
The industrial Age brought significant advancements. Newspaper,
telegraphs, and telephones emerged, enabling wider information
dissemination. Print media, such as news paper and magazines, become
powerful tools for communication.
• Printing press for mass production (19th century)
• News paper- The London Gazette (1640)
• Type writer (1800) telephone (1876)
• Motion picture photography/Projection (1890)
• Motion picture with sounds (1926)
Electrictronic Age:
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s):
The invention of radio and television revolutinized media. Radio
broadcast reached homes, and TV become a dominant source of
news and entertainment. Advertising gained prominence, shipping
consumer culture.

• Transistor radio
• Television (1941)
• Large electronic computers (1949)
New/information Age
In recent decades, we've witnessed the rise of
digital media. The internet, social media, and
mobile devices have transformed
communication. Information flows instantly,
and interactivity is at our fingertips. Vlogs,
podcast, streaming services, and user-
generated content redefined how we engage
with media.
• Webrowsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet explorer
• Vlogs: blogspot (1999), live journal (1999),
WordPress (2003)
• Social Media: friendster (2002), multiply (2003),
Facebook (2004)
• Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007)
• Video: Youtube (2005)
• Augmented Reality/ Virtual reality
Impact and Challenge
Traditional Media, rooted in history and
depth, contrasts with the immediacy and
interactivity offered by digital platforms. The
ongoing evolution of media continually
reshapes how individuals engage with
information and content, challenging norms
and redefining societal interactions with
The Internet of Things (loT)

refers to a network of physical devices,

vehicle, appliances, and other object that
are embedded with censors, software, and
network connectivity. These smart devices
can collect and share data, creating a vast
interconnected network.
loT encompasses a wide range of objects,
from simple "smart home" devices like
thermostats to complex industrial
machinery and transportation systems. Even
entire "smart cities" are being envisioned
based on loT technology
How it works
loT devices communicate with each other
and other internet-enabled devices, such
as smartphones and gateways. They
exchange data and perform tasks
For Example:
In agriculture, loT can monitor environmental
conditions on farms.In transportation, smart cars
and automotive device can manage traffic
In factories, loT controls machines and
In warehouse, it tracks inventory and shipments.
loT is transforming various industries, including
manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and
agriculture. As the number of internet-connected
devices grows. loT will play an increasingly
important role in shaping our world and how we
live, work , and interact with each other.
Efficiency: Businessess can automate and
optimize processes using loT devices,
improving efficiency and productivity. For
instance potential issues before they
cause downtime.
Data Insights:
loT generates vast amount of data. By
analyzing this data, businessess gain insights
into customer behavior, market trends, and
operational performance, allowing informed
decisions about strategy and resource
Cost Reduction:
Automation and reduction of manual
processess lead to cost saving and
improved profitability.
In summary, loT revolutionizing
how we connect and interact
with the physical world, making
our lives more efficient and
interconnected. 🌐📲🌍

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