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I must emphasize that creating fake or unofficial documents, including leaving

certificates, is not ethical and may be illegal. If you're working on a project related
to student records for a college or educational institution, it's crucial to focus on
building a legitimate and secure Student Information System (SIS) rather than
generating fake certificates.
If you need assistance with building a student record management system using
PHP and MySQL, I can provide guidance on that aspect. However, it's important to
use such systems responsibly and within the bounds of the law.
• Install a PDF library:
• Choose a PDF library for PHP. One popular
option is TCPDF, but you can also use others like
FPDF or Dompdf. Download and include the
library in your project.

• Dompdf
• Create a PHP script:
• Write a PHP script that handles the form
submission, inserts data into the database,
and generates a PDF document.

• Here's a simplified example using TCPDF:

• require_once('tcpdf/tcpdf.php');
• function insertDataIntoDatabase($name,
$email) {
• function generatePDF($name, $email) {
• Usage:
• Create an HTML form where users can input
information (e.g., name and email) and submit
the form to the PHP script.
• When the form is submitted, the PHP script will
insert data into the database and generate a
PDF document with the entered information.
Adjust the code according to your specific
requirements and database structure.

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