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in Entrepreneurship:
Mohsin Ilam Ul Din!
Prof Muhammad Waseem Sab
& Class.
 Copyright Provides complete rights to creative individuals for the
protection of their Literary (includes books, newspaper articles,
reports, working papers, computer software and programs, letters,
emails, novels, poetry & song) or Artistic productions.
 Complete legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of
years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or
musical material.
 It is possible to copyright an idea? (Yes or No)….?
 The particular way that an idea is expressed can often be
 This expression can take many forms, including books, dramatic or
musical compositions, art, motion pictures, lectures, sound
recordings and computer programs.

• January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author
plus an additional 70 years.
• For instance, in Australia and Singapore it extends to 70 years but
in New Zealand and China it is 50 years.
• A copyright is automatically granted to the producer, artist or author
and does not require registration although in some countries
registration may be required before infringement claims can be
 The owner of this copyright may:

• Reproduce the work Like

• Prepare derivative works based on it (Like movie version of a novel)
• Distribute copies of the work by sale.
• Perform the work publicly.
• Display the work publicly.
• Each of these rights, or a portion of each, also may be transferred.
 Is this a specious argument?

Monkeys can own the copyright to selfies they click

of themselves just like humans do. This is the
controversy between Wikimedia (The foundation
behind Wikipedia) and British photographer Elon
Musk DF.
According to the Wiki, the selfie shot by a Cheeky
Black Macaque….
• Is This Possible……
????The US Copyright Office ruled in the Monkey
Selfie case that any works created by a non-human
are not subject to copyright. ‘To qualify as a work of
‘‘authorship’’ a work must be created by a human
being.... Works that do not satisfy this requirement
are not copyrightable. The Office will not register
works produced by nature, animals, or plants.’
 What is Protected By Copyright?

Written works Musical compositions

Computer software Dramatic works

Pantomimes and Pictorial, Graphic, and

Choreographic works Sculptural works
 Exclusions From Copyright Protection:

 The main exclusion is that copyright laws cannot protect ideas.

 For example:
An entrepreneur may have the idea to open a restaurant. The idea itself
is not eligible for copyright protection. However, if the entrepreneur writes
down specifically what his or restaurant will look like and how it will
operate, that description is copyrightable.
 The legal principle describing this concept is called The idea-expression
 Obtaining a Copyright?

 Make Sure Your Work Is Eligible for Copyright

 File a Copyright Registration Application

 File a Copy of the Copyrighted Material

 Copyright Infringement:

 Copyright infringement occurs when one work derives from

another or is an exact copy or shows substantial similarity to the
original work.(In YouTube as form of Musical Material or
Movies Remake Music Videos etc.)
 To prove infringement, a copyright owner is required to show
that the alleged infringer had prior access to the copyrighted
work and that the work is substantially similar to the owner’s.
 Copyright Infringement

 The illegal downloading of

music is an example of
copyright infringement.
 Copyright infringement costs
the owners of copyrighted
material an estimated
$25 billion per year in the U.S.

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