ProActive Selling

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ProActive Selling

The Buyer’s Buy/Sell Process

Step 1 2 3 4 5
Buyer’s Process Initial Interest Education Transfer of Rationalise Decide
Seller’s Process Initiate Educate- Validate Justify Close
• Prospecting
• Feature/benefit/value
• Cause/effect
• Three Language
• ValueStar
• Timezone
• Initiate
• The 30-second speech
• Flip
• Summarise, Bridge, Pull (SBP)
• 20-second Help Speech
• 20-second pattern Interrupt Speech
• 30-second speech: second call and beyond
• Education/Qualify
• Ask them/tell them/ask them
• GAP chart
• SalesMap
• Solution box
• Finding train
• Implementation Date
• Buyer Buy Backwards (BBB)
• Three level of why
• Validate
• TimeDemo
• Gives/Gets
• Justify
• The implementation plan
• The drop/push/pull
• Short Term Transfer (STT)
Tool: Towards/Away
• AWAY Buyer – avoidance of pain
• TOWARDS Buyer – attainment of pleasure
• Use more AWAY words and questions
• Bring to an end/stop/close/standstill, end , halt
• Finish, terminate, discontinue, cut short, reduce, make less/smaller, minimise,
• Allay, assuage, alleviate, keep down, keep at/to a minimum, cut down, lessen,
curtail, diminish, prune, slash
• Attenuate, pilliate, ease, dull, deaden, blunt, moderate, mitigate, dampen,
soften, tone down, dilute, weaken
Tool: Feature/Benefit/Value
Feature/benefit Feature/benefit/value
User buyer Business buyer
Wat they use it for How it will make them money
Solve user problem Solve money problem
All about you and your solution All about them and their problem
Tool: Cause/Effect
• Cause->User buyer->Need

• Effect->business buyer->business driver

Tool: 3 languages
1 2 3
manager Vice president SVP, EVP, CXO
Features, function Increase revenue, decrease cost Market size, market share
Tool: ValueStar
• Time
• Tool: TimeZones
• User Buyer (present-opportunistic), Biz buyer (past-restorative/future-
• Risk
• Brand
• Leverage
• Building values across projects (finding trains)
Initiate (prospecting) – Goals
Initial sales call
• Introduce yourself
• Tool: the 30 second speech (elevator speech)
• Element 1: The Introduction
• Element 2: About Us
• Element 3: About them (Bridge)
• Tool: Flip (Summarise and Flip)
• Questions that get the prospect talking
• Introduce your product/service
• Feature/Benefits
• Should we continue on through a buy/sell process?
• Tool: Summerise, Bridge, and Pull (SBP)
• You/I
• Bridge Question
• Next Step
30 second speech-Summarise and Flip
• Introduction
• Good morning, Mr Gysin, My name is Mary. I am a sales person for ABC company
• About us
• We are a leading provider of software and services for sales force automation solutions
• We provide tools that help salespeople shorten their sales cycles and qualify prospects better
• We also help sales manager get more than 90% forecast accuracy in about half the time
• Bridge Phrase
• Many of the questions we get from sales VPS like yourself are:
• Is there a way to make salespeople more productive without having to take them out of the field?
• Can I really get the maybes out of my funnel that are causing me to spend resources where I should not
• Is there really a way to get my forecast to 90+ % accuracy
• Summarise and Flip
• Before WE get into these questions, mr gysin, what are the issues and questions regarding your sales
team’s productivity that are on your agenda over the next 6 months?
Tool: SBP
• Intro statement (You/I)
• Well mr ginsy, it sould like we accomplished a lot today.
• YOU: you said you wanted to increase your revenue through getting your products through the development
cycle 20% faster, as well as increasing the flexibility you have in your packaging and lowering your overall
engineering costs by 10%
• I: We discussed how we might be able to help
• Bridge Questions
• Do you agree
• Do you have any questions
• Have we cover all the points
• Next Step
• Great, so a good next step should be to sit down together, so we can learn more about what you want to
accomplish and you can learn more about what we do.
• At that point, you will be in a perfect position to determine whether we should go any further with this
• Does that sound good to you?
30-sec speech: Second call & Beyond
• Opening: Introduction
• Second element: Last time we talked..
• Third element: your agenda/concerns/issues were
• Summarise and Flip
• Closing: if good meeting today, next step…
Ask them/tell them/ask them
• Education call
• Intro (tell them)
• Middle (tell them)
• Summary (tell them)
• Validation call
• Ask them (what they want to discuss)
• Tell them (what you do and how it can help)
• Ask them (what you both have said, agreed, then SBP)
Gap Chart


20% - $2M GAP

One for Spanish, one for russian
• Prospect Company: XXX
• Contact name: john
• Initial sales call date:
• Steps taken together
• Aaa
• Bbb
• Ccc
• Next step to decision making (sales)
• Next step to decision making (customer)

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