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Pengembangan model: AHM - Quality Assurance Smart System oleh SME Quality Assurance

New Graduates - 2
Newborns - 3

Creating a newsletter is one idea you can play

Community of around with. It helps you stay in the loop with the
Practice – Quality personal and professional lives of your immediate
family members, even up to your distant relatives.
Assurance In a few pages, everyone can find out about recent
achievements and life updates. Plus, you'll have
Text & Photos
documentation of all milestones. Celebrate and
by Yuningtyas Rissa Adiyanti
empathize no matter how far you are from each
other. It's also a good way to keep track of
upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, and special
events. Newsletters can be a fun project for
M AY 2 0 2 0 | I S S U E N O. 5

A few things you should

CONGRATS, GRADUATES! consider would be the scope of
your newsletter, the means of
gathering information, how
Welcome our family's 5 fresh grads often issues will be published,
how long one issue will be, what
kind of features and content you
In today’s digital world, there’s no excuse not to
want to add, and who among
keep in touch. There are more ways to be aware of
your relatives can be
what’s happening with your loved ones, even though
accountable for certain
you’re separated by physical distance. Pitch the idea
assignments. Once you have
and initiate the conversation. Because relationships
these in place, decide on the
are important, take a step towards nurturing yours.
newsletter name and overall
Grab the chance to put throwback photos that will
get everyone nostalgic and amused. Or, why not add
This project will give future
new ones to update the group with how everyone's
generations a rich resource of
grown up?
information and perhaps allow
them to appreciate being part of
the family even more. It’s a
publication that will show the
different hobbies,

Our family talent pool

is growing. We're proud
to have 2 new doctors,
2 designers and a

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