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• Sedimentary basins are regions of prolonged subsidence of the Earth’s surface. The driving mechanisms of subsidence
are principally related to processes within the relatively rigid, cooled thermal boundary layer of the earth known as
lithosphere. The lithosphere is composed of a number of plates, which are in motion, with respect to each other.
Sedimentary basin therefore exists in a background environment of plate motion.

• Basin are the region of thick accumulation of the sediments (in place up to 20 km). Sedimentary basins are wide spread
both onshore and offshore. The way in which they form was a matter of considerable debates until the last 20 years. The
advance in our understanding during this very short period is mainly due to the effort of the oil industry.

• So, the ultimate goal of sedimentological study is to unravel the history of sedimentation of the sedimentary basins.

• From basin analysis we could know─

a. About the framework of the basin.

b. Sediment fills.
c. Associated biota.
d. Stages of basin evolution
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e. Sediment dispersion pattern.
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PROCEDURE title style
• There are generally three broad categories:

1. Geological

2. Geochemical

3. Geophysical

1. Geological:-

• a) By mapping of the basin boundary and the lithic fill. It established lithostratigraphic units, unconformities etc.

• b) Preparation of measured stratigraphic columns from surface and subsurface data by studying the sedimentary
structure and biota.

• c) Petrography, modal, textural and heavy mineral analysis of thin section of sample rock collect from the basin.

• d) Clay mineral studies by XRD, SEM etc. Palaeontological, biometric and palynological studies.

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2. Geochemical:-

• Determination of major and trace elements, organic content, maturation etc. Radiometric dating done here.

3. Geophysical:-

• Basin analysis done also by some geophysical process and survey. Such as,

• a. Magneto-stratigraphy and gravity survey.

• b. Reflection seismic survey, DSS (deep seismic survey)

• c. Drilling and borehole logging

• Beside these, now a days’ most useful and modern technique of basin analysis is by Remote sensing and GIS.
Referring to our study, our discussion is confined only in how the remote sensing is applied in basin analysis.

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• What is Remote Sensing?

• Remote sensing is defined as the technique of obtaining information about the object through the
analysis of data collected by special instruments that are not in physical contact with the object of
investigation. As such remote sensing is regarded as ‟reconnaissance from a distance”,
‛Teledetection’ or a form of common adage “look but don′t touch”.

• So, remote sensing is the gathering information in any material without touching the object.

• Examples- Eye, Camera etc.

• Principles:-Detection and discrimination of objects or surface features means detection and

Fig: 1 principal technique
recording of radiant energy reflected or emitted by objects or surface material. Different objects of remote sensing.
returns different amount and kind of energy in different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum,
incident upon it. This unique property depends on the property of material.

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In much of remote sensing, the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the
targets of interest. This is exemplified by the use of imaging systems where the following seven
elements are involved. Note, however that remote sensing also involves the sensing of emitted energy
and the use of non-imaging sensors.

1. Energy Source or Illumination (A):- the first requirement for remote sensing is to have an energy
source which illuminates or provides electromagnetic energy to the target of interest.
2. Radiation and the Atmosphere (B):- as the energy travels from its source to the target, it will
come in contact with and interact with the atmosphere it passes through. This interaction may
take place a second time as the energy travels from the target to the sensor.
3. Interaction with the Target (C):- once the energy makes its way to the target through the
atmosphere, it interacts with the target depending on the properties of both the target and the Fig: 2- Showing overall process of
radiation. remote sensing.
4. Recording of Energy by the Sensor (D):- after the energy has been scattered by, or emitted from
the target, we require a sensor (remote –not in contact with the target) to collect and record the
electromagnetic radiation.

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1. Transmission, Reception and Processing (E):- the energy recorded by the sensor has to be transmitted, often the
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electronic form, to a receiving processing station where the data are processed into an image (hardcopy and/or
2. Interpretation and Analysis (F):- the processed image is interpreted, visually and/or digitally or electronically, to
extract information about the target which was illuminated.
3. Application (G):- the final element of the remote sensing process is achieved when we apply the information we
have been able to extract from the imagery about the target in order to better understand it, reveal some new
information or assist in solving a particular problem.
• These seven elements comprises the remote sensing process from beginning to end.

Fig: 3- Process of capturing photo of an area by remote


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• There are many countries that spread their remote sensing satellite program around the globe for land resource
survey environmental impact assessment weather forecasting and ocean science studies. Such as- METSAT
forweather monitoring and LANDSAT for land resource survey both are launched by USA. There are also some other
satellite for individual countries like SPOT series of satellite for France, where SPOT-1 discharged in 22nd Feb, 1986;
Marine Observation Satellite (MOS-1) for Japan has launched on 19thFeb, 1987; RADARSAT is the 1st remote sensing
satellite for Canada at 1990; Earth Resource Satellite (ERS) was send off by European Space Agency (ESA) in 1991;
and our India has also launched a number of experimental remote sensing satellites, such as-

• BHASKARA-I (June, 1979), BHASKARA-II (Nov, 1981)

Fig: 4- Arrangement of satellite around the globe.

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IN BASIN style

• Slope, bedrock lithology, associated geology and climate of that region are responsible for determining the
characteristic of basin.
• The method of quantitative analysis of drainage basin was developed by Horton (1945) and modified by Strahler
(1964) in conventional means but recently GIS and satellite remote sensing is a complete tool to analyze, to update
and correlate the measurements with periodic changes.
• Therefore, the results are more realistic and less time consuming.
• This study is to evaluate the nature of the basins, relation with character of the terrain and for deriving means to
conserve and manage natural resources and combating natural hazards.
• The low topographic gradient represents a major obstacle for morphotectonic analysis using conventional methods.
• The use of remote sensing data contribute significantly to overcome this limitation. In this instances remote sensing
data comprises digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and
Landsat thematic mapper images. Advanced image processing techniques are employed for enhancing the
topographic textures and providing a three dimensional visualization, hence allowing interpretation of the
morphotectonic elements.
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• The use of thematic maps such as landscape drainage, hypsometric, morphometric and geomorphologic maps,
constitutes the basis of morphotectonic analysis, particularly for investigating Cenozoic tectonics. The production of
these maps can be considerably facilitated by employing digital elevation models (DEM).This makes the
morphotectonic interpretation and the definition of tectonic compartment easier. In addition, the digital nature of
DEMs allows the support of computer processing technique for manipulation, enhancement, fusion and
visualization of image data and the interpretation of terrain features. Application of technique including different
angle of observation, vertical exaggeration factors, artificial shadowing in different directions and color
enhancements allows interpreting the terrain features.

• A new remote sensing technology based on radar interferometry (InSAR) is marking it possible to acquire high
quality altimetric data (Madsen and Zebker 1998). Using this technology,NASA launched the Shuttle Radar
Topography Mission (SRTM) in 2000, which allowed the acquisition of altimetric data and the generation of DEMs of
nearly 80% of the earth’s surface (Rabus et al. 2003).These data were used in the present study in order to
overcome the scarcity of information on the topography of the study region and to enable morphotectonic analysis.

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• Ingersoll and Busby (1995) point out that sedimentary basins can form in the four types of tectonic settings,
such as- Divergent, Intra-plate, Convergent and Transform settings. Different kinds of basins are recognized
within these various settings on the basis of -

I. The type of crust on which the basin rest,

II. The position of the basins with respect to plate margins, and
III. For basins lying close to a plate margin, the type of plate interaction occurring during sedimentation
(Dickinson, 1974; Miall, 2000).

• Detailed discussions are given on the chart below

Divergent Settings

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Types Description Modern example Ancient example
1. Terrestrial rift valleys Rifts within continental crust commonly Rio Grande rift (New Mexico) Triassic–Jurassic Connecticut
associated with bimodal volcanism

1. Proto-oceanic rift troughs Incipient oceanic basins floored by new oceanic Red Sea Jurassic of East Greenland
crust and flanked by young rifted continental

Transform Settings
Types Description Modern example Ancient example

1.Transtentional basins Basins formed by extension along strike-slip Salton Sea(California)

fault systems.
2.Transpressional basins Basins formed by cpmpression along strike-slip Santa Barbara Basin(California)
fault systems.
3.Transrotational basins Basins formed by rotation of crustal blocks about Western Aleutian fore-arc (?)
vertical axes within strike-slip fault systems.

Convergent Settings
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Types Description Modern example Ancient example

1. Trenches Deep troughs formed by subduction of oceanic Chile Trench Cretaceous, Shumagin Island
lithosphere (Alaska)

2.Trench-slope basins Local structural depressions developed on Central America Trench Cretaceous Cambrian slab
subduction complexes (California)

3. Fore-arc basins Basins within arc-trench gaps Sumatra Cretaceous Great Valley (California)

4. Intra-arc basins Basins along arc platform, which includes Lago de Nicaragua Early Jurassic Sierra Nevada
superposed and overlapping volcanoes (California)

5. Back-arc basins Oceanic basins behind intraoceanic magmatic arcs Marianas Jurassic Josephine ophiolite
(including interarc basins between active and (California)
remnant arcs), and continental basins behind
continental-margin magmatic arcs without foreland
fold thrust belts
6.Retro-arc foreland basins Foreland basins on continental sides of continental Andes foot hills Cretaceous Sevier foreland
margin arc-trench systems (formed by subduction (Wyoming)
generated compression and/or collision)

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Two different basinal situation can be visualized depends on the presence of the economic resources-

a. Frontier basin:-
• In which information is often limited to seismic, a few C.o.s.t or wildcat wells, and general geological background
• Explored basin:-
• In which much direct knowledge is available on
 Type of successful structural and stratigraphic trap.
 Figures on production and reserves found to date, as well as on oil and gas characteristic.
 Historical information on discovery characteristics (field sizes found and when, play fairways etc.).
 Seismic and well data.
 A fairly accurate knowledge of basin settings in relation to tectonic evolution, sediment supply and erosion,
thermal history and subsurface fluid flow.
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• The purpose of quantitative basin analysis methods are to provide-

 Estimates of the total current hydrocarbon accumulations present in a basin.

 Estimates of the most likely locations in a basin where such hydrocarbon are to be found.
 Assessments of the likely amounts of hydrocarbons, and whether dominantly oil or gas, at each potential
accumulation site.
 Estimates also total current economic ores present within the basin.
 Discovers the history of basin evolution.

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• So, it can be summed up that-

• Sedimentary basin are the regions where considerable thickness of sediments have accumulate (in place up to
• Basin analysis is done by several process, such as Geological, Geochemical, and Geophysical etc. but among all these
processes Remote sensing process is the modern and most useful process.
• Remote sensing is the gathering information of any material without touching this object.
• To complete the remote sensing process, the data captured and recorded by remote sensing systems must be
analyzed by interpretive and measurement techniques in order to provide useful information about the subject of
investigation. These techniques are diverse, ranging from traditional methods of visual interpretation to methods
using sophisticated computer processing. So, the two major components of remote sensing is data capture and data
• By using this process there are discovered many unfamiliar place which is inaccessible.

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1. Allen. J.R. and Allen. P. A.,2006, Basin Analysis: Principles and Applications, Blackwell Publishing
2. Gupta.R.P., 1990: Remote sensing geology
3. Horton, R.E., 1945, Erosional Development of streams and their drainage basins-hydrophysical approach to
Quantitative morphology. Bulletin of Geological Society of America 56
4. Levin.N, 1999: Fundamentals of Remote sensing
5. Madsen. S. n. and Zebker. H. A. 1998: Imaging radar interferometry. In: Henderson. F. M. and Lewis. A. J.(Eds),
Principles and applications of imaging radar, Manual of Remote Sensing, 3 rd ed., Am Soc of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing 2: 359-406
6. Kumar. N., 2013, Morphometric Analysis of River Catchments Using Remote Sensing and GIS (A Case Study of the
Sukri River, Rajasthan), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 3, Issue 6
7. Rabus. B.M., Roth. A. and Bamler.R., 2003: The Shuttle radar topography mission- a new class of digital elevation
models acquired by space borne radar. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 57: 241-262

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