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Yarol peguero de Jesus
• This is a story of Neptune god of the sea. Neptune was mostly loyal
to his brother Jupiter however, on one occasion, he conspired with
Juno and Minerva to overthrow him and put him in chains.
• For this disobedience, Jupiter punished him and banished him to
the sea. Neptune lives in and underwater castle with his wife
amphrite and his son triton.
• He also has a temple on earth that people bring gifts to him for
good fortune on the sea or help when sailing in his domain

• Neptune is the Roman and Greek God of the sea. He is the brother
of Pluto and JUPITER .

• He is very similar to POSEIDON , the other Greek god of the sea.

Often associated with fresh water, he was first referenced in
Roman mythology as being associated with water.

• Given a name that means “moist” in Latin, Neptune is often

pictured as having a three-pronged fisherman’s spear. He is often
shown to be an older man with a long beard.

• Neptune is sometimes seen with fish and other creatures of the sea
around him. He is also associated with the sports horse racing. This
is because of early depictions of him being pulled across the sea in
a chariot pulled by a horse. He is also the father of all horse related
creatures because he made Samplethem
Footer Text from the mist and water of the 3

• Saturn was the father of Neptune,

Pluto,mercury,Venus,Uranus, and Jupiter. His mother
was Ops or Gaia , the earth mother. He also had
sisters: Vesta, JUNO, Venus, and Ceres. It’s said that
Neptune’s father swallowed his children. It was his
mother, Ops, who saved her kids by tricking Saturn
into swallowing a stone. In his attempt to get rid of
the stone from his belly, the children were released.
They then turned on their father and teamed up to
defeat him. After SATURN was defeated, the three
brothers divided control of the world among
themselves. Jupiter took control of the sky. Pluto
became ruler of the underworld. And Neptune

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 Neptune is known for his violent nature and temperament. There are many stories
that depict him as being difficult and somewhat vindictive. His behavior is said to
reflect the unpredictable nature of the sea. According to one tale, it was his
unpredictable nature that caused Neptune to make an attempt to overthrow his
brother Jupiter and become ruler of the underworld. However, he failed in his
attempt to accomplish this task.
• According to some stories about the Roman god Neptune, he had a wife named Salacia. Little is
known about her. In ancient Italian mythology, she may have been the goddess of salt water.
Neptune had three children with Salacia. The most well-known of three was TRITON . Like his
father, he is depicted carrying a trident . Triton also represents the sea in his physical appearance
as a “merman,” the male version of a mermaid. Neptune also had a reputation for being a lady’s
man. It’s said that he had numerous affairs. Because of these relationships, he had many other sons
and daughters other than the three children he had with his wife. The most notable of these
children are Pegasus and ATLAS.

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 Because of Neptune’s violent temper, he also became

associated with earthquakes. At the time, there was
very little understanding of what really caused
earthquakes. And the ancient Romans and Greeks
thought they came from the sea, but had no scientific
knowledge of things like plates and shifting of the
earth. Since Neptune was the god the sea, it was
thought that an earthquake occurred when he
became angry. That’s why they thought that storms
and everything that includes water and some earth
was cause by Neptune’s emotions.
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The end for all god s
and goddesses facts

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 8

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