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• Tissue are formed when structurally and functionally similar cells are
combined together
• Absent from unicellular organisms even simple multicellular organism
lack tissues for example sponges
• Advanced multicellular organisms possess tissue which can organize
and regulate an organism’s response to its environment
• Tissues are responsible for performing various functions in plants and
• For example in animals muscle tissue helps in contraction and
• In plants vascular tissue are responsible for transportation of water
and nutrients
Most abundant
• Fills internal spaces, provides structural support for other tissues and
stores energy reserves
• The most common types of connective tissues are fibrous,
cartilage, bone, adipose and, vascular tissues.
Connective tissue type and characteristics Functions Locations
Areolar (loose) connective tissue. Loose array of Nourishes and cushions epithelia, provides Under all epithelia; outer coverings of blood
vessels, nerves, esophagus, and other organs;
random fibers with a wide variety of cell types arena for immune defense against fascia between muscles; pleural and pericardial
infection, binds organs together, allows
passage for nerves and blood vessels sacs
through other tissues

Adipose tissue (fat). Large fat-filled adipocytes Stores energy, conserves body heat, cushions Beneath skin; around kidneys, heart, and eyes;
and scanty extracellular matrix. and protects many organs, fills space, shapes breast; abdominal membranes (mesenteries)
Dense irregular connective tissue. Densely Toughness; protects organs from injury; Dermis of skin; capsules around liver, spleen, an
spaced, randomly arranged fibers and provides protective capsules around many other organs; fibrous sheath around bones
fibroblasts. organs

Dense regular connective tissue. Densely Binds bones together and attaches muscle to Tendons and ligaments
spaced, parallel collagen fibers and fibroblasts. bone; transfers force from muscle to bone

Cartilage (gristle). Widely spaced cells in small Eases joint movements; resists compression at External ear, larynx, rings around trachea, joint
cavities (lacunae); rubbery matrix. joints; holds airway open; shapes outer ear; surfaces and growth zones of bones, between
moves vocal cords; forerunner of fetal skeleton; ribs and sternum, intervertebral discs
growth zone of children's bones

Bone (osseous tissue). Widely spaced cells in Physically supports body, provides movement, Skeleton
lacunae; much of matrix in concentric onionlike encloses and protects soft organs, stores and
layers; hard mineralized matrix. releases calcium and phosphorus

Blood. Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets in Transports nutrients, gases, wastes, hormones, Circulates in cardiovascular system
• These are active contractile tissues
• Produces force and cause motion either locomotion or movement
within internal organs
• Three types
 Smooth or visceral muscles
 Cardiac muscles
 Striated or skeletal muscles
• Also called involuntary
muscle, consist of delicate
spindle shaped cells, each
with one central oval nucleus
and homogeneous
• Because it is found in the
internal organs, it is likewise
called visceral muscle.
Heart muscle
• Is called the cardiac muscle
• The cardiac muscle is striated yet
involuntary. Its movement is not
controlled at will.
Striated Muscles
• Are also called skeletal muscle,
because they are attached to our
bones. Their movement can be
controlled at will; thus they also
called voluntary muscles.
• These tissues are composed of neurons, also known as nerve cells or
neuroglial cells
• They form the brain and spinal cord in C.N.S and cranial and spinal
nerves in P.N.S
• The function of nervous tissue is to form the communication network
of the nervous system by conducting electric signals across tissue
• Formed by cells that cover organ surfaces such as skin, airways and
reproductive tract
• Provides barrier between external environment and organ it covers
• Functions in secretion, excretion and absorption
• Helps to protect organs from micro organisms, injury and fluid loss
• Three principal shapes
1. Squamous epithelium
Flat and scale like
Wider than their height
2. Cuboidal epithelium
Cube shape
Height and width
approximately same
3. Columnar epithelium
Column shaped
Taller than width
Actively dividing cells, similar in structure and have thin and elastic
cell wall
• cells may be spherical, oval, polygonal or rectangular in shape
• cells contain few vacuoles
• Responsible for increase in length and thickness, found in specific
regions such as tips of roots and stems
• the main function of meristematic tissue is to continuously form a
number of new cells
• Three types
i. Apical meristem
ii. Lateral meristem
iii. Intercalary meristem
i. Apical
• Present in growing tips of roots and stem
• Responsible for increase in length of roots and stem
ii. Lateral meristem
• Consists of cells that divide in one plane and causes structures to
grow in diameter

Basswood – stem in cross

Basswood – root in cross section
section; 1, 2, 3 year old stems
iii. Intercalary meristem
• Present at the base of node, internode and on leaf base
• They help in growth and branch formation
• Meristematic tissues that lose the ability to divide and acquire a
permanent shape, size and function
• Three types
i. Simple permanent tissues
ii. Complex permanent tissues
iii. Special or secretory tissues
i. Simple
Similar in origin, structure and function

Parenchyma Loosely packed cells with intercellular Provides support, helps in

spaces occurs throughout the plant photosynthesis, stores food

Collenchyma Cells are compactly arranged and joined Helps in manufacturing and storage of
at corners, little intercellular spaces. starch, provides flexible support system
Found below epidermis of petiole and

Sclerenchyma Thick walled, dead cells, no intercellular Protects delicate parts of plants
spaces. Found in wood, bark, leaves,
stem fruits and seed coat

Epidermis Outermost part composed of stratified Protects the plant from environmental
flattened cells. forms the skin pathogens
Regulates the water loss
ii. Complex permanent
• More than one type of cells working together as a unit
• Helps in transportation of organic materials, water and minerals
• Two types
 Xylem
 phloem
 Xylem
• Chief conducting tissues
• Tissues are organized in tube like fashion along main axes of stem and roots
• Xylem are composed of combination of parenchyma, fibers, vessels, tracheid and
ray cells
• Helps in conduction of water and minerals from roots to different parts of plants
 Phloem
• Phloem is composed of sieve tubes and companion cells;
• phloem transport photo-synthetically prepared food materials from the leaves to
the storage organs & later from storage organs to the growing regions of the plant
iii. Secretory
The tissues that are concerned with the secretion of gums, resins,
volatile oils, nectar latex, and other substances in plants
Dicot vs. Monocot

Flowering plants are divided into monocots (or monocotyledons)

and dicots (or dicotyledons). This comparison examines the
morphological differences in the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of
monocots and dicots.
Comparison chart

Dicot Monocot

As the name suggests, the Monocotyledons have one cotyledon in

Embryo dicot embryo has two the embryo.
Leaf veins are parallel.
Leaf venation Leaf veins are reticulated
Petals in multiples of three.
Flowers Petals in multiples of four or
five. May bear fruit ( if tree).
Root Pattern Taproot system Fibrous roots
Secondary growth Often present Absent
Bundles of vascular tissue Bundles of vascular tissue scattered
Stem and vascular system arranged in a ring. The throughout the stem with no particular
vascular system is divided arrangement, and has no cortex.
into a cortex and stele.
Pollen with a single furrow or pore.
Pollen Pollen with three furrows or
Presence or absence of Both herbaceous and woody Herbaceous
# of seed leaves 2 seed leaves 1 seed leaf
Legumes (pea, beans, lentils, Grains, (wheat, corn, rice, millet) lilies,
peanuts) daisies, mint, daffodils, sugarcane, banana, palm,
Examples lettuce, tomato and oak are ginger, onions, bamboo, sugar, cone,
examples of dicots. palm tree, banana tree, and grass are
examples of plants that are monocots.
Scarlet Star (Guzmania lingulata) is a monocot

History of the Classification

The classification of flowering plants or angiosperms into two major groups
was first published by John Ray in 1682, and later by the botanist Antoine
Laurent de Jussieu in 1789, replacing the earlier classifications. According to
this classification, flowering plants were divided onto eight major groups, the
largest number of species belonging to monocots and dicots.

Seed Coats around embryo

The number of cotyledons differs in the two types of flowering plants, and
forms the basis for the main classification of monocots and dicots. Cotyledons
are the seed leaves of the embryo and contain nutrition for the embryo until it
is able to grow leaves and produce food by the process of photosynthesis.
Monocots have only one cotyledon while dicots have two.

Dicot vs Monocot Stem

The vascular system in dicots is divided into a cortex and stele, whereas in
monocots these distinct regions are absent. The vascular system is scattered
in monocots with no particular arrangement whereas in dicots the vascular
bundles consists of primary bundles forming a cylinder in the centre.
Scattered vascular bundles in monocot stem

Vascular bundles arranged in concentric circles in dicot stem

Flower Parts
The number of flower parts is different in the two groups. They occur in
multiples of three in monocots and in multiples of four or five in dicots.
Vascular bundles in monocot stem (Tradescantia)

Venation of leaves
Leaf veins are arranged either in parallels through the length of the leaf or in
a reticulate arrangement throughout the leaf. In most species monocots
leaves have parallel arrangement whereas dicots have reticulate arrangement.

There is also a different type of pollen structure present in the two classes,
monocots developed from plants with a single pore or furrow in the pollen,
whereas dicots developed from plants with a three furrows in their pollens.

Roots can develop either from a main radicle or arise in clusters from the
nodes in the stem, called adventitious roots. Monocots are known to have
adventitious roots whereas dicots have a radicle from which a root develops.
A fibrous root system, with several moderately branching roots growing from
the stem, is common in monocotyledons. In contrast, dicots have a taproot
system, a tapering root that grows downward and has other roots sprouting
laterally from it.
Fibrous roots are commonly found in monocotyledons while dicots have a tap root system.

Secondary growth
Secondary growth is found in dicots but absent in monocots. Secondary
growth helps in the production of wood and bark in trees.

Examples of Monocots and Dicots

There are about 65,000 species of monocots. Some examples include lilies,
daffodils, grains, sugarcane, banana, palm, ginger, rice, coconut, corn and
There are about 250,000 species of dicots. Examples include daisies, mint,
pea, tamarind, and mango.

There are some exceptions to this classification. Some species belonging to
monocots can have characters belonging to dicots, since the two groups have
a shared ancestry.

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