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Page replacement algorithms

Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating
Systems (OS)

by : abhishek
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

What is Page Replacement in Operating Systems?

1. Page replacement is needed in the operating systems that use virtual memory
using Demand Paging. As we know in Demand paging, only a set of pages
of a process is loaded into the memory. This is done so that we can have
more processes in the memory at the same time.
2. When a page that is residing in virtual memory is requested by a process for
its execution, the Operating System needs to decide which page will be
replaced by this requested page. This process is known as page replacement
and is a vital component in virtual memory management.

PAGE FAuLT in operating

● A page fault happens when a running program accesses a
memory page that is mapped into the virtual address
space but not loaded in physical memory. Since actual
physical memory is much smaller than virtual memory,
page faults happen. In case of a page fault, Operating
System might have to replace one of the existing pages
with the newly needed page. Different page replacement
algorithms suggest different ways to decide which page to
replace. The target for all algorithms is to reduce the
number of page faults.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Type replacement

• First In First Out Page

Replacement Algorithm

• Optimal Page
Replacement Algorithm

• Least Recently Used

(LRU) Page
Replacement Algorithm
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

First in first out page replacement


This is the first basic algorithm of Page Replacement Algorithms. This

algorithm is basically dependent on the number of frames used. Then each
frame takes up the certain page and tries to access it. When the frames are
filled then the actual problem starts. The fixed number of frames is filled up
with the help of first frames present. This concept is fulfilled with the help of
Demand Paging
After filling up of the frames, the next page in the waiting queue tries to enter
the frame. If the frame is present then, no problem is occurred. Because of the
page which is to be searched is already present in the allocated frames.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

First in first out page replacement


01 If the page to be searched is found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Hit.
If the page to be searched is not found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Fault.
When Page Fault occurs this problem arises, then the First In First Out Page
Replacement Algorithm comes into picture.
The First In First Out (FIFO) Page Replacement Algorithm removes the
Page in the frame which is allotted long back. This means the useless page
which is in the frame for a longer time is removed and the new page which is
in the ready queue and is ready to occupy the frame is allowed by the First In
First Out Page Replacement.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :
Consider the reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1
for a memory with three frames and calculate number of page faults by using
FIFO (First In First Out) Page replacement algorithms.

Points to Remember
Page Not Found - - - > Page Fault
Page Found - - - > Page Hit
Reference String:
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :

Number of Page Hits = 5 The Ratio of Page Hit to the Page Fault = 5 : 15 - - - > 1: 3 - - -
Number of Page Faults = 15 >0.33

The Page Hit Percentage = 5 *100 / 20= 25%

The Page Fault Percentage = 100 - Page Hit Percentage = 100 - 25 =

ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Belady’s ANOMALY
In the case of LRU and optimal page replacement algorithms, it is seen that
the number of page faults will be reduced if we increase the number of
frames. However, Balady found that, In FIFO page replacement algorithm,
the number of page faults will get increased with the increment in number of
This is the strange behavior shown by FIFO algorithm in some of the cases.
This is an Anomaly called as Belady'sAnomaly.

Let's examine such example :

The reference String is given as 1,2,3,4,1,2,5,1,2,3,4,5 Let's analyze the
behavior of FIFO algorithm in two cases.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example : With 3 FRames

Number of Page Hits = 3

Number of Page Faults = 9
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example : With 4 FRames

Number of Page Hits = 2 Therefore, in this example, the number of page faults is
Number of Page Faults = 10 increasing by increasing the number of frames hence this suffers
from Belady'sAnomaly.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Optimal page replacement algorithm

02 This is the second basic algorithm of Page Replacement Algorithms. This

algorithm is basically dependent on the number of frames used. Then each
frame takes up the certain page and tries to access it. When the frames are
filled then the actual problem starts. The fixed number of frames is filled up
with the help of first frames present. This concept is fulfilled with the help of
Demand Paging
After filling up of the frames, the next page in the waiting queue tries to
enter the frame. If the frame is present then, no problem is occurred. Because
of the page which is to be searched is already present in the allocated frames.
If the page to be searched is found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Hit.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Optimal page replacement algorithm

02 If the page to be searched is not found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Fault.
When Page Fault occurs this problem arises, then the OPTIMAL Page
Replacement Algorithm comes into picture.
The OPTIMAL Page Replacement Algorithms works on a certain principle.
The principle is:
Replace the Page which is not used in the Longest Dimension of time in
This principle means that after all the frames are filled then, see the future
pages which are to occupy the frames. Go on checking for the pages which
are already available in the frames. Choose the page which is at last.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :
Consider the reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1
for a memory with three frames and calculate number of page faults by using
OPTIMAL Page replacement algorithms.

Points to Remember
Page Not Found - - - > Page Fault
Page Found - - - > Page Hit
Reference String:
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :

Number of Page Hits = 12 The Ratio of Page Hit to the Page Fault = 12 : 8 - - - > 3 : 2 - - - >
Number of Page Faults = 8 1.5

The Page Hit Percentage = 12 *100 / 20 = 60%

The Page Fault Percentage = 100 - Page Hit Percentage = 100 - 60 =

ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Least recently used(lru) replacement


03 This is the last basic algorithm of Page Replacement Algorithms. This

algorithm is basically dependent on the number of frames used. Then each
frame takes up the certain page and tries to access it. When the frames are
filled then the actual problem starts. The fixed number of frames is filled up
with the help of first frames present. This concept is fulfilled with the help of
Demand Paging
After filling up of the frames, the next page in the waiting queue tries to enter
the frame. If the frame is present then, no problem is occurred. Because of the
page which is to be searched is already present in the allocated frames.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Least recently used(lru) replacement


03 If the page to be searched is found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Hit.
If the page to be searched is not found among the frames then, this process is
known as Page Fault.
When Page Fault occurs this problem arises, then the Least Recently Used
(LRU) Page Replacement Algorithm comes into picture.
The Least Recently Used (LRU) Page Replacement Algorithms works on a
certain principle. The principle is:
Replace the page with the page which is less dimension of time recently
used page in the past.
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :
Consider the reference string 7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1
for a memory with three frames and calculate number of page faults by using
Least Recently Used (LRU) Page replacement algorithms

Points to Remember
Page Not Found - - - > Page Fault
Page Found - - - > Page Hit
Reference String:
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms

Example :

Number of Page Hits = 12 The Ratio of Page Hit to the Page Fault = 12 : 8 - - - > 3 : 2---->1.5
Number of Page Faults = 8 The Page Hit Percentage = 12 * 100 / 20 = 60%
The Page Fault Percentage = 100 - Page Hit Percentage = 100 - 60 = 40%
ANALYS CONTAC Page replacement
IS T algorithms


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