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Theme 04: Study of Communication-based train control

• Abstract:A communication-based train control (CBTC) system is an automated train control system
using bidirectional train-ground communications to ensure the safe operation of rail vehicles.
CBTC systems have stringent requirements for communication availability and latency. Most
existing CBTC train-ground communication systems work in the infrastructure mode without
train-train communications. Due to unreliable wireless communications and frequent handoffs,
existing CBTC systems can severely affect train control performance, train operation efficiency,
and the utility of the railway. In this paper, we use recent advances in cooperative relaying to
enable train-train communications and, consequently, enhance the train control performance of
CBTC systems. Trains act not only as end communication points but as relays for other trains as
well. Unlike existing works on cooperative relaying, in this paper, linear quadratic cost for the train
control performance in CBTC systems is considered as the performance measure. We jointly
consider cooperative relaying and handoff decision issues in CBTC systems. Moreover, to mitigate
the impacts of handoff latency on the train control performance, we propose an optimal guidance
trajectory calculation scheme in the train control procedure that takes full consideration of the
tracking error caused by handoff latency. Simulation results show that the train control
performance can be substantially improved in our proposed CBTC system with cooperative
• Rail transport is very important for sustainable transportation due to its safety,
reliability, high capacity and energy efficiency. High speed rail and urban rail
transit have received rapid development around the world especially in
developed and developing countries in recent years.

• Road transport has been the most widely used type of not only passenger but
also freight transportation around the world. This situation causes many
problems such as traffic accidents, traffic congestions, excess energy
consumptions etc. For example, in Turkey, more than a million traffic accidents
occurred and 7.530 people died in these accidents in last year. Many systems
have been developed to decrease these accidents but they are not very effective
because 90 % of the mistakes causing mortal and injured traffic accidents in our
• country belong to the drivers [1]. That’s why, no matter how precautions are taken, traffic accidents continue to
increase. What’s more, traffic congestion may cause people to wait for long periods of traffic in especially peak
hours, so this problem also may lead to more fuel to be consumed road transport in which the fuel
consumption is already high according to other transport types. For these reasons, a lot of countries have been
working to improve rail transportation in order to decrease these problems in especially recent years.

• Urban rail systems and high speed lines are both speed and safety types of railway transport and these systems
have become widespread in Turkey like as many parts of the world. 16 countries from Europe, Asia and America
have operated high speed railways (HSR) and the length of these HSR lines are more than 40.000 kilometers [2].
If other HSR lines which are under construction, planned and long term planned are added, the length of these
lines will be more than 90.000 kilometers and 39 countries will have used HSR [2]. When we look at urban rail
transit, a lot of cities especially big cities from Europa, USA, China and Japan have urban rail lines (URL) and the
number of URL continues to increase every year. To give an example from Turkey, 13 big cities have urban rail
transit such as metro, tramway or local train. Turkey has also high speed rail lines and it is one of the few
countries in the world where high speed trains are operated. According to transport planning which are 10th
Development Plan and National Intelligent Transportation Systems Strategy Action Plans, both the high-speed
and urban rail system projects will continue to increase [3, 4]. For
• example, in Istanbul, a 145 km subway line is currently being operated. It is planned that these line lengths will be
more than 400 km in 2019 and 1000 km in 2030 [5]. What’ s more, three high speed railways are currently operated,
two high speed railways are constructed and five speed railways are constructed or planned [6]. Thus, both high speed
railways and urban rail systems will become more popular in Turkey as it will be in the world.

• Rail systems are a type of transport where there is a lot of brake distances due to the low friction on the rails and the
heavy weight of the train. For this reason, the simplest and most important aim of the signalling systems is to prevent
train accidents and derailment in railway operation [7].

• Conventional railway signalling system is based on colour signals and train detection on the railway line with the help
of rail circuits and axle counters and this system has been used for more than 100 years. In conventional railway
signalling, tracks are divided into blocks and track circuits and axle counters are installed to determine if a train is
inside a block. Each block is protected by a signal. If a train inside a block, the entrance block signal will red and the
train from the back doesn't enter the block [8].

• In recent years, with the use of developing technology on the railway, the CBTC system has started to be used
especially on high-speed trains and subways. The CBTC system especially
• these line lengths will be more than 400 km in 2019 and 1000 km in 2030 [5]. What’ s more, three high speed railways are currently
operated, two high speed railways are constructed and five speed railways are constructed or planned [6]. Thus, both high speed
railways and urban rail systems will become more popular in Turkey as it will be in the world.

• Rail systems are a type of transport where there is a lot of brake distances due to the low friction on the rails and the heavy weight
of the train. For this reason, the simplest and most important aim of the signalling systems is to prevent train accidents and
derailment in railway operation [7].

• Conventional railway signalling system is based on colour signals and train detection on the railway line with the help of rail circuits
and axle counters and this system has been used for more than 100 years. In conventional railway signalling, tracks are divided into
blocks and track circuits and axle counters are installed to determine if a train is inside a block. Each block is protected by a signal. If
a train inside a block, the entrance block signal will red and the train from the back doesn't enter the block [8].

• In recent years, with the use of developing technology on the railway, the CBTC system has started to be used especially on high-
speed trains and subways. The CBTC system especially has been used for last 20 years. The CBTC system, unlike the conventional
railway signalling system, uses a high-resolution positioning system independent of rail circuits or axle counters; is an automatic
train control system that enables continuous, high-capacity, bidirectional data exchange and can carry vital functions to line-of-sight
clients. The main feature, which differentiates a CBTC system from conventional signalling, is the ability to determine the location of
a train independent of track circuits [9].
signal system
• 2)a general sense, a signal system is a framework or set of rules designed to convey information from one point to
another. It serves as a means of communication, allowing entities within a system to exchange messages or data.
The concept of signal systems is versatile and applies to various fields, including telecommunications, electronics,
biology, and more. Here are some fundamental aspects:
• Signals:A signal is a physical quantity or an abstract symbol that carries information. It can take various forms, such
as electrical signals in electronics, sound waves in acoustics, or chemical signals in biology.
• Encoding and Decoding:Information is typically encoded into signals before transmission and decoded upon
reception. This encoding and decoding process ensures that the transmitted information is correctly interpreted.
• Transmission Medium:Signals require a medium through which they can propagate. This medium can be a physical
medium like wires, optical fibers, or the air for wireless communication. Different types of signals may require
different transmission mediums.
• Modulation and Demodulation:In electronic communication, modulation is the process of varying a carrier signal
to encode information, and demodulation is the process of extracting the original information from the modulated
signal. This is common in radio and telecommunications.
• Communication Channels:Signals are transmitted through communication channels, which can be wired or
wireless. The choice of channel depends on factors like distance, speed, and the environment in which
communication takes place.
signal system
• Types of Signal Systems:Signal systems can be categorized based on the nature of the
signals and the way they are processed. Examples include analog signal systems
(representing continuous data) and digital signal systems (representing discrete data).
• Feedback and Control:Some signal systems incorporate feedback mechanisms, allowing
adjustments or control based on the received signals. Feedback is essential for
maintaining stability and optimizing system performance.
• Examples Across Domains:In telecommunications, systems like Signaling System 7 (SS7)
are used for signaling between network elements. In biology, cell signaling involves the
transmission of signals for various physiological processes. In electronics, signal processing
systems manipulate signals for various purposes.Understanding signal systems is crucial in
designing effective communication systems, control systems, and information processing
systems in a wide range of applications. The principles of signal systems provide a
foundation for efficient and reliable information exchange in diverse fields.
The cost of CBTC
• The cost of implementing Communications Based Train Control (CBTC)
systems can vary significantly depending on several factors such as
the size of the rail network, the complexity of the system, the level of
automation, the existing infrastructure, and the specific requirements
of the project
• As of my last update in January 2022, the cost of a CBTC project for a
single line could range from tens of millions to several hundred million
dollars or more. For example, the New York City Subway's CBTC
project for the Queens Boulevard Line had a budget of over $1 billion.
How to work CBTC
• User
• how to work CBTC
• CBTC, or Communications-Based Train Control, is a modern signaling system used in railway transportation to
control train movement more precisely and efficiently. CBTC systems rely on continuous communication
between trains and a centralized control system to ensure safe and reliable operation. Here's an overview of
how CBTC works:

• Continuous Communication: CBTC systems use continuous two-way communication between trains and the
signaling system. Each train is equipped with onboard computers and communication devices that transmit
data, such as train speed, location, and status, to the central control system.

• Train Positioning: CBTC systems utilize various methods to determine the precise position of trains along the
track. This can include the use of onboard sensors, such as GPS, odometers, or wheel sensors, combined
with trackside equipment, such as beacons or transponders, to establish and update train positions in real-
How to work CBTC
• Centralized Control System: The heart of a CBTC system is the centralized control system, which continuously monitors train
positions, speeds, and other parameters. Based on this information, the control system calculates and updates the safe
movement authority for each train, including speed limits and braking profiles.

• Movement Authority: The control system communicates movement authorities to each train via the continuous
communication link. This authority specifies the maximum speed at which the train can operate safely, as well as any
required stops or route changes.

• Automatic Train Operation (ATO): In some CBTC systems, trains are equipped with Automatic Train Operation (ATO) systems
that allow them to operate autonomously within the limits set by the movement authority. ATO systems control train
acceleration, deceleration, and braking to ensure that trains follow their designated routes and maintain safe separation
from other trains.

• Redundancy and Safety: CBTC systems incorporate redundancy and fail-safe mechanisms to ensure safety and reliability. This
can include redundant communication links, backup power supplies, and fail-safe algorithms that trigger automatic
emergency braking if communication with the control system is lost or if the train deviates from its authorized movement.

• Integration with Signaling Equipment: CBTC systems may integrate with other

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