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LESSON 3 Neutralisation
• acid + metal oxide salt + water
• acid + metal hydroxide salt + water
• acid + metal carbonate salt + carbon dioxide + water

• Test for carbon dioxide: bubble the unknown gas through clear lime water
(Ca(OH)2(aq)) If the lime water becomes turbid, the gas is carbon dioxide.
• The turbity is caused by the formation of CaCO3(s). (It is insoluble in water).
• acid + metal salt + hydrogen
• This reaction is not an acid - base reaction, but a redox reaction.

• Test for hydrogen gas: bring a flame close to the mouth of the test tube - if the gas
explodes with a popping sound, it is H2(g).
• Titrations are used to experimentally determine the concentration of an unknown
acid or base.
• When the results of a titration is used to calculate the concentration of the unknown
acid or base, the process is called a volumetric analysis.
• A neutralisation reaction occurs between the acid and the base.
• The net ionic reaction that occurs during the process, is:
H+(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O()
• The apparatus used to do a titration is shown on the next slide.
Step 3:
Rinse the burette with some
of the aid solution.
Step 1: Carefully fill the burette
Wash the conical flask with acid, using a funnel.
with distilled water. Take the initial reading on
Using a pipette, transfer the burette.
25 cm3 of the base to the
conical flask. Step 4
Add a few drops of a Slowly add the acid from the
suitable indicator. burette to the base in the flask
Swirl the flask carefully until the colour of the indicator
during the titration. just changes colour. This is the
end point of the titration.
Take the final reading on the
Step 2: burette.
Place a white tile or paper Determine the volume of the
under the flask so that the acid that was added to the base.
colour changes of the
indicator are clearly visible.
• Indicators are used to determine whether a solution is an acid or a base.
• An indicator is a weak acid that is in equilibrium with its conjugate base of which the
colour changes if it is added to an acid or a base.
• The chemical formulae of indicators are complicated and it is indicated as HIn.
• The equilibrium is represented with the equation below:
HIn + H2O H3O+ + In-
colour 1 colour 2

• If the indicator solution is added to an acid [H3O+] increases. The reverse reaction is
favoured (according to Le Chatelier’s Principle) and more of the red HIn molecules
are formed.
• If the indicator solution is added to a base [H3O+] decreases. The forward reaction is
• The formulae below can be used to do titration calculations:

Eight grams (8,0 g) of sodium hydroxide are dissolved in 350 cm3 of distilled water.
15 cm3 of this solution neutralises 20 cm3 of a sulphuric acid solution.
Step 1: Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
2NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ⟶ Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(ℓ)
Step 2: Calculate the concentration of the base:
c = = = 0,57 mol∙dm-3
Step 3: Use the titration formula to solve the problem.
ca = 0,214 mol∙dm-3
• Neutralisation is the process where the acid and base properties of
different solutions are neutralised.
• The point where neutralisation occurs is called the end point or
equivalent point (the colour of the indicator changes at this point).
• It is important to choose a correct indicator for each titration.
• The indicator is chosen according to the strength of the acid or base
used in the titration.
methyl orange 3,1 – 4,4 red to orange to yellow
methyl red 4,2 – 6,2 red to yellow
litmus 4,5 – 8,3 yellow to blue
bromothymol blue 6,0 – 7,8 yellow to blue
pink-purple (magenta) in
phenolphthalein 8.3 – 10 range, colourless outside
red (3 and below); 3-6
universal indicator 3-11 orange/yellow; 7 green; 8-11
blue; 11 and above, violet.
• To prepare a 200 cm3 NaOH standard solution with a concentration of 0,5 mol∙dm–3:
• Step 1: Calculate the mass of NaOH pellets required.
M(NaOH) = 23 + 16 + 1 = 40 g·mol–1
• Step 2:
Use an electronic scale (balance) to measure off ± 4,4 g NaOH. (A specific mass
of NaOH(s) can’t always be measured because it consists of pellets (not a fine
• Step 3: Take the exact reading on the scale.
• Step 4:
Transfer the NaOH pellets to a volumetric flask. Add ± 100 cm3
of distilled water to the flask and seal it with a stopper. Shake
the flask carefully until all the solute (NaOH) has dissolved.
• Step 5:
Slowly fill the flask to the calibration mark on the neck of the
• Step 6:
Now calculate the exact concentration of the prepared solution
– use the mass that was noted on the scale in Step 3.
c = = = 0,41 mol∙dm-3
A standard solution of concentration 0,41 mol·dm−3 has been
 It is sometimes necessary to dilute a solution so that we can use it in a laboratory.
 It is done by taking a small amount of the solution and adding distilled water to it.
 When diluting a solution, you need to know the following:
(i) The exact amount of distilled water that needs to added as well as
(ii) The exact concentration of the dilute solution.

c 1 V1 = c 2 V2
A certain solution has a concentration of 0,35 moldm-3. 120 cm3 of this solution is
transferred to a volumetric flask and distilled water is added to a total volume of 500 cm3.
Calculate the concentration of the dilution.

c1V1 = c2V2
(0,35)(120) = c2(500)
c2 = 0,084 moldm-3

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