ST Human Flourishing Midterm 1

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Module 2
Science, Technology and Human Flourishing

Science and technology has changed human landscape.
Man tends to show unlimited contentment – eager to seek
better replacement for anything that performs the functions of
man. The introduction of bioengineering, robotics and related
streams slowly limits the function and purpose of man’s
existence in the society. Robots, machines and other
technologies are intended to enhance human condition, or in
the future, replace the human functions in the society. Will the
contemporary situations (positive or negative) threaten human
nature? Are all the benefits from the fruits of progress in this
discipline fulfill the main aim of every human being in the
Human Being
• Biologist describe human as having attributes of
living organisms including plants and animals.
• Smith (2012) “ Biologists aren’t equipped to tell us
whether an organism, is a human organism because
human is a folk- category rather than a scientific
• Blakemore and Greenfield, recognized that the
possession of intellect distinguishes a human being
from another creature.
Human Being
• For Heidegger, the term “being” is associated with
the concept of existence. This justifies that human
beings adaptability to environmental changes and
ability to manipulate environment in the interest of
• Heidegger used the term “dasein” means “being
there” focuses on the modes of existence which
fundamentally established by two things:
1. Dasein exist in the world
2. Dasein has a self that it defines as it exist in such
• Aristotle is the first philosopher who approached
the problem of reality from a “scientific “ lens as
we know now.
• He is also the first thinker who dabbed into the
complex problematization of the end goal of life:
• According to him that every human person aspires
for an end, and this end is happiness or human
• Happiness does not necessarily mean everyday
happiness that we obtain when we win a
competition or we eat a favorite dish in a
restaurant but it actually means human
flourishing/personal flourishing– a kind of
contentment in knowing that one is getting the
best of life ;a kind of feeling that one has maxed
out his potentials in the world.
Different Schools of Thought Which Aim for
the Good and Happy Life
In terms of human flourishing, matter is what
makes us attain happiness. We see this at
work with most people who are clinging on to
material wealth as the primary source of the
meaning of their existence.
The hedonists see the end goal of life in
acquiring pleasure. Pleasure has always been
the priority of hedonists. For them , life is
about obtaining and indulging in pleasure
because life is limited.”Eat, drink, and be
merry for tomorrow we die” is famous for
Most people find the meaning of their lives
using God as the fulcrum of their existence.
The ultimate basis of happiness for theists is
the communion with God. The world where
we are in is only just a temporary reality
where we have to maneuver around while
waiting for the ultimate return to the hands of
It is a freedom of man to carve his own
destiny and to legislate his own laws, free
from the shackles of a God that monitors and
controls. For humanists, man is literally the
captain of his own ship. Humanists see
themselves not merely as stewards of the
creation but as individuals who are in control
of themselves and the world outside them.
Science and Technology and Human
• Technology allowed us to tinker with our
• Biologically male individuals can now undergo
medical operation if they wish for sexual
reassignment. Breast implants are now
available and hormones may be injected in
order to alter the sexual chemicals of the
• Whether or not we agree with these
technological advancements, these are all
undertaken in the hopes of attaining the good
• The balance, however between the good life,
ethics and technology has to be attained.

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