Factors Leading To Disintegration of U

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Constitution of U.S.S.

• Written Character –1977 ,174 articles
• Federal System called USSR
• Bicameral legislature called Supreme Soviet –
The Soviet of The Union and the Soviet of
• Direct Election
• One party system
• Democratic Centralism
• Local government
• Partially rigid
• The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet –39
members ,members elected from
deputies ,conduct the elections of Supreme
Soviet ,convene sessions ,interpretation of the
constitution ,ratify treaties
• The Council of Ministers – executive body
Factors Leading to Disintegration
of U.S.S.R
•Formed in 1922
•15 Republics ,collapse of Soviet Empire
• Gorbachev Policies
• Glasnost (openness )
• Perestroika (restructuring)
• Authoritarian Rule
• Dulles Plan
• One party system
• Dominance of Central Government ,neglect of
the interests of other republics
• High expenditure on Defense less on
infrastructure and development
• Absence of Economic liberty
• Uneven distribution of resources
• Curtailed religious freedom
• The spirit of cultural nationalism
• International Factors
• Crisis in the socialist block
• The fall of Berlin Wall
• Coups
• Defeat in Afghanistan
• Economic crisis in USSR
• Centralized bureaucratic order
• End of Cold War
• Rise of Uni-polarity
• US role in Global affaires strengthened
• End of Communist regimes
• Emergence of New states
The Constitution of Russian Federation

• Came into force on 25 December 1993

• Written character –137 articles
• Federal system
• Semi-presidential system
• Bicameral legislature --
• The Federation Council—upper house 170 senators 2 from
each territory ,chairman , indirect election by territorial
politicians – one by provincial legislature second by governor
• State Duma—lower house ,450 deputies ,5 years, PM, 21
years age ,changes border, approval of decree of
president ,impeachment ,legislative ,financial ,judicial.
• Independence of Judiciary
• Republicanism – called Russian Federation
• Democratic Political System
• Sovereignty of the People
• Protection of Fundamental Rights
• Multi-party system
• Local Self-government

The President
• Head of the State
• Tenure 6 years
• Qualification – Russian citizen remain for 10
years ,35 years age ,
• Terms – 2
• Guarantor of the constitution ,freedom of man
and citizen
• Chairman of Central Bank ,could preside the
meeting of Government
• Legislative functions
• Executive Authority
• Judicial performance
• Announce election and referendum
• Govern Foreign Policy
• Commander-in-chief of Armed Forces
• Emergency powers

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