Constitutional Law

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Constitutional law

Kovtun Maksim
Constitutional law -

the body of law that evolves from a constitution setting out the
fundamental principles according to which a state is
governed and defining the relationship between the various
branches of government within the state.
Constitutional law, the body of rules, doctrines,
and practices that govern the operation of
political communities. In modern times the most
important political community has been the
state. Modern constitutional law is the offspring
of nationalism as well as of the idea that the
state must protect certain fundamental rights of
the individual.

Constitutionalism is a set of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior that develop the
principle that the powers of government derive from and are limited by the constitution.
The United Kingdom is perhaps the best instance of constitutionalism in a country that
has an uncodified constitution. A variety of developments in 17th century England,
including the Constitutional Monarchy and "the protracted struggle for power between
King and Parliament was accompanied by an efflorescence of political ideas in which the
concept of countervailing powers was clearly defined," led to a well-developed polity
with multiple governmental and private institutions that counter the power of the state.
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Constitutional law provides a means for individuals and organizations to protect their
interest by filling a lawsuit against those, who infringe upon their rights.
Two sides to the coins
Constitutional law deals with the fundamental
principles by which the government
exercises its authority. In some instances,
these principles grant specific powers to
the government, such as the power to tax
and spend for the welfare of the
population. Other times, constitutional
principles act to place limits on what the
government can do, such as prohibiting
the arrest of an individual without
sufficient cause.
Constitution of Ukraine

The constitution was adopted and ratified at the 5th session

of the Verkhovna Rada, the parliament of Ukraine, on 28
June 1996.
For Ukrainians, the night when the Constitution was
adopted is an extraordinary night. Because this law
introduced mutual understanding between branches of
The Constitution also guaranteed the independence and
inviolability of the borders of the Ukrainian state. In
addition, the Basic Law proclaimed the supremacy of
human rights and established important rights of citizens.
The Constitution of Ukraine is divided Bodies of Executive Power
into 15 chapters: ● Prokuratura (Prosecutor's Office)
● Justice
● General Principles ● Territorial Structure of Ukraine
● Human and Citizens' Rights, Freedoms ● Autonomous Republic of Crimea
and Duties ● Local Self-Government
● Elections. Referendums ● Constitutional Court of Ukraine
● Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ● Introducing Amendments to the
● President of Ukraine Constitution of Ukraine
● Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Other ● Final Provisions
● Transitional Provisions

Each part is devoted to a certain subject and declares the basic norms.
Then each of these subjects has its own separate constitutional law.
Constitutional laws

Constitutional laws are legislative acts that originate from the constitution and have the
purpose of specifying the main provisions of the constitution by regulating the most
important social relations or making changes to it (the constitution) and have higher legal
force than the constitution in relation to other normative acts.


Constitutional laws

To summarize, I would like to say that constitutional law is the main and basic law in the
country. It is the basis of all other branches of law. The state when the parliament and the
constitution operate in the country is called constitutionalism. The most important law in a
democratic state is the constitution. In addition to the constitution, constitutional laws are
also a source.


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