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National Education Society®

JNN College of Engineering, Shivamogga

Dept. of Information Science and Engineering

Technical Seminar(18CSS84)presentation on
“IOT based air pollution monitoring and control system ”

Under Guidance of : Presented By :

Vishwas C.G.M BE.,M.Tech 4JN20IS060 Prathiksha H P
Assistant Professor
Dept. of IS&E
JNNCE, Shivamogga

20/02/2024 IoT based air pollution monitoring and control system 1

1. Introduction

2. Problem Description
3. Literature Survey
4. System Design & Implementation
5. Conclusion

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The pollution due to automobiles and provides a real time solution which not just monitors pollution levels but
also take into consideration control measures for reducing traffic in highly polluted areas. The solution is
provided by a sensor based hardware modules which can be placed along roads. These modules can be placed
on lamp posts and they transfer information about air quality wirelessly to remote server. This information can
be used for traffic control. The proposed system also provides information about air quality through a mobile
application which enables commuters to take up routes where air quality is good.

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1. Introduction
 In recent times the health of human beings has been directly impacted by pollution. According to statistics by Lancet, India
has topped the list of countries with pollution-related deaths in 2015, with 2.51 million people dying prematurely in the
country that year due to diseases linked to air, water and other forms of pollution .

 According to The Lancet report, air pollution was the biggest contributor, linked to 6.5 million deaths in 2015, ahead of
water pollution (1.8 million) and workplace-related pollution (0.8 million). Some of the air pollutants are SO2, CO, CO2,
NO, volatile organic compounds , particulates, chlorofluorocarbons , etc .

Statistics of death due to air pollution

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1. Introduction
 Air pollution presents a serious threat to human health, especially in densely populated urban areas where the pollution
levels continue to increase above the safe limits .

 Statistics also show that about 30% of air pollution on an average is attributed to pollutants from automobiles. Such kind of
pollution can lead to various health implications like heart and lung disorder.

 The purpose of air quality monitoring is not merely to collect data but to provide the information required by scientists,
policy-makers and planners to enable them to make informed decisions on managing and improving the environment, in
addition to presenting useful information for public end-users .

 Here considering the growing problem of air pollution and provides a solution by constantly monitoring air and controlling
vehicular flow if air is polluted beyond a threshold value.

20/02/2024 IoT based air pollution monitoring and control system

2. Problem Description
The air pollution due to automobiles and provides a real time solution which not just monitors pollution
levels but also take into consideration control measures for reducing traffic in highly polluted areas. The solution is
provided by a sensor based hardware module which can be placed along roads. These modules can be placed on
lamp posts and they transfer information about air quality wirelessly to remote server. This information can be
used for traffic control. The proposed system also provides information about air quality through a mobile
application which enables commuters to take up routes where air quality is good.

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3. Literature Survey
[1]. Title of the paper: A research-oriented low-cost air pollution monitoring IoT platform.
Author :Yassine Ben-Aboud, Mounir Ghogho, Abdellatif Kobbane.
Year of Publication : 2020
Description of the work : The aim is to facilitate the testing of different data collection strategies, to simplify the
air quality monitoring process. The main features of system is its agility, low-cost, high spatial coverage and real time
data visualization. The sensor nodes have been developed using low-cost off-the-shelf hardware. Both nomadic and mobile
sensor nodes have been developed. A novel sensor management middleware has been designed and developed to have the
flexibility to remotely control the operational settings of the sensor nodes and to reduce the volume of transmitted data.
Advantages :Mobile friendly air pollution meter , Spatial visualization of air pollution levels using a Geographic Information
System (GIS).
Disadvantage : Large volume.

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3. Literature Survey
[2]. Title of the paper:Prediction and Monitoring of Air Pollution Using Internet of Things (IoT).
Author :Sarita Jiyal , Rakesh Kumar Saini .
Year of Publication : 2020.
Description of the work : The concept of smart sustainable city can be balance the resources. If this loss of resources
excessively than it will definitely create problems to future generation and excessive use of resources causes air pollution. Than
it is necessary to predict air pollution timely by which it can be monitored .Using IOT monitoring of air pollution is necessary
to save this environment from all harmfull pollutants. Vehicles are the main cause of air pollution. Electric vehicles and cycles
can be used in the place of the other vehicles for controlling the air pollution .This research teaches that prediction of air
pollution levels is very important by which peoples can divert there route of travelling.
Advantages : Reduce the level of pollution by using public transports instead of private vehicle,say no to crackers, and by
taking proper care of it.
Disadvantage : Monitoring mistake.

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3. Literature Survey
[3]. Title of the paper: Urban Air Pollution Monitoring System With Forecasting Models.
Author : Khaled Bashir Shaban, Abdullah Kadri, Eman Rezk.
Year of Publication : 2020
Description of the work : The system uses low-cost air-quality monitoring motes that are equipped with an array of gaseous
and meteorological sensors These motes wirelessly communicate to an intelligent sensing platform that consists of several
modules. The modules are responsible for receiving and storing the data, preprocessing and converting the data into useful
information. This use three ML algorithm to investigated and to build accurate forecasting models for one-step and multi-step
ahead of concentrations of ground-level ozone ,NO2, SO2. Here two types of modeling are pursued -univariate and
multivariate. The performance evaluation measures used are prediction trend accuracy and root mean square error (RMSE).
The results show that using different features in multivariate modeling with M5P algorithm yields the best forecasting
Advantages : Significantly useful for alarming applications in areas with high air pollution levels.
Disadvantage : Time-Consuming tasks.

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3. Literature Survey
[4]. Title of the paper:Wireless Sensor Network for Real-Time Air Pollution Monitoring.
Author : Abdullah Kadri, Elias Yaacoub, Mohammed Mushtaha, and Adnan Abu-Dayya.
Year of Publication : 2021
Description of the work : The system consists of several distributed monitoring stations that communicate wirelessly with a
backend server using machine-to-machine communication. Each station is equipped with gaseous and meteorological sensors
as well as data loggingand wireless communication capabilities[5] The backend server collects real time data from the stations
and converts it into information delivered to users through web portals and mobile applications. The system is implemented in
pilot phase and four solar-powered stations are deployed over an area of 1 km2. Data over four months has been collected and
performance analysis and assessment are performed[5].

Advantages :Web and mobile applications have been developed to allow authorized personnel to access the data.

Disadvantage :High power consumption.

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3. Literature Survey
[5]. Title of the paper: Monitoring Pollution: Applying IoT to Create a Smart Environment.
Author : Anwar Alshamsi, Younas Anwar, Maryam Almulla , Mouza Aldohoori , Nasser Hamad , Mohammed Awad.
Year of Publication : 2021
Description of the work :Air pollution levels can be measured using smart sensors, IoT technology can be integrated to
remotely detect pollution without any human interaction[6].Thew data gathered by such a system can be transmitted instantly
to web based application to facilitate monitoring real time data and risk management. Here it describes an entire system that
monitors air pollution by collecting real-time data in specific location . This data is analysed and measured against a
predetermined threshold[6].The collected data is sent to the concerned official organization to notify them in case of any
violation so that they can take the necessary measures ,if the value of the measured pollutants exceeds the threshold , an alarm
system is triggered taking several actions,

Advantage :Alarm system .

Disadvantage :Initial investment.

20/02/2024 IoT based air pollution monitoring and control system
4. System Design
 The proposed system was developed using the PIC16F877A. The work was prototyped and have considered sensors, MQ-7
which measures carbon-monoxide, MQ135- which measures NH3, MQ4-which measures methane gas, and G37-for amount
of O2. The sensor inputs are acquired and undergo signal conditioning. The output from the signal conditioning circuit is then
provided as input to an analog to digital converter of 10 bit resolution, which inputs these PIC16F877A.

Figure 1:Block Diagram of Proposed system

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4. System Design
 The inputs are given to an air quality monitor algorithm which gets input values and compares them with threshold values.

 The air quality information is then transmitted via a Wi-Fi transceiver-ESP 8266 to a remote server from where this
information can be accessed the traffic control station.

 This information can also be accessed through a mobile application.

 The designed system not only sends a message but also displays the status of the parameters of air quality through a CLCD

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4. System Design

Figure 3:Use Case of proposed system

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4. System Design
The proposed system was prototyped and tested.
The system was validated using various test cases:

Test case-1: Acquiring inputs from sensor

Test case-2: Processing data
Test case-3: Wireless Transmission
Test case-4: Display of gases present in CLCD.

Figure 4:Test case1 Figure 5:Test case4

20/02/2024 IoT based air pollution monitoring and control system 15

 The proposed system was designed and tested. The proposed system measures the air quality of a particular area with the
help of the hardware module fixed at certain locations like lamp posts. The proposed system collected real time pollution
statistics using various sensors which monitored percentage of gases like ammonia, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Using
these inputs the algorithm predicted the air quality. Although there are a huge number of existing systems, the proposed
system provides a unique feature by transmitting calculated information for traffic control purposes if air quality is
detrimental. The additional benefit of the proposed system is the mobile application which will help the common man
understand and be aware of the pollution status of localities. This awareness can also lead to people making a contribution
directly to reduce pollution levels.

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6. References
[1] S.Muthukumar, W. Sherine Mary, Jayanthi.S, Kiruthiga.R, Mahalakshmi.M, “IoT based air pollution monitoring and
control system”, IEEE conference, pp 1286-1288,2020.

[2] Sarita Jiyal , Rakesh Kumar Saini ,” Prediction and Monitoring of Air Pollution Using Internet of Things (IoT)”,

[3] Khaled Bashir Shaban, Abdullah Kadri, Eman Rezk, “Urban Air Pollution Monitoring System With Forecasting Models”
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 16, No.8,April 15,2019.

[4] Abdullah Kadrl, Elias Yaacoub, Mohammed Mushtaha, Adnan Abu Dayya, “Wireless Sensor Network for Real-time Air
Pollution Monitoring” Qatar Mobility Innovations Centre (QMIC), Qatar Science and Technology Park, Doha, Qatar.

[5] Anwar Alshamsi, Younis Anwar, Maryam Almulla, Mouza Aldohoori, Nasser Hamad, Mohammad Awad, “Monitoring
Pollution: Applying IOT to Create a Smart Environment”, IEEE conference,pp1-4,2021

[6] Yassine Ben-Aboud, Mounir Ghogho, Abdellatif Kobbane,” A research-oriented low-cost air pollution monitoring IoT

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Thank you

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