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1. A Feature article is __________________________________.

a. direct to the point

b. informative just the same as news article
c. a report of current events and important situations
d. a creative writing that is meant to entertain and deals with real people and events
2. You can find Feature articles in the following EXCEPT one.

a. Internet c. dictionary
b. Magazine d. newspaper
3. Feature stories resemble stories in such a way that they __________.

a. do not have to be factual.

b. are based largely on the writer’s creativity and imagination.
c. do not have to be balanced in their treatment of controversial issues.
d. use description, sensory details, quotations, anecdotes, personification and other story-telling devices.
4. Good writers can get ideas for feature stories by being _______________.

a. detached and unemotional.

b. diligent and unimaginative.
c. inquisitive and observant.
d. rigid and assertive.
5. Which of the following is NOT one of the attributes of feature stories?

a. They amuse, entertain, inspire and stimulate readers.

b. They usually are less timely than straight news stories.
c. They use novelistic elements to dramatize a story’s theme.
d. They are written to a single format and direct to the point.
6. A Feature article is also known as ____________________.

a. people stories
b. news stories
c. fake news
d. gossips
7. Feature writing follows a/an ______________ structure where it starts from the least important information down to the most important details.

a. circle
b. square
c. pyramid
d. inverted pyramid
8. What are the basic parts of a Feature article?

a. spelling, grammar, and punctuation

b. headline, body, conclusion
c. headline, banner, quote
d. lead, body, conclusion
9. Which of the following statements is false?

a. The use of interesting facts and anecdotes will help to illustrate your topic and keep your reader's attention.
b. You should start your feature story with a bang as a way to grab your reader.
c. Feature stories use the traditional five-paragraph essay format.
d. Humor and emotions are important in telling a story.
10. The most important requirement for writing a lead in a feature story is that it _______________.

a. presents a question the rest of the story will answer

b. interests readers and lure them to read the story
c. should summarize the story
d. should be lengthy
11. The main point of a Feature article is ______________.

a. to simply inform
b. to entertain the readers
c. to report current events
d. to spread gossips and fake news
12. The topics of a Feature article can be the following EXCEPT one.

a. a mother’s love
b. your favorite dog
c. upcoming typhoon
d. famous personality
13. Feature stories can be improved by using __________.

a. detailed description, sensory details, quotations, anecdotes, personification and other story-telling devices.
b. highly technical words that will confuse the readers
c. flowery words to attract your readers
d. direct to the point statements
14. You can be a good writer if you are _______________.

a. talented and curious

b. observant and assertive
c. creative and imaginative
d. wide reader and close minded
15. If you want to know the steps on how to cook a sinigang, what type of feature writing should you search?

a. news feature
b. how-to-feature
c. personality sketch
d. informative feature
16. The following are the stages of Feature Writing EXCEPT one.

a. Writing
b. Editing
c. Pre-Writing
d. Post Writing
17. Why is it important to make an outline before writing a feature article?

a. It leads you to nowhere.

b. It will make your writing more lengthy.
c. It is a tradition to follow an outline before writing.
d. It serves as a guide for you to write a good article.
18. What is the final stage in Feature writing?

a. conclusion
b. headline
c. editing
d. ending
19. If your classmates critic your work and they have given comments about your work being dull and lousy, what should you do?

a. Rip off your work and give up.

b. Be mad with them and tell them they are bad writers too.
c. Accept their advices and follow them to improve your work.
d. Report to the teacher that your classmates are bullying you.
20. It is important to edit our articles before publishing
it. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. Writers edit their work to see any errors before

publishing it.
b. Committing mistakes is inevitable so it’s unnecessary
to edit.
c. Reading helps you improve and develop your skills in
d. You should be knowledgeable of correct spellings,
proper usage of grammar and punctuations.
21. _____is a source of information in the form of visual representations which help readers clarify and comprehend information.

a. visual
b. media
c. visual media
d. visual literacy
22. Which of the following is a visual element that can contribute to a text?

a. sound effects during a scary story

b. a drawing of a character's home
c. an audio recording of a story
d. background music
23. It is a fundamental artistic element of visual media which refers to the use of hue in art and design which draws
your eye to an image, evoke certain mood or emotion and communicate something without using words at all.

a. color b. line c. gaze d. framing

24. _________ is the element in an image which stands out and attracts the viewer's

a. line b. symbol c. salience d. gaze

25. You read a story on your tablet and there are bold words
throughout the story. When you click on a bold word, a box
appears on the screen and gives you the definition of the word.
This is an example of a multimedia element that _____.

a. helps set the tone of the story

b. clarifies the meaning of the word
c. helps you visualize what events are happening in the story
d. helps you hear the sounds the main character would hear
26. Any combination of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video that is delivered interactively to the user by electronic or digitally
manipulated means is called _________.

a. video streaming c. animation

b. multimedia d. video
27. The term Multimedia comes from two words Multi which means ________ and Media which refers to any
hardware or software used for communicating.

a. many b. small c. few d. little

28. It is the basic element of multimedia which is a combination of symbol, letter, character, and phrase that form a sentence or words to communicate thoughts, ideas or facts.

a. text
b. graphics
c. animation
d. audio
29. What multimedia element would be most likely to establish a playful tone?

a. dim lighting c. funny sound effects

b. futuristic animation d. slow background music
30. What type of tone would be most likely to be established by making a cartoon
version of a story?
a. angry c. gloomy
b. formal d. cheerful

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