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Topic 4: EIA Process

Module for Weeks 7-8

Environmental Impact Assessment
BS in Environmental Science
2nd sem., AY 2022-23

Richel E. Relox, Ph.D.

Associate Professor V
Department of Environmental and Technology
College of Science and Mathematics
EIA Process:
Steps Output
1. Project Screening -Type of Project (Category A, B, C, D)
-Description of the Project (Location, Size, Budget, Raw
materials etc.)
2. Public Scoping -Identification of Impacts with Stakeholders ( in the primary
and secondary impact areas) per project phase
3. Baseline Data -Collection of the environmental status (biodiversity, physico-
chemical and socio-economic and political aspects)
4. Impact - Characterized based on magnitude, nature, location,
Characterization and frequency, irreversibility)
Significance - Significance based on criteria (DENR standards,
international agreements, policies etc.)
5. Environmental -Mitigation measures for significant negative impacts
Management Plan
6. Environmental -Monitoring plan to comply with standards
Monitoring Plan
7. EIS preparation -Format of the document based on the DENR
7. EIS Review -Review process by experts
8. Post monitoring and -Monitoring by the DENR and other stakeholders
A proposed project or on-going
project requiring ECC needs the ff:
• comprehensive assessment of the project activities per
phase from pre-construction, construction, operation and

• baseline information of the project site and its influenced


• interactions of the components of each activity with

environment, and

• evaluation of the significance of the impacts including

cumulative impacts and risk assessment
Choice of EIA method depends on:

• the type and size of the proposal

• the type of alternatives being considered

• the nature of the likely impacts

• the availability of impact identification methods

• the experience of the EIA team with their use

• the resources available - cost, information, time,

EIS Preparation
Format of the EIS Document:
1. Cover page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Project Description
-Size, location, project phases and activities, project team
5. Impact identification during scoping with stakeholders
6. Baseline Information (land, air, water, people)
7. Impact characterization
8. Impact significance
9. Environmental Management Plan
10. Environmental Monitoring Plan

Information required to establish baseline conditions

• current conditions

• current and expected trends

• effects of proposals already being implemented

• effects of other proposals yet to be implemented

Land Air Water People

• Soil type • Physical • Physical • interviews

• Geology • Chemical • Chemical • Focus
• Flora • Biological Group
• Fauna Discussion
• secondary
• Sampling and analysis
Thank you.

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