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• Explain the different types of malware

• Understand how phishing operates
• Discuss how data can be intercepted
• Understand the meaning of DoS and brute force attacks and how to protext
against them
• Understand the concept of SQL injection

• Malware • Social Engineering • SQL Injection

• Virus • Data Interception
• Worm • Brute Force
• Trojan Horse • [Distributed] Denial of
• Spyware Service

• Phishing • Botnet

• Malware is a catch-all term meaning

“malicious software”
• It refers to any software which can be
damaging to a computer or network, or
be used to illegally obtain data from a
computer or network
• Viruses, worms, trojan horses, and
spyware are all types of malware
• Malware designed to cause harm to a network or
computer system
• Attaches itself to programs or files on a computer or
• Often received by downloading files from unsafe
websites, or opening attachments from malicious emails
• Around 82,000 viruses are created every day
• Famous viruses include Stuxnet and CryptoLocker
• Worms are similar to viruses but replicate and spread
themselves to other computers using a LAN or the
• The worm does this by exploiting vulnerabilities
within the network
• Worms do not need to attach to a program, and a user
may not realise they have received one
• Mydoom was a worm which caused £38bn worth of
damage in 2004 (by adding infected machines to a
botnet for DDOS attacks) and was responsible for
25% of all emails sent that year

• So named because they are

designed to access a computer by
misleading users of their intent
• Very commonly attached to
phishing emails

• Designed to steal information rather

than cause damage
• Spyware might scrape data from a
system’s secondary storage, or log
keypresses, and send it to a separate
location so it can be used
• Can be harder to detect as it typically
does no damage
• Also known as scamming
• This technique relies on human interaction,
usually tricking users into breaking normal
security procedures and revealing or
sending sensitive information to the
• This could happen via phishing emails or a
phone call claiming to be from a tech
support company or a bank, for example
• This method does not involve technical
cracking techniques
• A form of social engineering designed to acquire sensitive information such
as usernames, passwords, card details, etc
• Most commonly done via email

• Data travels across networks in packets

• These packets are technically accessible to anyone
connected to any device on their route
• If the packets are unencrypted, the information sent
alongside the packets can be used by the interceptor
to reassemble the original data
• If the packets are encrypted, the interceptor could still
do this, but the resulting data would be unintelligible
and therefore useless (as they would not have the
decryption key)
• Data interception can also be carried out physically –
for example by stealing a portable hard drive
• This is using trial and error to gain access to password-based entry
• The attacker tries possible passwords repeatedly until the correct
one is found
• The time this takes depends on the length and complexity of the
password used, and whether the user has chosen a common or
BRUTE guessable password
FORCE • Dictionary attacks are a common form of brute force attacks – using
ATTACKS a list of the most commonly used passwords (obtained from data
leaks) rather than trying every possible combination of characters

• Every time a client makes a request to a server, the

server has to use processing time, RAM space, and
network bandwidth to service that request
• A DoS attack works by flooding the server with so
many requests that it cannot process them in a timely
• This may fill up the RAM of the server and cause it to
crash, or simply cause it to take long enough to service
genuine requests that people give up
• These are usually malicious attacks intended to
prevent a website from being accessible
• This could be to take down a website the
criminal does not like
• Or to extort money by threatening a DoS attack
and the resulting downtime
• Or as a smokescreen to hide another malicious
attack happening at the same time
• Sometimes this can happen unintentionally –
e.g. when Glastonbury tickets are released, or
when a small website is linked on a large social
media site

• A DDoS attack seeks to more effectively

carry out a DoS attack by using a large
number of computers spread over a large area
• This is more effective because more
computers can generate more traffic at once
• DDoS attacks make use of botnets –
collections of “zombie” computers that have
been infected with code giving a malicious
user control over that machine

• If a database system is not properly

secured, an attacker can use specific inputs
to execute malicious SQL statements
• Virtually all database-driven websites will
use SQL based databases
• Basic injection attacks are easy to protect
against but new vulnerabilities are being
discovered all the time
• SQL injection can be used to steal, access,
or destroy data

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