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Docker Commands

Common Docker Commands
Docker start

You can re-start a stopped container with
docker start <container-name>

It will keep any changes that had been made.
Docker exec

This will allow you to interact with a running container
– You won’t normally do so, but it can be handy for
debugging purposes.
– -i – interactive
– -t – allocate a terminal

docker exec -it <container name> <command>

Note that most containers will have a very limited set
of commands
Docker run -v

You can add directories to a container as it is created.
– This can give it access to extra commands without altering the
– Or give it access to storage that will last longer than the
individual container.

The -v argument for docker run allows you to mount a directory
on the host as a volume in the container -v
– Note that both paths are absolute.
– You will likely have to review the documentation for the
container to determine which paths should be mounted to.
Listing Resources

It can be easy to lose track of what containers &
images you have.

docker ps – display running containers
– -a – display all containers

docker image list – display all local images

docker image inspect <imagename> - detailed
information about image.
Cleaning up

You may want to delete old containers, old images,

docker rm <containername> - delete that
container. Can use name if you set it, otherwise

docker rmi <imagename> - If you no longer need
an image, you can delete it.
– docker image rm <imagename> will do the same
Cleaning up

There is also a docker kill, just in case a
container doesn’t respond to docker stop.

docker kill <container name>

This has been a brief introduction to using
docker commands to manage services.

Next class we will look at how to make our own
container images

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