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Guidance Fees - A guidance fee in a school is a fee charged for
services provided by the school's guidance counselor or department.
School charge a guidance fee as part of the special fees of the
Application Fees - Application Fees from prospective enrollees are
sources of funds also. Since personnel, testing materials and supplies,
and time are used in screening applicants for admission, a percentage
of the application fees is remitted to the Guidance budget.
Testing Fees - School guidance offices may charge for testing fees to
cover the costs associated with administering various assessments and

When employing the services of testing centers, schools charge their

students a separate testing fee or draw from the Guidance Fee. Since
testing agencies administer, correct, summarize, interpret tests and
conduct related research on them, savings are made on Guidance
resources and the school does not accumulate test materials over the
1. Salaries - In some schools, the salaries of faculty
and guidance counselors are at par with each other,
while in other schools, the salaries of counselors
are slightly lower.
Private schools may have their own salary
structure for academic non-teaching staff, and
secretaries are generally paid according to the
salary structure for office personnel. Consultants
may be paid if retainership is the arrangement.
2. Testing Activities - Test materials are expensive, as responses are
placed in the test booklets themselves, thus rendering tests non-
reusable. Since intellectual property rights prohibit reproduction
without the publisher's permission, original copies have to be made
available for all test takers.
3. Honoraria - for resource persons
4. Professional Development Activities- conventions , workshops,
seminars inside and outside of the work setting
5. Production and reproduction of handouts or announcements
6. Individual Inventory forms and folders
7. Books, pamphlets, magazines. brochures and other printed
8. Audio-visual materials for seminars, workshops or Classroom or
Homeroom Guidance
9. Materials for research – journals, books, articles
10. Office Supplies - paper, ballpens, markers, pencils, chalk,
crayons, paper clips, staplers, etc.
11. Provisions for internet access
12. Computer software and licenses, discs, and printer
13. Communication expenses for mailed materials
14. Transportation expenses for home visits and purchase of
15. Snacks and lunch for resource persons
16. Decorations, curtains/blinds
17. Repair and maintenance of equipment
18. Miscellaneous expenses
• Computers and printers- Computer units and printers
• Cabinets, shelves, drawers, tables and chairs, bulletin boards
• Filing cabinets
• Overhead projector, video and audio player, and preferably,
multimedia player for workshops and seminars
• Air-conditioning units and/or electric. fans
• Electricity and Water
• Janitorial Services
Since it is the Guidance Director who knows what is needed, it is important that
he/she knows how much money is allocated for Guidance Program operations.
In this way, he/she can apportion the money in coordination with the Guidance

Should the funds be too meager even for the essentials, the Guidance Director
should make representations to the management or administration for a bigger
budget. The rationale' for the request must be presented convincingly, and must
be accompanied by evidence of Guidance Program usefulness.
If internal funds are not available, the Guidance
Personnel can work with the Parents Association, or
coordinate with socio-civic organizations for funding or
providing needed resource speakers and materials.

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