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Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря


Можаєва М. С.
група УЗ-21
Chinese Korean
management management

01 02 03 04
What is Japanese
management? management
East Asia is a unique region where traditional values, rich history
and the rapid pace of modern change intertwine to create distinct
management dynamics.
The study of management in this region presents a fascinating
panorama where traditional management practices intertwine
with innovation, presenting modern managers with new
challenges and opportunities to explore and apply innovative
What is management?
Management is a system on which the management of the enterprise as a whole and its parts is built: the team,
finances, and technical resources. She faces the following tasks:

Functioning of Determining the company’s Analytics

departments; strategy for a certain period; monitoring

Disposal of Sales Control of the IT sphere

employees; planning; of the enterprise;
Organizational structures
An organization is made up of many parts
working together to achieve a specific
Creating an organizational structure
provides visibility into who’s responsible
for each function across teams and
departments. This framework keeps your
business running like a well-oiled machine
by ensuring everyone knows who does
what, when, and why.
Types of organizational structures
Hierarchical structure
In a hierarchical organizational structure — the most traditional
type — authority flows from the top down in a centralized way.

33% Hierarchical structure

Other structures

Organizational Structures Used

by Enterprises in East Asia
Functional structure
This type divides a company according to employee specializations and job
functions. It’s popular among small to medium-sized businesses because of
its centralized nature

Functional structure
Other structures


Organizational Structures Used

by Enterprises in East Asia
Matrix structure
A matrix organizational structure is complex and delegates multiple reporting
obligations to employees assigned to various projects. With this structure, a
marketing associate may have to report to the marketing department manager
and the product development team about task progress.

Matrix structure
Other structures


Organizational Structures Used

by Enterprises in East Asia
Chinese concept of money
Money in Chinese society is the main expression and
measure of love and a sense of solidarity within the same
family, where material interests are given paramount
importance. Chinese parents give their children red
envelopes filled with money on New Year's Day, giving
them an object lesson in the importance of money as a
sign of personal affection.

Red envelope popularity






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Chinese concept of money
The Chinese are ready to work almost around the clock, without weekends or holidays
It is said that this particular obsession with money could be influenced by centuries-old
cultural practices.

Chinese workers at Chinese New Year


20% 20% 21%

15% 15% 16%



2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Chinese management
Successful management in China is more likely if you bear in mind that
each person has a very distinct role within the organization, and
maintaining that role helps to keep order:

Managers should protect an employee's The concept of mianzi ('face') is

reputation by not chastising, challenging very important and needs to be
or criticising them publicly. understood by managers.

In general, the manager may In the event that they wish to

direct the activities of communicate bad news to their
subordinate team members and employees, they may well use an
expect direction to be carried out intermediary to protect harmony
as requested. within the manager/employee
Approach to Time and Priorities
China is a moderate time culture and typically there
may be some flexibility to strict adherence to
schedules and deadlines. Nevertheless, the
expectations of global working have caused the
Chinese to adopt relatively strict standards of
adhering to schedules.
• In Chinese culture, it's normal to take your time to
reflect and deliberate before coming to a decision;
being too quick can be seen as rash.
• Deadlines frequently move and as a manager, you
should always have a backup plan.
Development of Chinese management
Until recently, American companies moved
their production facilities to China and hired
Chinese to do low-wage jobs. Now the situation
is starting to change. The Chinese economy is
growing rapidly. Chinese companies have
made or are planning to make a number of
major international transactions.
The Americans are worried: it is possible that
many of them will soon have to work under the
guidance of Chinese managers.
Japanese management
Japanese management is a type of management that is based on the
principles of human resource management. It is a management system that
uses a variety of tools and techniques to manage human resources.

Basic principles of Japanese management:

Focus on the person. Japanese companies believe that people
are the company's most important asset.
Team work. Japanese companies value teamwork and
Continuous improvement. Japanese companies strive for
continuous improvement of their processes and products.
Japanese management
Japanese management has attracted close attention
in recent decades, when the Japanese economy
confidently took a leading position and the Land of ACT PLAN
the Rising Sun was recognized as the most
competitive player in the global economic arena.
The Japanese management model has allowed the
country to become the largest manufacturer of CHECK DO
passenger cars and semiconductor chips; in
Japan is the undisputed leader in the field of control
of social policy and quality of life.
Characteristics and philosophy
of Japanese management
There is no single definition of this concept, but many researchers have
developed systems of signs that make it possible to accurately say whether
we are talking about Japanese management.
There are six features of this system:

job security guarantee of openness and quality as a information order and

for every a trusting transparent management approach to cleanliness in
employee environment company paradigm management the workplace
The real emphasis in Japanese management
is on human relations - trust between
employees, trust in management, a clear
understanding of one’s place and the place of
colleagues in the company, consistency of
actions, high moral principles.
Every employee is confident that if he does his
job and does it well, he will never be fired, and
there are prospects for growth.
Japanese companies that implement the
principles of effective management:
Toyota is known for its lean
manufacturing system, which allows
the company to constantly improve its
processes and increase efficiency.
Sony is known for its culture of
innovation, which fosters creativity and
new ideas.
Honda is known for its teamwork
system, which allows the company to
quickly respond to changes and
achieve its goals.
Korean management
In South Korea, the concept of social hierarchy is supported.
The attitude towards people is based on social is
important for the management to ensure the harmonious work
of the team and a favorable environment within the team.
In Korean culture, there is a concept of inwa. It is about
harmony between representatives of different levels of
hierarchy in the company.
Managers must show interest in the needs of subordinates,
and employees must be loyal and obedient. In Korea,
managers strive for consensus in making important
management decisions.
Information aspect
In the information aspect, management in South Korea also has certain
features. Korean companies are actively introducing advanced technologies
and have a high level of digitalization. Information technologies such as mobile
applications and internet platforms play an important role in the business
Additionally, Korean corporate culture places a strong emphasis on hierarchy
and teamwork. Decision making can be quite hierarchical, but the desire for
innovation and the high speed of adoption of new technologies are key factors
in information management in Korea.
Asset management leaque table in Korea (2021)
AUM (Assets under management)

Year-on-year growth (%)
Employee Satisfaction
percentage of workers dissatisfied
According to an article by Custom with their work
Insight, Employee Satisfaction is a 70%

measure of how content workers are 60%

with their jobs. It requires closely
examining metrics like workload, 50%

organization leadership, work-life

balance, staff relationships, and 40%

improving the working environment. 30%

The extent to which employers provide

facilities or introduce employee support
policies determines the satisfaction of 10%
any organization’s success.
Japan China China
Total working hours in a year


South Korea


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

2020 2010
Management in East Asia has unique characteristics
that reflect the cultural, technological and
organizational aspects of the region. China, Japan and
South Korea have their own approaches to
management, which are reflected both within
companies and at the level of the national economy.
These countries are actively using advanced
technologies, focusing on digitalization, development of
innovations and high-tech solutions. At the same time,
cultural characteristics, such as the unique approach to
teamwork, hierarchy, and the importance of consensus
in the decision-making process, have a strong
influence on corporate culture and management
strategies in a given region.





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